Accidentally drank a coke....

  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, not to atkins. Could use a little help, this has never happened that I know of.
    So I have the start of a sinus infection and my tastebuds are a little off. Went out to eat today, ordered a diet coke, drank over half of it before dh realized the waitress had mixed up our drinks. SO that means I drank probably 4-6 ounces of regular coke. I've been doing really good lately so I'm really upset. What can I do to fix this? Extra fat? Lots of water? Anything? Do you think it will throw me out of ketosis?
    One lesson I've learned is to order water unless I'm making the drink myself!
  • I'm pretty sure you'll be ok, but I'd drink nothing but water for the rest of the day/night to try to flush the sugar out of my system....
  • As long as your meal was good, I'd say you'll be ok. But I'd be VERY good on plan for the next few days and get plenty of water in. AND, if possible, get in some exercise. I know that can be hard when you're sick. And last but not least, don't beat yourself up. Accidents happen and all you can do is move on from it. I order diet while I'm out, but I always ask them when they come, diet, right? So that they know I'm going to notice!
  • i wouldn't be surprised if that much sugar throws you out of ketosis temporarily, but so might having a cold. For me the hardest part is the cravings the next day, when I want the carbs. I agree with lots of water.
  • Thanks everyone! I drank tons of water and added a little extra fat to my food all day yesterday. Somehow it worked, I'm down 2 pounds this morning. Big lesson learned though!