Sunday, Jan. 5

  • Good morning,

    I am on my way to bed. It is after midnight here. DH & I had a quiet day today. We stayed home. It is rather mild here....the little snow we melting. DH & I played 3 games of crib tonight....he won 2 & I won 1.

    I have had a bad 2 days....really sad & crying & down. It has been 4 weeks since my Dr. doubled the antidepressant. I don't think it's working. On Monday I start 2 weeks of Light Therapy....hope that helps. I do feel better tonight. I talked to one of my sisters on the phone....I seemed to feel better after that.

    Am going to head off to bed now. Have a great day everyone.

  • Good morning

    April, I sure hope you feel better soon. I have one of those lights. I bought it some years back hoping my son would use it (and he did for awhile) to deal with his depression. I used it too, and found it made an incredible difference for me. I pulled it out not long ago, and it's sitting right beside me. Some days, I don't have the energy to turn it on... but I believe it works. I think you will notice a difference. I used to read while I sat in front of it. Now, I can't see without my glasses . I take them off because I have an antireflective coating on them and I didn't want that to interfere with the light. I don't know if it does or not.

    If you think the light is working for you, you can buy one. If you need the address/web site, pm me. I'm not sure if it's considered advertising to list it here or not.

    Everything here is covered with hoar frost this morning. It looks so beautiful. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • Good mroning!
    Hi everyone! I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday on medicine and it almost did me in Worked from 1115 am to 1130 pm.....was a good shift though.

    Hope everyone is well...april sorry to hear you have been sad...back to school and the routine tomorrow...that makes me sad...bye for now.

  • Good Evening, April, Judo and Liz,

    Snuck in before I jump in the shower. This winter weather and gloom does make it very depressing April, hang in there. Judo's advice on the light is a good one, the way I look at it is - it can't hurt. Also, talk to your Dr. about your meds, how long does it take before the double dosage can start taking affect ? Let us know, but in the mean while, here's a warm fuzzy hugg for you.

    TOMORROW's D DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup back to work and on a diet....the two words I dread..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I have to keep remembering to pray for strength, its very hard.

    Have a great night ladies, and I'll HOPE my boss who I havent seen in 3 weeks doesn't smother me tomorrow and I can come in here and check on everyone.

    Love, Leenie