300+ And Ready To Try Again... #260

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  • Thin.... Yes.... OKLAHOMA SOONERS played in bowl games the last 3 years !!!! They were National Champions of 2000 !!!!!! That was the year I got excited about football.
    I won tickets to the BIG 12 Championship Playoffs !!!! Since I won tickets and my daughter attended OU.... I started watching and learning. Then 2001 I had a big party at our house. That year they were in the Orange Bowl . I had oranges all around the house and glass bottles of Orange Crush pop and orange bowls for chips etc.
    This year we are in the Rose Bowl... I am going to have to find some "cheap" roses to lay around. LOL
    Like I said... I love to throw a good party.

    Duckie... your puppy is not too little to go potty outside. Feed him on a schedule and as soon as he finishes his food... put him outside. He will learn to due his "business" outside. Take him outside... dogs like to roam and find that "perfect" spot. LOL It is never within the boundaries of a newspaper. LOL.
    Also I want to wish you luck with your turkey. Turkeys are actually pretty easy to cook. Mashed turnips with brown sugar...hmmm ... never heard of that... but have you tried them with creme cheese. Mmmmm

    Tina... glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip.
    I too believe with all of my heart.... this is the last time we will ever weigh this again. Start your engine lady !!!!!

    Kat... you sound like you are on a roll.... keep it up !!!!
    It is true... if you lighten your load... your load gets lighter. LOL

    It is almost 5am and I have to get off of here and get to bed... I just can't do anymore replys tonight.. umm .. this morning. LOL
    It doesn't mean I don't love all the rest... only that I am exhausted. That was 3 threads of reading and then posting... that takes a LOT of time.

    Love ya all...

    This party animal was fast asleep at oh I'd say by 10 pm! We rented movies last night and was watching them in bed....once I hit a pillow these days I am out like a light! Even John didn't make it till 12:00 am....I told him to wake me at 11:30 if I fell asleep! Next thing I new it was 2 am and the tv was still on! We are just such party animals....can you stand it?

    Ok let me just make a few comments before I have to go catch up with my school work...for the thread thingy...I think we should do one for each day....I personally would have a hard time keeping up with more than one thread....and whoever is in charge of the exercise day....be nice!! Remember its hard to exercise with a two year old...but anyhow....whatever you guys decide on I am with you all the way!

    2Cute...I love your party ideas! You sound like such a fun party animal!! We have a superbowl party here every year...even though I don't understand the first thing about football and don't think I ever will! The one year I was hoping the Patriots and the Eagles were going to play off....I am a new englander living in Philly....that would have been so much fun in my house that year...but the Patriots didn't make the last game they needed to go all the way!

    Ok the word for the YEAR here is DETERMINATION! It sounds like we all have it right now so lets not lose it! If we have a bad day throw the day away and start a new one! Who cares...when I lost my 97 lbs I wasn't perfect every single day...but when I messed up that was the mess up and the next meal was right back on track. What I usually did was after WI (not Wisconsin) I would allow myself to get whatever it was I wanted for dinner whether it be mcdonalds, chinese, pizza...whatever...that was my treat for the week. I was only allowed it if I lost that week no matter how small or big the loss was. It gave me something to work towards during the week. It really worked for me. Most times I never finished what it was I was eating especially mcdonalds...it didn't taste as good to me anymore! So plan a treat for yourself each week so you don't feel deprived. There isn't anything you CAN'T eat as long as its in moderation!

    Ok now that I preached to ya this first day of the new year...let me get off my soap box and get some stuff done today! I will be back to haunt you all again!!

    I love you guys!! You are the best!!

    TTFN Michelle
  • Oh boy can you stand it? Me...twice in a row! I just finished reading my newspaper....yeah I know..I was suppose to be getting stuff done here and doing school work...but you know how it is!! ANyways....they had this article on this company near me that makes low carb rolls and muffins. They are mostly sold at health food stores right now...they have a ton of stores in each state so check them out at www.osolo.com The rolls are individually packaged so you can carry them with you. I think they are going to be doing crackers and pasta soon too! Just thought you all might like to check it out since alot of you go the low carb way...I am definately going to try them...
  • ok you all....get your hiney out of bed...take some aspirin and get on here and POST! You've slept loooong enough now! Except Kat who had to work last night! You are excused this one time!!
  • Hey guys...........is everybody ready to start the day out by eating right and taking responsibility for our actions?! I am!

