Anyone feel EMBARRASSED to be on a diet?

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  • So i've been on this "diet" for a little over a month now. Haven't really "come out" to anyone yet, since its been just a short while and I want to loose a little more weight/people notice on their own before I "come out". So the other day I went out to eat with a few friends and ordered something healthy (grilled chicken and veggies). They all made comments on it like "ooh somebody is trying to eat healthy" "look at you", etc. The first emotions I felt were embarressed and stupid.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes? I know i shouldn't feel bad for eating healthy, but for some reason thats how I felt.

    I guess i feel like a "bigger" girl who eats healthy in front of people is like a alcoholic who drinks o'douls non-alcoholic beer.
  • Do NOT feel embarrassed or stupid!! You are doing something GREAT for yourself!! You will feel better and look better in no time! I understand where you are coming from though. The only problem I have is that if people know I'm actually on a diet that they will critique EVERY thing I eat.
  • I'm seriously weirded out by this post because I literally blogged about this VERY issue on my 3FC blog!
    Asking people their age, weight, salary are all lumped together as taboo subject. It’s making me nervous about being TOO open about how much I’ve lost.
    I’m so proud of myself yet I’m conflicted on revealing exactly how much I lost. This isn’t the simple “I gained 10 lbs”… I gained about 70+ pounds within 2 years that’s pretty intense.
    It's a very weird feeling but my close friends assure me that it's amazing what I'm doing and I should only feel proud of myself.
  • Congrats on staying on your diet! Actually, I've always ordered things like grilled chicken and veggies, but if your group is into other foods (fried, etc.), they would definitely notice the change. It could be a matter of your friends not wanting you to lose weight/or otherwise change? Not to sound negative, but sometimes we can be subtly sabotaged by family and close friends on our healthy journeys. If it were me, I wouldn't feel 'stupid' but would shrug it off and tell them I'm just trying to eat healthier.
  • I know exactly how you are feeling!! I have some friends who are the type that would bake my cookies and bring over bags of candy the second they found out I was trying to eat healthier. I have a lot of support from my friends at work and my fiance which is what counts... there is definitely a chance that your friends don't WANT you to lose weight for whatever reason. Best of luck to you!! <3 -Valerie
  • There is no need to tell others that you are dieting. If they question your food choices just say that's all I feel like today.
  • Except for you guys online, I haven't told anyone but my husband I'm on a diet. I don't see the point in sharing something so personal. I agree that dieting is a bit embarrassing. My husband told his best friend who politely asked me about it and I was super embarrassed. I asked my husband not tell anyone else. Feeling fat, dieting and weight loss is a very personal thing to me. When I go out to eat and I order just rice and veggies, I say that I'm not hungry because I just ate elsewhere. If I order something with no-sauce or no-oil I say that I'm just in the mood for plain foods. I don't want to explain my choice in terms of my daily calorie budget or fat gram allowance. When a friend asked me if I had lost weight, I said I didn't think so but it was nice of him to say so. I don't want "being on a diet" or "struggling with my weight" to be part of my identity. I don't want others to feel free (or obligated) to comment on changes in my body. Plus, it's kind of an awkward and boring topic for anyone who is not on a diet to discuss.
  • I haven't told anyone that I am on a "diet" because from past experience people tend to be very judgemental and always want to give you advice. I am doing this "life change" for me and don't want any comments from friends/family/coworkers.
  • I wish i could take back telling friends i lost/was trying to lose weight. It was more hassle than anything. Always feeling like they were looking at eveeerything i ate, comments here and there..and at the end of the day, girls can be reqlly jealous about this. So, if i were you, i would never 'come out' and tell anyone. That's what i wish i did! When people started noticing, i now just say i started working out and diet was pretty much the same, that skirts all the questions that will follow!
  • When I first sarted my diet I was embarressed. It didn't stop me or change anything- but, you couldn't tell for several months that I was on a diet. So of course I thogh people were kind of just rolling their eyes... but now, that I have obviusly lost weight everyone pretty much knows I am on a diet and are more supportive then even in the beginning.
  • I find it much more embarrassing to be overweight and eating large portions than it is to say that I'm trying to change my eating and fitness habits. I don't say I'm on a diet, because I'm not. I'm eating less, making better choices and exercising every day. It's something I'm proud of. Plus, the more people know, the more accountable I feel. And I dint worry too much about people giving advice. I'm doing this the healthy way, so I don't even feel ashamed/secretive about some fad diet.

    There is no worry of "well, what if I don't lose it all and people comment?" that is not an option this weight will come off and stay off and I will eat this way for the rest of my life. Period. Keeping it secret allows me to quit in secret too. Can't afford to do that.
  • I had a weird experience a couple of months ago, going out to lunch with friends I hadn't seen in awhile. We spent the whole time between meeting up and ordering talking about my weight loss. Both of them preceded to order fish and chips while I ordered salad. I felt really weird, like I was showing them up or something. But sheesh! How else would I have accomplished this except by choosing salad over fish and chips?
  • Completely. I only talk about it here. I try to keep a lid on it with my boyfriend. NEVER with my friends. I hate looking like I'm trying. I don't want to be one of those girls who only talks about 'diets' - I hate that word.
  • I don't feel embarrased especially since i'm already ready embarrased enough with being fat.
  • I've only told y boyfriend about my diet. And you guys. A manager at work made a snide comment the other week when I ordered a salad for my break. As though only skinny girls eat salads. I just ignored him. I've decided that this is what is important to me. If people have a problem with it then thats their problem. This is my health so **** them