Hello! Is anybody in theeeeeeere?!?!?

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  • Hello, I'm a newcomer here and I was just looking for some support. I'm in my early twenties and I want to lose about 100 pounds. I promised myself next year I will look amazing!! I have zero confidence after I broke my ankle in december. This made me realise that I can't go on like this. I look a mess and feel it. I don't really have many friends and I live alone and I was just wondering if I could have some moral support? I have been reading this forum for a while and you are all so inspiring and I want to be like you guys. Any advice on how I start? Thank you xxx
  • Hey there =) Welcome to 3FC!

    Of course you can find support here!

    The basics of losing weight: Eat less, move more. How that's accomplished is very individual, but there are a few things you can try to start.

    You already have a goal in mind to lose about 100 lbs, so how to go about doing this?

    Food intake is very important. Monitoring how much you eat is likely going to be the most important thing you do when it comes to dropping weight. There are many different methods. Calorie counting, carb counting, mindful eating, counting weight watchers points, etc, etc.

    Adding in activity keeps the momentum going. It improves energy, mood and helps build muscle, and endurance.

    You don't have to dive in head first, if it feels overwhelming. You can start small, make it a habit, and then build up over a period of time. As an example of that, I knew I had to start exercising, but was incredibly sedentary. I started out walking for five minutes a day. Just five minutes! But, I've made it into a habit, am -still- walking every day (for longer) and have added in yoga.

    Start small, make it a habit first, then build up.

    Don't expect perfection, just plan for improvement. That's it. Keep going, keep making improvements and the weight will come off.

    Is there a food or movement plan that you're interested in trying out? Let us know and we might have more specific ideas in mind.
  • Well, my problem is not the eating (although I dont know when to stop sometimes) but as I have broken my ankle I find it difficult to excercise and walk so any jumping or high impact excercise is pretty much impossible and I don't know what to do! Its getting me a bit down . Thanks for your help.
  • You can do pretty much anything! Modify it! I can not express that enough. You can modify anything! I do zumba and 30 day shred. I modified a lot at first. I found it difficult to jump during zumba and difficult to do jump rope and jumping jacks in 30 day shred- I just bent my knees at first! The thing is moving, getting your heart rate up is good any way you can do it. You don't have to do what everyone else does. Modify, modify modify!!

    What about swimming? Just a thought, at least until the ankle is all better. What about sitting in a chair moving your arms like you're running and just wiggling your feet for as long as you can a few times a day? It sounds stupid but who cares?!
    What about standing, can you stand comfortably? Maybe try standing and bending your knees slightly and just moving around your arms and flailing?
    What about lifting some weights? Crunches? Going from standing to sitting multiple times?

    Just ideas to try and help! I'm sure you'll have many more. I'd also like to say WELCOME!!!

    Also, look at the goal forum for inspiration! It helps me a ton especially on days when I want to be lazy.

    And, my simple tips. All I've done so far (I started like 2 months ago) i don't count calories- maybe one day but not yet. Normally I'd have a batch of cookies or brownies in the house all week-sometimes both. I stopped. I also stopped sodas- cause if I'm busting bootay to lose it I sure as he double hockey sticks aint gonna drink calories! I'd rather eat them. So I drink a lot more water and sweet tea (can't give up my tea yet) lol. I try to exercise 45min-1hr a day. I keep sweets out of the house and eat mustard instead of mayo- just simple stuff!

    You can do it, change simple things you can live with! I can't do diets, some can. Not me. When it's over I'll go right back to where I was. So everything I changed is for good.

    You will notice a difference in under one month if you change simple things and move more! I promise! And when you do it's going to kick in that motivation even more!

    Good for you joining us and deciding to be healthy!!
  • Welcome to the group!!
    Bunch of GREAT ladies here, with all great advice..
    Just keep faith in yourself and you will do it.. never give up!

