Does Anyone Know What The Cabbage diet Is?

  • Hey guys, I'm doing research on the cabbage soup diet, I would like to know if it's effective or not and if anyone has tried it? I want to ensure that the benefits outweigh the downfalls of this diet so that I can post it to my blog. Thanks!
  • Sure, I have done it as many have, I am sure. It is no more effective than any other diet that someone has xeroxed and passed around. The soup isn't that bad but you will get tired of it. Much better to eat a well balanced, low calorie diet coupled with exercise.
  • I've done the cabbage soup diet. And I agree that the soup isn't all that bad. The reason it works is that calories are limited, so that weight is lost.

    However an easier way for me to lose weight was with the exchange program - eating a mix of healthy foods, limiting the size of my portions, and increasing my activity level.
  • I did that during my first stint at weight loss. The soup was good. the diet was annoying. The milk and bananas was not cute.....

    Calorie restriction, that's all it is....annoying, annoying, annoying...never again.
  • I did the cabbage soup diet back in the early 1980s. The fact that I'm here now should tell you how well it worked in the long term.

    I'm all in favor of cabbage soup and now that I think about it, I should make some--but only as part of my daily diet, not as the sole component of my diet. The soup tastes great if you enjoy it alongside a nice turkey wrap and an orange.
  • Any diet like the cabbage soup diet is going to fail in the end. It isn't sustainable for the long term. Sure, if you want to lose a quick 5 or 10 lbs maybe. I recommend, just count your calories so you have a deficit and you're going to get the same results... but stick to it longer. A lot of those fad diets work just because you're basically eating sooooo little calories. Sorry if that doesn't quite answer your question, more of an opinion.
  • You have to change your lifestyle. Eat healthy and workout. Forget about detox, soups, grapefruit cure and diet pills. You have to change your lifestyle or you'll never get in shape.
  • I tried it when I was in middle school. My mom made a huge batch of the soup for me, and put it in a thermos for my lunch. By day five--beef and tomatoes, neither of which I liked--I decided that I was done with the diet, and got lunch from the snack bar instead. The thermos stayed in my locker for three months.

    That was gross. Based on that, I absolutely do not think it's a good diet.
  • As a diet, it sucks. I've followed several variations of it in the 70's and 80's, and just like any other crash diet it only works in the short term. You inevitably get sick of the soup, and go off the diet, and regain the weight (and maybe some to spare, because it always seems that when you regain, you regain a little more than you lost).

    That being said, I often make low-calorie broth-based soups, including cabbage soups as a tasty, convenient, and low-calorie way to eat more vegetables. That works, because I like cabbage soup and I don't eat it until I'm sick of it - I incorporate it into my exchange plan.

    Exchange plans are one of the bet ways to diet. Weight Watchers, for most of it's existence (until 1997), was an exchange plan. They changed to points, not because there was anything wrong with exchanges, but to discourage imitators. Weight Watchers couldn't own the exclusive rights to exchange plans, because WW didn't create them. The exchange plan upon which virtually all exchange plans are patterned, was created by the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetics Association in the early to mid 1950's.

    It's still a great system. Over the years, the exchanges haven't changed much at all (the recommendations as to how many of each exchange should be eaten, has changed - but the exchanges are still pretty much the same).

    The consistency though means that most exchange plan cookbooks are interchangeable, and you can learn to translate/convert any recipe or information from a nutrition label into exchanges.

    Sure it's a little bit more complicated than calorie counting (but only at first), but it has the advantage of insuring some balance, and once you're familiar with the system, it's actually easier to estimate calories and exchanges of new foods.

    Looking them up of course is the best way (as with calorie counting), but almost all veggies for example per exchange measure out to about 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked. Most meats are 1 protein exchange per ounce.

    There are exceptions, but you tend to get pretty good at estimating the calories/exchange values for new foods (especially if you test yourself by guessing and then looking the food up to see how close you came).

    You can do the same with calorie counting, it's just easier with exchange plans.

    Crash diets do more harm than good, for many reasons. They're impossible to stick with because they're boring. They don't provide adequate nutrients. They don't teach balanced, sensible changes. They're addictive (because seeing dramatic losses can be so rewarding, it becomes tempting to ignore risks and even danger signs. I've known friends in high school and college (myself included) who put up with alarming symptoms to get the rapid weight loss - symptoms like hair loss, dizziness, light headedness, insomnia, headaches, even fainting.

    Balance is better, and it's harder to learn, but the effects are longer lasting (you don't have to "unlearn" anything).
  • I did the cabbage soup diet with some success 'back in the day' - Actually I like cabbage soup, and often make it for our little family.

    But I think there are other, better, and easier ways to lose weight. I lost my weight using Richard Simmons Foodmover which is essentially the exchange program, and I am maintaining that weight loss the same way.

    I suggest you find some way of losing weight that will work for you over the long haul - there are lots of diets and ways of healthy eating that would be a lot more fun than the proverbial cabbage soup diet.
  • Yea, the RS Foodmover is still a great plan, as JoJoJo2 points out. Basically, it is the exchange program in a fun, easy to use format.

    I count calories and it works for me. Nothing wrong with cabbage soup per se but as a diet, it's probably not a great idea, although if that is what people want to eat, that's fine. But it is just another food.

    For me, it is calories in/calories out that works.