12 Weeks to Take Off!!!

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  • Quote: This week has proved to me that a couple of days away and off plan means I turn back into the binge eating food monster...im thoroughly depressed about this!!
    i had to smile when i read this because i could have written it, had a disasterous few days tues to Fri and wasn't exercising and eating all around me to **** with the consequences..

    so as i forced myself out for a run on Saturday (love the time to think while running) i figured that its mainly down to strength,...

    to keep going, to talk yourself out of that box of choc or crisps in my case/ and the main on e..the srength to pull yourself back from the dark side and back on track..

    this website really helps for me.. again thanks ladies
  • Khat it was a few nights away that did it! And that dress is so gorgeous and the kinda thing i would wear 20 pounds smaller!

    Scarlett i know exactly what you mean, i dont understand the people who half eat a chocolate bar and save the rest for later!! Truth is I want to be that person, and I thought I was getting there but clearly not! Im not even 2 months into this so I know I need to dust myself off, write off this week as a lesson learnt and jump back on the wagon!

    CurleySue I just forced myself into a last mintute Zumba class to hope it sets off my week in a good way, heres hoping!
  • scarlett & others thanks for the positive comments re my gain. thankyou thankyou

    Blondie Ssssoooo glad your back! was wondering where you'd got to. chin up, lets get this weight lost. I'm away thursday to monday argh a whole 5 days so i'm guessing next week will be a gain as well. just to update you I was 12 11.6 this morning. hows this week going, are you back in the zone? xxx
  • Hey everyone sorry for being so MIA-went to the lake for fathers day, i kept on plan but my weight loss has just halted. I feel so ashamed because i am continuing to do everything exact. I hope this is just a plateau and things start moving again.

    This is a little random rant but I just need to let it out. At one point i was 150 pounds and I thought i looked disgusting. and today sitting at 211.8 I realized that I am 61 pounds away from still looking disgusting and had a bit of a crying spell. I just have so far to go to still look like crap. Half of me wants to go to Sonic's and binge but the other half is saying **** no. I also can't even tell i've lost any weight-the only place really i can see it is my neck! Just having a bad day...maybe TOM soon?

    I am really proud of all you ladies and i hope you all continue to succeed as much as you already have! Hopefully by Thursday i will have slapped myself out of whatever mood i'm in!
  • Brianalee123 - I've noticed that these moods tend to creep up most when the scale isn't moving. Just relax and let the mood pass. You'll probably wake up tomorrow feeling positive, like nothing ever happened. Having bad days emotionally is just part of the weight loss process. As long as you're having more good days than bad ones you’re on your way.

    Also you've been really kicking it at weight loss. In 4 weeks you're down 17+ pounds and you're leading our pack by a decent margin. Metabolically you're probably due for a slow week.

    The time is going to pass anyway, why not lose weight. Maybe by the time you get to 150 you'll learn to love the way you look. I've oddly found this time around, I feel better at 204 than I did at 180. It's more of a mental thing than a physical one.
  • OMG! I just read that I was the biggest loser! I feel like I just won prom queen or something lol! Good luck this week ladies!
  • Quote: Blondie Ssssoooo glad your back! was wondering where you'd got to. chin up, lets get this weight lost. I'm away thursday to monday argh a whole 5 days so i'm guessing next week will be a gain as well. just to update you I was 12 11.6 this morning. hows this week going, are you back in the zone? xxx
    I went to Alton Towers for a few days, it was soo worth it and thats all I gota keep thinking! I'm not weighing myself till Thursday I dont think, I cant do it any sooner I might cry with what i see!! I am back on plan today, I went to Zumba last night and I have no social plans to mess me up for a while! How are you doing? xx
  • Blondie

    a couple days of binge eating will do that to you.... I struggle with binge eating and eating off plan every wkend. At least your backslide isn't all the time! Idk if I'm just tired of dieting (been doing it a while) or just making excuses for myself. Hope it gets better for you.


