new here!!! need tips and support!!!!!

  • im in new zealand wondering if there are any other kiwis in here, looking for some helpful tips and encouragement from anyone that can help, im a snacker and when i get bored i eat, over the last 3 years i have put on 25 kg and i want it gone, whats the best way to go when buying food, ive got 2 kids so looking for dinner ideas they may like too?!

    thanks guys

  • This is a wonderful place, I'd be lost without it!!

    Not sure what to tell you about the dinner ideas...I have 2 boys (2 and 5), and as much as I HATE doing it, I usually end up making 2 different dinners a lot of the time. Sometimes they will eat what I eat, and I am trying to incorporate things that all of us (including my hubby) like. It is a challenge, but in the beginning, you have to do what you have to do to succeed!

    I am a snacker too, so I just make sure I have LOTS of fruits that are already prepared (cut, sliced, washed, whatever) and I always have some low calorie cheeses on hand. Those seem to help with the snacking!

    Ok, hope some of that helped, and hope you find someone from NZ! I'm sure there are others on here!!

    Welcome, again!!