    I haven't eaten yet this morning and am ready to venture into the kitchen.....Wish me luck!

    Also, one quick question if someone knows? How are you guys logging in now that the board has changed? There was this little box in the top right hand corner that I would put my name into and then my password and it has dissapeared now for me. The little logout button at the top is gone for me now too. Any help or am I just crazy?

    I will pop back in later to see how my lovelies are doing.

    Love you guys!
  • Good Morning
    Good morning, good morning , good morning !!!!!
    Rise and Shine ladies.... it is a NEW DAY !!!!! ...A NEW BEGINNING !!!!

    Michelle.... thanks for the web site. I am definitely going to check it out. Lower carbs is also good for WW too.
    I agree with you 100%... DETERMINATION is a winning attitude. And you know how I feel about attitudes.... attitude of gratitude... Attitude is EVERYTHING in the game of success !!!! Postitive attitude... " I AM GOING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. I WILL SUCCEED !!! "

    Tina... I can't help you. I never sign in or put my password in. Nor do I push any button to sign off. LOL. I have "Support" page in my "favorites" and just click it. You can't put our group in favorites because we change so often. When I sign off today I will have to look at what you are talking about.

    Came back to edit... Tina, I don't see any of that stuff you said... but I do see we have chat again.

    Well ladies... Baylee has reminded me to go to the store.
    I always make this 5 can soup/stew/chili dish for these football games so I have to run to the store. They are full of different types of BEANS.... thus the reminder from Baylee of "noise makers" for my party. It should be a real "blow out".

    Don't forget.... A New ME... in 2003 !!!
  • Thanks for the reprieve, Michelle!
    But here I am with bells on! The holidays are officially over...(I am NOT waiting around for "Little Christmas!" Let the resolutions begin!

    Today, Jan 1, 2003, I weigh 263...(Whoops! up 5# over Christmas? Now, how did I do that?)
    No matter...no looking back, only straight ahead to my goal...150 lbs. I intend to do everything possible to achieve that goal. That includes: Daily exercise, healthy, low carb food choices, water, water, water, a positive attitude, the support and feedback from all of you, and most of all...patience. I will be kind to myself, I will treat myself with the love and respect that I would give to any one else. Instead of saying..."I only lost 1/2 lb this week," I'll say, "Good for you, Kat! It's weight OFF, right?" If I slip up, no guilt...just move on. I like Michelle's after weigh in treat idea! My sister and I used to do that when we went to WW. Wednesdays, after weigh in, was a freebie...we could have anything! I managed to lose 40 lbs then. This time around, I will go all the way. Look out!

    I have to share the yummy breakfast idea that I had this morning...I chopped up a Yellow Delicious apple, added 2 Tbsp chopped walnuts, a 6 oz container of ff/sf vanilla yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Very good, very filling for 6.5 points. I'm off to scrounge up some lunch...choices are an egg white omelet with spinach, mushrooms and cheddar ~or~ a tomato and avacado sandwich on whole wheat ~or~ tomato, basil, mozzarella salad w/olive oil & vinegar...mmmmmmmmmm....I am actually looking forward to eating well...I feel so much better when I do.

    Before I go...I want to pat myself on the back. Last night, I got into bed around 8:15 to rest up for work. I couldn't sleep, my mind was racing, not too mention the TV blaring in the next room. I asked my son to bring me his little CD player so that I could listen to my "Simple Meditations" cd, in the hopes of relaxing enough to get a wee bit of sleep in. I'm not sure that I ever actually slept, but I was SOOOOOOO relaxed from just deep breathing and focusing on different parts of the body. When it was time to get up...(they usually have to call me three times, until I finally drag myself out of bed, and droop off to the shower) I was awake, alert, and so relaxed. I may be onto something here! Next pat is for getting myself back to my WW site to log in my weight and start journalling again there.

