IP Weekend Chat - 1-3 April 2011

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  • Hi all, just dropping in with a quick update. I had my week 12 WI tonight, I am down another 1.5 lbs and 4 inches. That is a grand total of 36 lbs and fifty something inches! Yahoo!! I feel great!
  • Hi, I have been away from my computer most of this week. Sorry I will not have time to go back and read all the post. Hope everyone is doing great. I am working on maintaining my weight and enjoying life. I stayed focus on weight loss for a long time to even think about gaining any of it back. Tomorrow is my "fun". We are eating out tomorrow night for our grandson's birthday. Being away from home several meals this week, I had to make decisions based on phase 4. What you learn and the decisions you make on phase 1 will help you when you get to phase 4. Have a great weekend. Judy
  • WOW ! Only Friday night and 5 pages ~ This forum is just a wealth of knowledge support and so much more !!

    Congrats to all the losses again !!
    im having a hard time finding Kale, Although we do live in the middle of nowhere (Wainwright for all you Albertans/Sask's) we are heading to Lloydminster tomorrow so hopefully Superstore or Safeway will have it, Im all for trying new things.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend !! The weather here has been gorgeous the last couple of days and we can actually see some grass in our backyard, I was convinced we wouldn't see it until August with all the snow we got this year.
  • Quote: I
    I started IP 2 weeks ago and I have lost 15 pounds as of today at my WI. I am ubber excited!! I'm still learning and have made a few mistakes here and there just not knowing or remembering what foods to eat when. But, I think that I am going to do well on this plan and get to my goal of 130 pounds by the end of summer.
    Happy dieting everyone!
    Phenomenal job!!! Congratulations!! Keep it up
  • Can anyone please tell me how I can get my cute little icons for 'one for every 5 pounds I've kicked but at losing etc.' ??
    I love looking at them for all of you and especially those of you who've lost so much! So inspiring!!

  • Good Morning all!

    I'm doing a "dive by" for a quick update, since I haven't been around. But first, I want to to my old friends and all the new IP'ers!
    It's been a trying last 2 weeks, since doing what I've always done, but losing about a pound a week, making me frustrated as all ****. I don't have a WI next as my coach will be in Boston. But after my last meeting with him, he gave me a tip that I have never read here on the blog, so I thought I would share. He told me to try giving up my evening cooked protein in exchange for another packet, so that is what I'm doing now. Don't know if it's working, because I've only been doing it for 2 nights, but I will stay on this new plan for 2 weeks. It really as simplify my life, not to mess around with the cooking every night. I believe he has a few more tricks up his sleeve, but he's not sharing with me yet. I just love my coach, he's awesome!

    Also, I have been planning for my life away from IP, it has to come someday, right? I found some great low carb recipes at a website and I have ordered some BP2 peanut butter (powdered) in little packets, ohh they also make chocolate. I can't have it yet, but someday. So I'm gonna make cute little bags of it for my coach and all the girls that work in his office. I thought it would be a cute little thank you gift, when I start the phase off process.

    Well back to the rafters for me. Have a great OP Day!!!
  • Happy Saturday everyone!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Congratulations on taking this step. Hang in there! It works!

    Congrats on all of the losses! What a great feeling! I am cheering for you all!

    I am near the end of week 3 and hanging in very well. I am surprised. It was a very stressful week with the passing of my Father-in-law on Tuesday. I spent the week home with my husband. While the kids were in school, we went shopping for clothes for the whole family to wear to the memorial next weekend. I found some great deals! I managed to bring packets along to eat "on the road"... it was my one restricted per day, but better than fast food for sure!

    I bought a beautiful, form fitting dress, with some slimwear for underneath and a great new necklace and earrings. I also got my hair fixed up: I even got full bangs for the first time in forever (on my hairdresser's suggestion). I feel 10 years younger! The look in my husband's face made me feel amazing (when he saw the dress, then when he saw the hair)! I can't wait to put it all together. Too bad it is not for a happier occasion. I found some beautiful clothes for my kids too. I am so proud.

    I am also managing my first TOM on IP. The first day was rough as I was eyeing all kinds of forbidden treats and seriously wanting some but my will power is better than I thought! This diet rocks for giving me that! I've never had as much will power before.

    Yesterday was my first day that was not 100% OP but I think I managed it okay and I don't think the damage was too bad. My husband wanted to have lunch out with me before I got back to work. So, breakfast was an IP packet, lunch was steak and shrimp with vegetables at a Japanese place (I took soya sauce instead of the Teryaki sauce and didn't have any rice or noodles). We had supper at MIL's (Mother-in-Law's) house: BBQ'ed pork and vegetables (mix and asparagus but she put margarine on them... not much I could do about that). I stuck to water to drink and had a tea after dinner (unsweetened, no milk). I had an IP snack. Hopefully, this wasn't too bad.

