Those stupid cookies

  • There are cookies in the kitchen. They're not even that good, I know, I had one yesterday. But I'm having a terrible time resisting them. It doesn't make any sense. My son's ice cream at home is WAY better than one of those cookies, and it didn't even occur to me to eat that last night.

    So I'm eating my yogurt trying to distract myself. I may have to switch what I'm working on, even though told myself I would get this project done first, because this project is not more interesting than eating one of those yucky cookies would be.

    Editted: Boredom eating, perhaps? Funny that I figured out the solution before I figured out the problem.
  • I had to laugh when I saw this... my company had a picnic over the weekend and in the kitchen at work there are BAGS of chips, TUBS of cookies, PLATTERS of cheese... terrible. haha... I came in and had to curse under my breath. I'm sitting here in my office eating some pineapple and about to go get some water from the water cooler... which is in the kitchen next to the mountain of horrible food... this is going to be awesome. Best of luck to you and avoid the cookies!!! <3
  • Good luck!

    These cookies were brought in by someone I think of as "the bagel guy". Surely that's not his only purpose (I think he's probably a vendor) but every so often he shows up with bagels. But he came later in the day than usual yesterday, so it's cookies this time. I just have to resist long enough for someone else to eat them first, right?
  • Definitely! And someone will... usually right before lunch or around 1 or 2 this afternoon... hold out! haha
  • I used to long for the days when cookies and chips were left over from meetings and brought into the copy room. It made faxing or copying something so much more fun! And now I curse the fax machine and copier if they aren't moving fast enough to get me the H*** OUT!

    I walked into the kitchen last week to find a coworker heating up a choc chip cookie in the toaster oven.

  • Quote:
    I walked into the kitchen last week to find a coworker heating up a choc chip cookie in the toaster oven.

    See, now THAT sounds worth it.
  • Just another reason I'm glad I don't work in an office....

  • The cookies are gone (and I eventually ate one) but now there's cake. Chocolate cake with whipped topping. Not fair! I'm prentending that some drizzly stuff on the top is salsa and that the whole thing is grosss. I wonder if I can fool myself.
  • Kudos to you for only eating ONE cookie. Sometimes we just need to do what we need to do. But now cake!?!? Who are these sadists you work with? LOL
  • Clearly these sadist have some sense! You think I ever brought leftover goodies in? Of course not! We ATE them!
  • OK. You got me on that one. LOL The only left over stuff I have ever brought in was Halloween candy. The kind I didn't like!