Sarge's No Excuses / Boot Camp To Beach Weather #4

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  • I've already failed my attempt at not weighing myself for a week! It's so hard for me to not do it! But, I was jumping for joy this morning- I lost 1.6 pounds since yesterday morning!! I know a lot of it has to do with severly cutting down on my diet coke- I went from 5 or 6 a day down to 1 or 2 and I'm drinking a ton more water.

    I think I need my scale. I woke up feeling pretty lazy, which is fine with me since it's my scheduled lazy day, but after seeing the loss I decided to play my dance central game because I was so excited and motivated lol.

    Does anyone else NEED the scale for motivation? Either to push them harder because of a gain, or to excite them into more exercise because of a loss? I don't know if I'm more mad at myself for failing my not weighing, or more proud of myself for losing... Lol
  • Kend--I'm with you! When I see a loss on the scale it makes me get out there and do more. Unfortunately, some in the platoon have had to hide, shoot, remove batteries, and/or drop their scales from Weight loss is such an individual battle! Keep going!

    Linalin--Don't worry... join the ranks of doing Mortal Combat Monday toward your goal!

    SARGE: I'm even, no loss, no gain . . . UGH, I guess it's better than the 2 pounds I was up yesterday, I'm sure it's H2O, (I hope)

    PLEDGE: 1/2 POUND, I think it's psychological . . . eat clean, do week 2 of C25K, and most importantly I WILL NOT WEIGH MYSELF UNTIL NEXT SUNDAY!! Going to put the scale in the car as I go out to ride my bike!!

    linalin: Hang in there and GET YOUR BUTT-ER TO THE GYM!!!!

    Penguin: The comb is BEAUTIFUL

    Reso: Oh you crack me up . . . drinking and going biblical, all in the same evening . . . Glad you hopped on your bike

    Phillygirl: Come join the fun, but plan to BUST YOUR BUTT-ER AND MELT IT AWAY . . .

    Kendra: CONGRATS ON THE RUN, I just finished week 1, and will be doing Week 2, Day 1 tomorrow . . . I have my fingers Just make sure you take those days off in between . . . I know I felt like running more on the "off" days, but didn't from the advice of many

    Chickadee: Thanks, I'm not sure I feel BETTER about the scale, but I think putting it in the trunk of my car might help!!

    Koshi: I want to know what a gammon joint is too!! Is it like a bunny hug you can eat??? LOLOLOL

    dcap: take that 1 pound and throw it away and start MELTIN' THAT NEXT POUND!!! You can do it

    NeMom: Where are you??


    SARGE: I'll be checking in, but I think personals are gonna be limited . . . as I need to get my mind back to BOOT CAMP!!! BUST MY BUTT-ER, MELT IT AWAY, PANTS ON THE GROUND

    Ok, it's sunny, still a bit cold, but no rain, no snow and I'm off to ride my bike, then off to work, UGH!! WE NEVER CLOSE!! Planning to walk at work also . . . then tomorrow C25K, Week 2, Day 1 . . . a little scared, but I CAN AND WILL DO IT!! WARRIOR DASH, HERE I COME!!
  • Down 4.5 lbs week and survived week 2 of c25k! I'm pledging 2 lbs for this week.
  • Quote: Kend--I'm with you! When I see a loss on the scale it makes me get out there and do more. Unfortunately, some in the platoon have had to hide, shoot, remove batteries, and/or drop their scales from Weight loss is such an individual battle! Keep going!
    I decided I'm not going to hide my scale and I'm not going to be mad at it! Maybe I NEED the scale. Just the thought of going without it makes me feel like I'll slack or something!