    I plan to be 100% OP with no restricted today.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Quote:
    Way to go to all on the SVs and the NSVs! I was down 1.2 lbs this week - that scale was just being a little b@#$% this week - .2 more and I would have hit 60 lbs even! Grrrrr.... Oh well, I'll take that size 4 skirt.
    GREAT attitude!

    Quote: It's time for my head to catch up with how I look. Right now, I still feel a lot of the time that when I look in the mirror, I don't feel like I have really changed.......
    Several years ago, I lost 150 pounds (most which of course I have since gained back.....)----at my lowest weight, I also really struggled with "seeing" myself as I was. I had a DEAR friend, who I trusted very much sit down with me and describe to me exactly how I looked---where I still had a few "chubbies", where I looked thin (my arms, my face, etc.). I wanted to make sure the person I chose was someone I trusted deeply, because I do not know about you, but after losing all of the weight, I felt a little "exposed" and somewhat vulnerable. I also kept looking at pictures of my "new" self and reminding myself that really was me. It seemed to help, but it took time. Not sure if that would be helpful for you, just my experience.

    Quote: Well hello just wanted to wish everyone a great OP weekend. I went to a funeral....I got several compliments on how good I have been looking.
    Well, the occasion was certainly somber, but no doubt the compliments felt good---makes the effort worth it.

    Quote: Want to get off this diet and into phase 4 as soon as possible. Looking forward to phase 4 and the first cheat night will be popcorn and butter.
    Heavily buttered is one of my FAVES!!!!

    Quote: i had wi#2 this morning and lost 2.2, i was hoping for more, but will take it. i'm now down a total of 8.4 lbs in two weeks. sooo thats great. i too have tried every diet out there and didn't ever get these results and i can't believe how i'm not craving sugar.
    I know we all read a lot about people losing 5, and 7 and even 9 pounds a week and it can be kind of a let-down when you "only" lose 2, BUT---it doesn't change the fact that you are now officially two pounds closer to your goal!! I like your positive attitude---keep it up---to quote a very cheesy Disney tween movie.... "We're all in this together!".

    Quote: good job tate. i'm very proud of you!
    I thank you for your acknowledgment---it was hard to do, but so worth it!!

    Quote: Hi all, weigh in # 3, down 2.8 pounds for a grand total of 11.8 pounds in 3 weeks, I'll take it!!!!! Yay!!!!!
    WOW!!! Looks like you are right on track!!!

    Quote: I LOVE coming here daily to read all the victories everyone is having, what a great feeling.
    I am also finding this board to be a WONDERFUL source of support---it really is so good to know I am not on my own!!!

    Quote: You SHOULD feel pretty darn good about yourself! You've come a loooong way in a very short time. I love your outlook, your no-nonsense attitude, and the smiles you provide along the way!
    Well many thanks. I feel ed right now!!

    The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful for me, too, and I'm absolutely amazed that I haven't 'eaten' my way through the problems.
    My husband has been unemployed since mid-December, and I went back to work the end of January .... Recently had the opportunity to get another job (working for my IP coach), and so have been working both jobs for the last week & 1/2........ I resent having to work, I resent that he gets to sit on his butt at home all day, I resent that he doesn't do any but the minimal housework (laundry, dishes when absolutely necessary)....

    And yet, despite all that, the closest I have come to 'cheating' is with some extra protein & vegetables! IP is truly amazing, and if I can change my relationship with food - the weight loss will just be an added bonus...

    ...Which is a good thing, since I think all this stress has me stalled at the moment!
    Wow---so much going on for you. First, a BIG for NOT eating your way through stress. That takes a lot of maturity and it means you are willing to take responsibility for your choices rather than say "well, I am just so stressed and I can't help myself!".

    I am sorry about your husband's job situation and the additional stress it is putting on you---do not mean to overstep, but is there any chance he would be receptive to an honest conversation about your feelings and what he could do to be helpful to you? (BTW, if he DOES help, you do not get to criticize him for doing it wrong---hubbies can be kind of like puppies in that way---they need short, direct instructions and LOTS of praise!!).