  • Quote: Well, my problem is not the eating (although I dont know when to stop sometimes) but as I have broken my ankle I find it difficult to excercise and walk so any jumping or high impact excercise is pretty much impossible and I don't know what to do! Its getting me a bit down . Thanks for your help.
    Do you have any access to a pool or some sort of water?? Swimming is GREAT exercise and no impact at all on your ankles or knees! That's why I love it! After all my weight gain my knees can only stand so much haha. But there are some great water aerobics you can do and just swimming laps! Hope this helps!
  • Oh! Also try googling "chair exercises" may find some good things there. No excuses girl! Just determination! You can find SOMETHING!!!
  • Quote: Well, my problem is not the eating (although I dont know when to stop sometimes) but as I have broken my ankle I find it difficult to excercise and walk so any jumping or high impact excercise is pretty much impossible and I don't know what to do! Its getting me a bit down . Thanks for your help.
    My first thought was swimming exercises, as well. Don't forget that you can still do upper body activities that won't put stress on your ankle. Certain weight lifting exercises and the like. There are a lot of yoga positions that don't require you to be on your feet, too. There's an Exercise section where you might find out some specific things you can do while your ankle heals properly.

    Even with exercise down, making sure to eat less (learning when to stop) is going be an important part. It's just a fact of weight loss. Even if we eat the healthiest things in the world, if we eat too much, we will store the excess as fat.
  • Already so much great advice. THANK YOU!!!!!! No more excuses!!!!!!!
  • Also, take pictures or measure! You wont notice the weight as it slowly comes off for a while perhaps. These are pics from 5/11-6/8 and 12 of those days I didn't do my zumba or 30 day shred. And looking at myself in the mirror I see the same me but looking at these there are SOME changes! So, make sure to keep track so when it changes you KNOW it and you wont give up!!!

    I am no where close to where I want to be and the goal forum is so inspiring. But, even in less than a month your body will change- and maybe a bit fast for us fluffier girls since we have more to lose! And that aint a bad thing!


    Wooo no excuses!
  • Quote: Also, take pictures or measure! You wont notice the weight as it slowly comes off for a while perhaps. These are pics from 5/11-6/8 and 12 of those days I didn't do my zumba or 30 day shred. And looking at myself in the mirror I see the same me but looking at these there are SOME changes! So, make sure to keep track so when it changes you KNOW it and you wont give up!!!

    I am no where close to where I want to be and the goal forum is so inspiring. But, even in less than a month your body will change- and maybe a bit fast for us fluffier girls since we have more to lose! And that aint a bad thing!


    Wooo no excuses!
    you can really tell a difference! Great work!!
  • A lot of people too use a "weight loss journal". I put mine together yesterday and I put all of my Thrive diet papers, my grocery lists/meal plans and my daily food journal. And I'm going to add my progress pics to the back. I'm going to hardcore start on that diet this monday because the first week is like a detox-fat stopping week. haha! But maybe it would help you too!
  • Thank you sacal! And also, that diet seems like a great start for that costume party you're having this year! lol
  • haha I know right! We're gonna be smokin ;]] lol!
  • Hey and welcome. Well my stats and story are similiar to you, a sports injury (weber c fracture of ankle) led me to put on some (30-40)lbs since, but it was before this it started. Anyway when I reached higher than your weight, I said enough is enough. So far I am down almost 50 lbs and feel great. I am aiming just to get to below 200 for now (into 13 stones would be great as a second goal), I am the same height, so it may not look so gloomy when you think about it- 100 sounds alot at the start, but if you break it up and set mini goals, 50 / 60 sounds very reachable. when you reach it you can go again the other 40 if you wish. Anyway best of luck with it all. Firstly decide what plan etc works for you, and if you can exercise some thats great too, but diet is the best start. Just ask for more information if you require it, we did start at similiar weights, height, and ankle troubles!! Best of luck and the longest journey starts with the smallest step!

    On the injury, swimming is very good as it doesnt put weight on the ankle, and strenghtens the ankle. Also make sure you di the physio and exercises they will tell you to, it really makes a difference to the movement range when you recover. I found it out somewhat the long way!