    Kendra: CONGRATS ON THE RUN, I just finished week 1, and will be doing Week 2, Day 1 tomorrow . . . I have my fingers Just make sure you take those days off in between . . . I know I felt like running more on the "off" days, but didn't from the advice of many
    I was thinking that actually- that I could totally go out and try and do day 2 today but I'm not going to. I want to, but... I think the program was made for a reason and I shouldn't get ahead of myself! Good luck with week 2!!! Our stats are pretty similar in terms of starting weight/current weight/goal weight so it's nice seeing someone else around the same boat as me doing it too! I was 215 the day I delivered my daughter and hung out there for a while. The day I started my diet/exercise I was 183 and my goal is 135. I got sick with bronchitis and that led to a lazy, binging two months (ugh!). I got down to 155 but went back up to 163 in those two months. I'm down to 157 (according to my mean scale which I just replaced the battery in. I like my nice scale better- it made me 4 pounds lighter!!!). I'm hoping to hit my 135 goal by June 15th and I hope the running will help me get there!!

    Sorry for my ramble
  • I think it's gonna kill me... BUT: I'm going to do my 5 days at the gym, eat right (of course), AND do my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I think I'll see more results this way, I'm sure I'll pass out by the end of this week!
  • I'm not sure how I managed it but I lost 2.1 this week. Shocked, honestly.

    I pledge 2 this week. Also pledge to have a better week (mentally and physically)

    Congrats to all of you who lost and those of you determined enough to stick with it.
  • Morning and Happy Easter.

    I gave my husband an Easter Egg hunt in our apartment this morning. LOL Next year I'm hiding the eggs harder! (no we don't have kids, we just like to play)

    No gain or loss for me Sarge. Stayed the same. I'll fix that next week!
    Pledging 2lbs next week.

    MadamB-About your question about what days to run. M, W, F is great each week. It's okay to take Sat and Sun off from running.

    Sarge-The weather looks like a nice warm Spring day for us. And yup, I'm in the South. So I have already ran in 85 degree heat a few times in the last month. Oh the summers are killer for running here. But the run starts at 6am, so it should be cooler.

    Deanna-Ha, that's funny. I did enjoy my time down at NMSU. I left Cruces back in 2006--it must have really grown since then. When I was leaving they were just putting in the Dion's. I love that place.

    Kendrab-Congratuations on doing day 1!!
    And yes, the plan really does work. But I also want to say that repeating a week is perfectly normal too! Don't feel like you have to move on if you don't feel ready--do the week again then move on. I had a group of co-workers that started running with me and I had them doing a version of the C25k (I tweaked it a bit to fit our schedule and their fitness level) and they have all run 5k races now!
    I did c25k myself way back when I first started running and it got me all the to where I am now. I did repeat weeks and I think I ended doing the program two whole times. I started on a treadmill, then moved out into the real world and had to start over.

    Koshing-You're garden sounds great!

    If you don't like the c25k podcast you downloaded there are a bunch of other ones now-a-days. I don't know if you'll like any but here's a link:

    And this one is just the cues, no music:

    For me today, since I keep hearing about all this great biking you guys are doing, I'm dusting off my bike and hitting the asphalt.
  • Im here, Im alive! Im kinda back on track, kinda not...I will explain in a min gonna go back and do personals but my tea kettle is going off right this min. Just lettin ya know you dont have to send the search and rescue team!!!
  • First things first: I am not down any more from my 231.0 on Friday and yesterday. In fact, my scale was up this morning to 232.1, which makes me a bit sad as I'm really looking forward to getting to that milestone of 50 lbs lost, but I KNOW it's not a gain of anything more than water as I know exactly where my calories have been and that I had a large deficit the past two days as usual. I'm running down the list in my head of the reasons for a water gain... it's not muscles retaining water, not lack of sleep (I've slept very well this weekend), might be sodium but I actually tracked that yesterday and it was low... so it's either voodoo or hormonal, and I'm guessing the latter. ANYWAY. Sarge: I will count my loss this week as the 2.9 lbs, and count the 231.0 from Friday and yesterday for my starting weight this week. I pledge 2 pounds again this week. I'll be at the gym this afternoon getting started on that.

    Resolute: Well, I've had turkey sandwiches made with bread or a roll of some sort, I've just never heard the term 'turkey bun'! I wasn't sure if it was a specific food that I wasn't aware of, or simply a term like 'bunny hug' that I'd never heard. Thank you for explaining.

    penguin: That comb is beautiful!! I would love to do something so intricate with my hair... did you used to style it yourself? I can't even get my hair into a decent braid, lol.

