Does anyone else struggle with their weight loss not being "good enough?"

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  • I've lost 70lbs since last August. I know it's a really good loss, but I can't get over the fact that I'm still FAT. I'm still obese, I still don't look good in my clothes, I still have a hanging stomach pooch and fat rolls on my arms. I don't want to sound rude because I know a lot of people lose a lot slower or still have a longer ways to go than me so I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad. I just wish it would go faster even though I know faster can be unhealthy.

    I understand that this is a lifestyle change and weight loss is learning experience and will probably help with lifetime maintenance. It's just that right about now I'm kicking myself for allowing me to get to 280 pounds in the first place.
  • I have had those thoughts/days. Here I've lost 94 lbs since late May last year, and most of the time I feel really good about it, and really, really good about the fact that there's no stopping in sight. BUT...

    Every once in awhile I get down about the whole thing. Like, here's how much I've lost!! and I'm still WAY morbidly obese, lots of people would shudder to think of weighing what I do now. Even you, Linsy, I'm not even much below your starting weight after losing 94 lbs!

    Yeah, I can get pretty down about it if I dwell on that aspect of it. So I TRY (and usually succeed) at thinking of it in terms of how much better I feel now, and that I love my new way of eating, that I KNOW I will get there. I AM getting there! WE are!
  • I definitely feel that way sometimes and even though technically I am no longer obese as of this month I still feel like I am. I feel bad because I know I should be proud but I still see my faults and it drives my sister nuts because when I started she was smaller than me and now I'm quite a bit smaller than her and it feels like whenever ever I say oh man I still need to lose more weight I'm still so fat she gets super offended or if I mention my clothes are all huge and I can't believe I fit in some of this stuff she glares at me. I'm better about it then I use to be. I think that's one of the benefits of losing weight slowly you give your mind a chance to catch up to your body.
  • I've lost 45 lbs and feel that way as well at times. This month I only went down 2 lbs but I remind myself that I'm still doing it, that the weight is STILL going down.

    If you are feeling "flabby" maybe start encorporating some toning exercises to your workouts to help?
  • Quote: I don't want to sound rude because I know a lot of people lose a lot slower or still have a longer ways to go than me so I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad.
    In my opinion, if you have 20 pounds to lose or 200, the struggles are still the same. The emotions are still the same. OK, sure, one's journey with losing weight will be "over" quicker than the other persons but that shouldn't minimize the fact that we are all on the same path. And I put the word over in quotes because we all know that maintaining the weight loss is for life.

    What have you been doing for yourself lately? Are you wearing clothes that are flattering? That fit?

    Believe me, I completely understand how you feel. I just posted something the other day wondering when enough was going to be enough. I am afraid that I will get to my goal and still not be happy.

    As you can see from all your responses so far that your feelings are valid and shared with MANY of us. Instead of looking at what you have to still lose, look at how much you have lost already. And I mean WOW! 70 pounds since last August!

    YOU, my friend, have done an amazing job so far and you WILL have continued success!!

    Cheers to you!
  • Linsy- Congrats on your amazing loss!! I totallly understand how you feel about letting ourselves get to a high weight even though I've not lost as much as you. I am 5'2 as well and currently 204- I still have a hanging stomach as well but I have to say it got a lot better compared to when I was 242! Look at some old pictures of you and compare, note the differences between then and now. That has helped me appreciate my weight loss.

    All we can do is hope that the tummy area and non-favorite areas will improve with time and exercise (strength/resistance training specifically.) Also heard ultra moisturizing lotion helps too. Hugs, hang in there!!
  • How much has your stomach gone down? I HATE HATE HATE it--if I could change one thing it would be my stomach!
  • I've had that happen with past weight losses. Weighing less actually made me feel fatter because I knew how much further I had to go.
  • It helps if i think of it not in terms of how i look, but how i feel. If i lose 2 pounds, it won't make much difference in my appearance, but i WILL notice it in my running. imagine running with a 2 pound weight strapped to your back. it is noticeable. Plus, what did i do to lose the 2 pounds? probably ate healthy and exercised. so i got healthier even if i can't see the results in the mirror.
  • About 4 years ago, I lost 40 pounds. I was so proud!! Then I got pregnant with my son....and I gained it ALL back. So, I'm starting all over again. (and then some)
    Only been at it for a few weeks, so I know exactly what you mean. Summer is so close and even though it's only been about a month, it seems like I'll never reach that goal.
  • I can empathize with how you feel! And I still have a belly overhang (I'm almost at goal now) but it is so much smaller and is pretty much hidden in clothes. One of your thoughts resonated with me, about letting yourself get to 280 in the first place. I've been 280 in the past too, and this time I started at 233. I get a lot of people congratulating me for losing weight, whereas I feel like I should congratulate them for not getting up there in the first place! Anyways I know how you feel, it's a long road but you will get there - and I still have days where I think I look fat. It's a neverending battle with our minds I think.
  • Yep. When people say "wow it's great that you've lost almost 100 pounds" I cringe because I still want to lose another 25-30 and where I am at right now just doesn't seem good enough. I know that losing almost 100 pounds is a lot, but to me it's Just. Not. Good. Enough. Sad, right?
  • When I first started my weight loss journey, I had lost 6lbs, and it seemed like SOOOO little.

    I went into my fridge, and I pulled out a 1lb brick of butter and just held it for a minute and thought "daaaaaaaym, I've lost SIX of these". It really helped me put into perspective how heavy 1lb really is!
  • It is disheartening that I have lost 80+ pounds yet on the BMI I am still considered obese! It is also disheartening that I still feel as though I shouldn't wear shorts... ON SOME DAYS...

    on other days I am so proud of them huge change I have made in my life and I feel so very good about EVERY pound!
  • I do struggle with this often. You are not alone!