30 lbs down, 34 more to go :)

  • Down 30 lbs Started Feb 17, 2011
    Top row is from past year at my highest
    Bottom row is from past week at 164.5ish
    I can see the main difference in my face, and just look smaller now..Cant wait to be 30 more lbs down!!

    For first time after so many years, I didn't have to crop pics before putting them up on fb

  • You are so beautiful! You remind me of Nikki Reed in a lot of these pictures... I started last month at 197 and I have lost 12 lbs so far... You're such awesome motivation! I so hope I can get into the 160's within the next month and a half! Only 16lbs to go and at 3lbs a week That's 5-6 weeks. Maybe I can do it!
  • Aww thank you Nikki Reed? lol i tried to find resemblance, but i failed
    You can do it!!! 16 lbs would go in 5-6 weeks, keep on going! i have lot more to go too Good luck
  • Wow, you've got this! Congratulations on the half-way point. Keep up the good work!

    Can I ask what you've been doing, out of curiosity? I started May 13th and my goal is to be 30 pounds down around the same time in August. Right now I'm just counting calories and exercising 3 times a week.

    Congrats again!
  • Congrats! You look amazing. I see Nikki Reed too! Especially in the black dress pic from the side.

    Btw, you carry 164 amazingly well. I hope I look that good in 10 more pounds!
  • Wow! You DO look amazing!!! You're a motivation for me too. I'm about your start weight/height and working to lose about 30 more pounds. You're doing great!

    P.S. You look better than Kim Kardashian.
  • Thank you all

    ish: my diet has been weird, i did atkins for 1 month. calorie counting for 3 weeks. slow carb for 2 weeks. after that back on atkins (not strict induction, so i consider is low carb) And gym about 5 days a week. You are on right track, good luck

    Ariruns: Thanks Good luck.

    beaka: loll thanks i feel kim kardashian is so much prettier. I know alot of ppl disagree, ionno what makes me think that. Good luck, you have done soo good!! Congrats on 52 lbs!! you are sooo close to your goal <3
  • You look great! i can see the Nikki Reed resemblance also esp the last photo. totally JEALOUS! lol
  • wow you look amazing!! i wish to look half as great as you at 164!! Great job!! keep it up!
  • WTG you look great!
  • You look awesome! Good job!
  • you are a beautiful person! I Think we might carry our weight the same, I can't wait to be your size again. This is an inspiration for me.
  • You go girl!!! You look amazing!!
  • You look great! Congratulations!!!