Hi, Glad to be here!

  • My name is Terri and I have had your typical life changing weight challenges and have always been able to overcome them. Now, I am mid 40's and have come off my estrogen, battled graves disease and now have hypothyroid. Is it really my lot in life to be overweight and miserable because I am 40? Over the last year I have gained 45 lbs!! I have been to see my MD and his answer is "you're over 40 and this is how it is!" No, I can't believe that. Being 6' tall if I had a few extra lbs, it was ok. Since HS and giving birth x2 I have always maintained a size 10. Now, 14-16!! OMG!! I don't want to leave home. It is horrible. I have studied everything, my thyroid levels are still not where they need to be but its more. I can't get satisfied. Not eating all day then when I do eat, I WANT TO EAT! Leptin resistance is something I have been reading about and feel it may be part of my problem. I am committed to figuring this out and getting 50+lbs off. This is an awesome place and I look forward to getting to know you all. Please feel free to give me any advice you may have.
    God Bless!!

  • Good luck and congrats on your loss so far I wish I had some advice for you but the only thing I can think to suggest is looking into some different plans. I personally love the body for life exercise and eating plan. You work out 3 days a week for a total of 3.25 hours but the workouts are high intensity. It's completely doable and I eat 6 meals a day. I've found nothing better. Although I did really like low carb. It didn't work for me for reasons that I can only blame myself for. Good luck again
  • Hi
    Best advice I've been given (by 2 doctors, a nutritionist, and 2 exercise physiologists all whom I work with) Eat! Eat until your full, eat and enjoy it! But you have to eat the right things. Lean proteins, vegies fruit a few carbs.
    The trick they tell me is to have 7 serves of veggies and 3 of fruit a day. And they all have to be different colours. Eat the rainbow as it were. That way you get all your essentials you need and really, if the last week is anything to go by, you just wont have room for the “bad” things.
    As for exercise, I’m not very helpful, I have one of the exercise physiologists as a personal trainer, only cause I hurt my self badly last year and can’t do what everyone else does.
    Sue’s advice about the 3 intense workouts seems to follow an emerging trend that has some pretty hefty science behind it.
    Keep us updated! Can’t wait to hear of your first victories.
  • I meant 6 days a week!! 3 days of cardio at 20 minutes HIIT and 45 minutes of strength training the other 3 days.

    I totally agree with Piper on the eating too. Taste the rainbow