    I know you weren't exactly looking for advice, so feel free to ignore this if ya like....but if your hubby is not willing to change to help you, the only thing that might help is you changing your expectations and attitude about having to work. So easy for me to sit here and say that---I am not the one in your position, but it has been my experience that the best way to decrease stress or resentment in my life is to adjust my beliefs or attitude---instead of expecting someone else will change or even not expecting it, but resenting that they won't ("they" being a person or situation". Again---just my 2 cents.

    You have a GREAT attitude about the stall and i could not agree with you more about the value of this program not just being weight loss but the change in attitude towards food---it's a HUGE HUGE benefit.
  • For all you scale whores.....
    I stepped on the scale this morning (first thing, like I have done everyday for the last umpteen years) and the needle on the scale stopped at a place I have not seen in a long time.......UNDER 300!! Ok, ok, so it was 299.5, but I yelled for my husband tot come quick and look. "Look!!" I said, standing on the scale----that's really under 300, right?? And he said, "Yup!". I know I have along way to go, but this was a big deal and a big day---especially after choosing not to cheat last night!!!

    Busy day ahead---have to balance the check book and pay bills, go grocery shopping, and then I have to get into the office for awhile to try to catch up so I am not quite as buried on Monday.

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • Just wanted to pop in and say good morning. I hope everyone has a great OP day.

    Busy weekend ahead but at least the sun is out finally in NJ. Now just to get the temp up and rising and it would be awesome.

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • Quote: Hi all, just dropping in with a quick update. I had my week 12 WI tonight, I am down another 1.5 lbs and 4 inches. That is a grand total of 36 lbs and fifty something inches! Yahoo!! I feel great!
    Hey----You've lost over FOUR FEET!!!!

    Quote: Happy Saturday everyone!

    I am near the end of week 3 and hanging in very well.

    I bought a beautiful, form fitting dress, with some slimwear for underneath and a great new necklace and earrings. I also got my hair fixed up: I even got full bangs for the first time in forever (on my hairdresser's suggestion). I feel 10 years younger! The look in my husband's face made me feel amazing (when he saw the dress, then when he saw the hair)! I can't wait to put it all together. Too bad it is not for a happier occasion. I found some beautiful clothes for my kids too. I am so proud.

    I am also managing my first TOM on IP. The first day was rough as I was eyeing all kinds of forbidden treats and seriously wanting some but my will power is better than I thought! This diet rocks for giving me that! I've never had as much will power before.

    Yesterday was my first day that was not 100% OP but I think I managed it okay and I don't think the damage was too bad..... lunch was steak and shrimp with vegetables at a Japanese place (I took soya sauce instead of the Teryaki sauce and didn't have any rice or noodles). We had supper at MIL's (Mother-in-Law's) house: BBQ'ed pork and vegetables (mix and asparagus but she put margarine on them... not much I could do about that). I stuck to water to drink and had a tea after dinner (unsweetened, no milk). I had an IP snack. Hopefully, this wasn't too bad.

    I plan to be 100% OP with no restricted today.

    Again, sad occasion, but much to be grateful for----bet you look great with the new "do" and clothes. I think with regard to the food I think you made good choices---hey "life" happens--and we have to make the best of it. There is indeed life outside of IP!!!

    Way to fight those cravings, too---you are showing how committed and strong you are. Peace to you and your dear ones. Loss can be so tough. Hope you have a good weekend.

    Quote: Just wanted to pop in and say good morning. I hope everyone has a great OP day.
    Enjoy the weekend!
    You have a great weekend too!!
  • I missed out on the first few pages of the this thread, and I will catch up, but I had to come and tell you all that I'm in ONEDERLAND!!!!! I'm so proud of myself and so thrilled that IP helped me reach a goal that I haven't been able to reach for 12 years!!! I'm going to get my nose pierced today at 2:30 to celebrate. YIKES! Thank you thank you thank you for all the support!!!
  • Hello All,

    I am new to the boards and starting IP today! Excited to become a part of your wonderful group. Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend.
  • Quote: I missed out on the first few pages of the this thread, and I will catch up, but I had to come and tell you all that I'm in ONEDERLAND!!!!! I'm so proud of myself and so thrilled that IP helped me reach a goal that I haven't been able to reach for 12 years!!! I'm going to get my nose pierced today at 2:30 to celebrate. YIKES! Thank you thank you thank you for all the support!!!

    Woot Woot!!!!! Congrats!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful IP weekend!!
  • Quote: (BTW, if he DOES help, you do not get to criticize him for doing it wrong---hubbies can be kind of like puppies in that way---they need short, direct instructions and LOTS of praise!!).
    This is one of the funniest things I have read recently. Thanks for the smile...