    Kendra: I love the scale and still weigh daily. It's not for everyone, and I know some here advise strongly against weighing daily. But since I know I'm on track every single day, and creating a deficit even on my few, planned higher calorie days (which never, ever go above 2000), I really enjoy seeing how the numbers on the scale change and the patterns over time - even when I'm up on the scale and puzzling through the reason, as I am today. And congratulations on seeing the loss this morning!! Cutting down on Diet Coke and drinking a ton more water has really helped me too.

    MadamB: Good luck with week 2 of C25K!! You can do it

    bnhtla: Awesome loss this week!

    sizzlin: Nice job I hope this week feels better for you!
  • madamb - see chcolate bunnies dont tempt me in the store too much, its when they are sitting in my house open. Go figure, even so im not all that tempted this year.

    Chesire- It was doing that to me to hense ive been MIA



    Kendrab WTG!!

    Philygirl :Welcome:


    Right, I owe an explanation now don't I? :P First lets tally up all thats gone wrong so we see why I am amazed! LOL 2 friends died, my SIL decided to go off on me for no reason in general, A friend was in the hospital, I think I failed my test, then I burned my hand while pouring tea and finally my brother decided it was a good idea to swallow a months worth of pills plus some pain killers all at once. Whew. thats alot he is ok now but the idiot had to have his stomach pumped and yea...big mess.

    With all that stress and me still being sick, I havnt been able to do well,much of anything. On the plus side I was approved for financial aide for the fall And somewhow managed to stay on track enough eating wise that I lost 3 lbs....go figure. I also lost an inch off my waist. Now this is a HUUGUGEEESS suprise for me because I ALWAYS gain weight when I am stressed out...go figure.

    here is a before and after First picture my highest 320(im the one in purple), second picture yest 40 lbs down

    Sorry for them being so big. I didnt think to resize.
  • Chickadee, I wore my hair in a french braid mostly but I would put it up in what I referred to as 'The Big Bun". Picture a huge unfrosted cinnamon roll across the back of my head. I also did a version of a french twist. Occasionally I would get crazy and try something else but nothing every looked as good as the picture. Ironically, now I wear my straight hair in a pixie cut {see profile picture}. I do miss wearing the combs, but not the brushing, washing and all that.

    Cheshire, Love the idea of the indoor Easter egg hunt. I wish I had thought of that.

    Kendra, my Mom feels she has to weigh every day to maintain. Different things work for different people.

    JayTee, Mortal Combat Monday??? the exercise/fulitity line came from a clothes shopping trip. The plus sized pants were too big/fit weird, so I walked to Misses sizes all the while repeating 'this is a waste of time, they aren't going to fit, this is an exercise in futility...' Well I bought a size 18misses. So I came up with that line to remind me that I need to try anyway even if I don't think something is going to work.
  • Well, I took my scale out of the car, but just for a few minutes . . . I wanted to do the whole weight thing . . . and I'm retaining H2O . . . yeah!! My H20 % was 55.8%, for me the norm is 49-51% . . . so I'm feeling better about the scale now . . .

    OK, it's back in the trunk of my car now

    Kendra . . . you crack me up

    Penguin . . . love the photo

    Dreamer: Ever since I've started I allow myself 5 dark hershey kisses a day, I don't usually eat them (sometimes 1 or 2 a day, more of a mental thing for me) Now, I don't really care for milk chocolate . . . go figure

    OK, I'm off to work!!
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    As far as my goal for the week I vowed to work out for at least five days this week with walks during my workday breaks. I didn't focus so much on weight loss because my body holds onto it. I really don't, or at least in the past, see a loss till about week four of consistency. I was gonna do a leisurely walk on the treadmill, but I did a turbojam workout instead. It actually felt really good to get through it.

    I love that this thread is so active and I am not afraid of the butt kicking Jillian style.
  • Almost forgot, I pledge 2 lbs for next week sarge