Wednesday Thread

  • Belle - where do you live that you only have to pay for 5 years on a mortgage?!?! A condo here 2 bedroom goes for at least $80,000 up to $130,000! I could buy a house for that much so why buy a condo???

    Angie - I never give up points for a drink. I drink water, diet soda, coffee, and tea. The only time I will EVER give up points for a drink is if I have a LIGHT beer which is 2 points. I have 18-23 right now and just went down from 20-25. I started out at 24-27!

    Kim - Come on now, you can lose that weight! Don't give up, it will keep coming off. Just get back on track and don't blame yourself for what happened over the weekend.

    Ok girls, I got a lot of work today. I'll check in later. Not much new here