Weight Loss Buddies IX

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  • Hey Chicks!
    Today is a much better day although TOM appeared yesterday boo! haha I scored myself a free pair of frames on clearly contacts giveway this morning yay! I've needed new glasses since you loverly lab puppy 3.5years ago thought they looked tastey and tried to eat them well not then but funny now. On another happy note I put on the linen pants I bought last month and they fit well they're a tad tight but no over hangage at all! So I'm wearing them yay!!
    I skipped a workout yesterday I went to bed at like 8:45, I was so tired TOM takes it out of me. Trying to stay high energy today so I can get a workout in this afternoon.
    Hope everyones week is off to a good start
  • Don't you just love it when clothes fit better than expected?!
  • Ok I said I would do personals, its just so hard when I have limited access to a computer. So I jsut wanted to check in. I think I may be over my way too long plateau. I was 188 when we got here and was 185 this morning. YAY!! Having a great time, doing a lot of swimming.

    Staccie-glad you are back!!

    Marmalade-vent anytime, we all do it from time to time.

    Ferumbras-how was pilates? C25k has been a little rough on my knees, when Im running its ok, its the walking part that is hard on my knees after running. Sucks about your bikes.

    Turbo-I cant wait to go camping next month.

    Dance-at least you didnt eat the whole cake, you can work that one slice off. Have you been running?
  • Wow down 3lbs congrats burgundy!! Swimming is a great workout glad your having fun on your vacation

    Fer - Oh my gosh isn't it the greatest! I love it when I can wear new things haha I really should stop buying clothes though I have a ton of stuff to shrink into My knees were killing me from running too so I gave it a break which sucks cause I burn way more calories running for real then using the elliptical. I think maybe when I run outside I put in more effort.

    I'm still exhausted I'm thinking maybe I should get my iron checked, my mom get really low on iron during TOM and take supplements maybe that's my problem too. 10 hours of sleep last night & 3 cups of coffee & I could seriously go for a nap right now no prob.
    Going to attempt to do some strength training because it's pretty slow paced like me at the moment haha I am starting to see some major definition on my biceps now if only the back of my arms would slim down I work them like crazy but so far I haven't seen much change same with my thighs ugh I hate my thighs I'll do some of that too!
  • Something is clearly wrong with me this week. For the past month I have been really enjoying working out and looking forward to my workouts. Now, I don't want to do them and don't particularly enjoy them while doing them. Though I'm glad that I push through, I don't have the same up-beat feeling about it as I did. I hope this is just a result of some poor eating choices the past week and getting over being sick. I'd hate to lose my motivation for exercising. It was feeling so good!
  • Hey all,

    Well I am watching the hockey game and our Canucks are losing - sigh

    Dance - work is much more manageable these days and it's great - more time to spend on myself.

    I've done better with food but not the gym. heading there tomorrow morning so I will be happily doing the oh ah, ouch thing for a few weeks

    I'm going to spend this weekend looking at the past few pages so I can catch up with you all and get to know you better!

    I'm happy to be back and look forward to sharing successes together!!
  • Staccie: Glad to hear work is going better for you.
  • [QUOTE=Brown Eyed Staccie;3893374]
    Well I am watching the hockey game and our Canucks are losing - sigh


    I watched the game too, I am so frustrated about Bruins winning!! This is probably the team I dislike the most (plus, what the heck about Nathan Horton HUGE head injury, he was freaking playing last night. I HATE Bruins lol.)
    it was so sad looking at Canucks, I just wanted hug them all. Poor guys

    My weight is in some kind of a plateau this week, i would have like to get out of the 170's at my tomorrow morning weigh in but I doubt it will happen. Maybe next week!
  • Hello all.
    Just a short note, I have been working with NO days off so hard to get the computer. Will post soon. Have a blessed day. Tammy
  • It's fridaaaaay! finally!

    It was my weekly weigh in this morning and I lost 1.2 lbs since last friday. With all the bad stuff I ate last weekend, I'm pretty happy with myself.

    How is everybody doing?
  • Well done, Turbo!

    I'm doing pretty well -- the scale is being kind to me again. I'm planning on trying a group ride class at the gym in about an hour. Wish me luck!
  • Awe sorry your so busy Tammy

    yay Turbo!!

    Have fun at the gym Fer

    Well I had an off day yesterday I was feeling super great I think my face has thinned out a bit more so I was feeling thin & fantastic! I went to see someone I haven't seen in three months & I was all hopped up & ready to hear oo's & ah's on how good I'm looking and then it happend they asked if I was expecting! ugh talk about a downer gezz

    However got in a workout last night & my new glasses arrived today!! So happy I love love love them Well I played hooky enough today waiting for them to show up so off to run errands before I get Ethan from school

    Weigh in tomorrow TOM is just about gone & I think the scale will be down a bit. I stepped on the scale against my better judgement two days ago and I was up .5lb usually I "gain" 2-4lbs during TOM so and trying not to get my hopes up too high

    Happy Friday all!!
  • Group ride class sounds fun! Hope it was cool, Ferumbras!

    carvedmarmelade, are you new glasses the ones in your avatar? If it's a yes, they looks great!
  • carved: I love the new pic! You look absolutely gorgeous with your hair down!

    The gym was good. I really enjoyed the spin class, even if my bum is a bit sore now, and then I did my c25k on the treadmill (which was good, but slower than usual as I don't yet know how the speed numbers correlate to minutes/mile). Then I came home and did the Shred. Now I'm happily sitting on the couch, catching up on 3fc, and thinking about indulging in some Hulu-action.
  • What a workout you had, Fer! good job!

    Today I'm packing boxes. And my cat keeps on jumping in the boxes I'm trying to pack. it's like a neverending story. I think he's trying to say he doesn't want to leave LOL

    Hope everyone's having a nice saturday