    We all have those "bad body" days where it's hard for us to acknowledge all the hard work we've done and all we've accomplished bc we're caught up on what still needs to be done. You've lost 47 lbs. That's a huge accomplishment! Don't be discouraged. You are a driving force in this thread and a voice of reason and reassurance to us all. Crying days suck, but they're normal. You'll feel better soon.
  • Quote: Blondie

    a couple days of binge eating will do that to you.... I struggle with binge eating and eating off plan every wkend. At least your backslide isn't all the time! Idk if I'm just tired of dieting (been doing it a while) or just making excuses for myself. Hope it gets better for you.
    I literally just got my first weekend without binging down, and then this happened!! It is my mission to get over this habit, I swear if I was content with my weight and could eat what I wanted I would have no interest in my binge foods, its my crazy mind doing it!
  • thanks for all the words of encouragement guys....I do feel a little better this morning. I think a weekend at the lake with a bunch of fit girls in beautiful bikinis that wouldn't fit over my head if my life depended on it didn't help much either

    This thread is what has kept me motivated! I literally sat in my car, with my keys in my hand, ready to go to sonic's, but i said to myself "I don't want to make the thread gain weight!" so i came back inside and went to sleep. I have always used food as something to calm me down or to make me feel better, and this was the first time i resisted the need, more of an addiction really. thank you guys for reminding me that yes, the time will pass, but why not lose weight? LOVE ALL OF YOU!
  • Blondie

    I completely understand where you're coming from with the mental struggle with food. When I was thin, I didn't "need" to eat pizza til I was sick. Heck, I even disliked ice cream! Yep, I said it. I was odd. I also never thought that if I turned down someone's cooking that I would be hurting their feelings. Whoa. Just had an epiphany.....Why should I feel like I have to eat enormous amounts of something at get togethers just bc people have gotten used to me being a "good eater"?

    Sorry for the rant everyone. Just a q, Are we all women? I keep wanting to address yall as "ladies" but don't want to offend any men.
  • Briannalee123

    Congrats on blowing off sonic! I know that was hard as heck! I can imagine how seeing little bitty ladies in bikinis talking about how fat they are made you feel. Cringe. Ugh, I can't even wear a regular bathing suit bc I get so weird about people seeing me that exposed. It doesn't help that I have a home-made tatoo that I don't want anyone to see! I was young and dumb! Still young, not so dumb! Hope you're feeling better!


    Forgot to tell you, that dress is sooo cute! I love that deep purple.
  • Quote: Blondie

    I completely understand where you're coming from with the mental struggle with food. When I was thin, I didn't "need" to eat pizza til I was sick. Heck, I even disliked ice cream! Yep, I said it. I was odd. I also never thought that if I turned down someone's cooking that I would be hurting their feelings. Whoa. Just had an epiphany.....Why should I feel like I have to eat enormous amounts of something at get togethers just bc people have gotten used to me being a "good eater"?

    Sorry for the rant everyone. Just a q, Are we all women? I keep wanting to address yall as "ladies" but don't want to offend any men.
    This is so true.. l frequently find myself putting the food on my own plate when at friends/family houses etc cos the portions i was being served were enormous... so plate up your own and then you;ll finish your portion, all feelings spared

    well done on wearing bathing suit, it'll be at least another 16lb before i am that brave..

    having one of those days where i have to remind myself that feeling i had when i was happy to reach 183 and not be looking at myself today like .. "I'm still here" and huge.... totally my own fault for falling rather ungracefully off the wagon last week

    i hope that i am back to same for tomorrows weigh in eeek don't wanna bring up the or down the figures
  • Quote:
    having one of those days where i have to remind myself that feeling i had when i was happy to reach 183 and not be looking at myself today like .. "I'm still here" and huge.... totally my own fault for falling rather ungracefully off the wagon last week
    I have the same problem with every weight class I get in. I was thrilled to get outta the 200s. Then I felt stuck in the 190s. I guess it's a never-ending thing til we reach our goal weight. I hope your day gets better.

    oh yeah, great idea about loading my own plate. Just wish everyone didn't stare at me while I eat... That's family! lol!
  • Binging is my problem too. For all those who have this problem, try to read more books or find ways to stop it. Be more proactive to stop binging/overeating. It's the worse thing that we can do to our health because overtime, eating poorly chosen foods can lead to disease. Some people live this way. I hope to never binge again. That's my goal!

    Scarlett--did you find any thing that you can share with us about the book you read "the end of overeating"? i borrowed that book from the library, but didn't get to read it, and now it's gone. Please share any profound insights thanks!

    khat--Cute dress!