    One more thing...ah yes! Gratitude! As always, I am grateful for all of you. Your friendship, love, support, understanding, etc, etc mean the world to me. I KNOW that with your help, I will reach my goal. We all will!

    And if I may don the hat, (I see that no one else has put it on) I would like to see everyone take a MEASLY 10 minutes out of your day today to do something physical. (you can do more, and will probably want to, because it will feel so good to be moving, but a minimum of 10 is all I ask...for starters!) Sit in your chair and make big arm circles, do knee kicks, waist turns. Get on the floor during a couple of commercials and do some crunches or march in place during your favorite TV show or movie...get out side and walk the dog, or the kids, walk up and down the stairs a few times, put an exercise tape in, I KNOW you have at least one somewhere! DO SOMETHING! Then came back and report how proud you are of yourself that you did it!!

    I'd better get my butt in gear...I need to follow my own advice, especially if I want to chat tonight!

    Once again, Happy New Year, my friends...I look forward to a successful 2003!
  • So, here we go….
    I got up, weighed myself, measured the basic spots and then sat down with a cup of coffee to begin my Simple Abundance book (yet once again). I love the book but every year there seems to be a point where I quit reading the daily lesson. I did get through Day 1

    I made a couple snacks for tomorrow and am now, besides typing, making up my dinner in a huge amount so it can also be my lunches for Thursday and Friday.

    I must admit I haven't done as well with water today. I seem to be able to chug away during the day at work (probably because it's the most fun I have there) but at home I don't. Maybe because here I am on the move more, not just sitting in one place most of the day.

    So, did I hear "CHAT" ?????? I had better check on my dinner and get back here.
  • Hip Hip Hooray !!!
    OKLAHOMA SOONERS are winning at half time. !!!

    I am getting my exercise in for the day... jumping up and down for joy.

    I won the pool after the first quarter. $$$$ 3-0
    My DH won the pool for the second quarter. 17-0

    My daughters boyfriend is being a "party pooper".
    He wouldn't put in $5 for the pool. Trust me... he could afford it.
    I think I will send him to Thin and he can sit with her party poopers.

    Can't stay... game will be back on in a minute.... just had to come in and share.

    Oklahoma is #1 .... GO SOONERS !!!!
  • Wow...you all came out of the woodwork today!!

    Well I was pretty productive today! I did the dishes from the night before, I threw a load of wash in the washer...mind you its still sitting in there...I folded a load of whites from yesterday, I emptied the suitcase from our trip last week, I picked up the toys all over the living room AND....get this....I finished THREE...yes THREE english assignments I needed to catch up on. I hope to get the 4th one done tonight...if not then maybe tomorrow night...but I do have plans on going to a meeting at 7:30. I work till 6:30 and need to go to the library and renew my books I took out for this english class...they were due on monday then I will just keep going to my meeting! I am DETERMINED!

    OK gotta give the boy his bath and maybe I can get in on the chat tonight for a few minutes!

    TTFN Michelle
  • Hello everyone! Just a quick minute to wish you a
    Happy New Year!

    I will see you all later. Love ya.
  • Oklahoma Champions !!!!
    Oklahoma Sooners are the ROSE BOWL CHAMPIONS !!!!!!

    Just had to jump in and share the great news !!!!
    Time to party now.
    My youngest daughter won the 3rd quarter with the score 27-7.
    Hubby won the the 4th quarter with the ending score 34-14.

    2cute fading into the distance singing......
    We are the champions....
    We are the champions...
  • 2cute: You crack me up lady. Congrats on the win! That's all I've heard all day. Football, Football, Football. I sure do miss racing.

    I just wanted to pop in with an update.

    I would like some responses from my sisters in the trenches and how you did today.

    I ate within my points today.

    I drank 8-8oz. glasses of water today.


    I did my WATP video. (1 mile)

    How did you do today?

    I hope you all had a wonderful OP day and I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I am exhausted and am hitting the sheets.
  • DO NOT POST HERE! GO TO "300+ And Ready To Try Again....#261"

    See you there!