SO I need some tips on how to get started right, DO i JUST go for it???

  • Over the weekend I went out and bought the biggest loser food journal and the 30 day jump start, and also went food shopping and bought all healthy food. So i feel ready to do this but I cant shake the feeling of being nervous. I've failed so many times Im scared I will just fail again. Im terrified of that. And I also feel confused like do I just start the diet like that?? Theres no need to detox or anything??? uhhhhhhhhhhhh I just have a million things going on in my brain i dunno where to start! Or feel so confused as to what to do. Please help. Any advice will help. THANKS
  • Just start. However you feel is going to be best for you - baby steps, changing foods slowly - or going all out, healthy food all the time, exercise. Are you following a specific plan or "diet"? I dislike the word "diet" in the context it's often used, and I know a lot of others around here do as well. For me, I just decided to change my lifestyle, shift things around so they worked better.
  • Don't be hesitant. Take baby steps if you have to, like slowly changing out your diet little by little week to week, and incorporating exercise slowly, to ease yourself into it. Jumping straight in may not be the best option for everyone, so start slow if you have to. And the past is the past, you can't dwell on it and you can't let it hinder your present or your future. So make this time your time. You can do it!
  • I used to be like that too. I used to fear of failing or falling off plan..but i think thats the thing you need to need to fall off your plan and then go back on and keep going. You need to get over that fear of failing and then never succeeding again.. im not telling you to jump off the cliff with your plan..but for me i found that i needed to fail to learn how to succeed know that it was okay to fall off..but to know that i could get up the next day and keep going and still have success.
  • thanks so much everyone!
  • Agree with everyone else- I used to not try to lose weight because I didn't want to fail, I just convinced myself where I was was fine.

    I also agree with rainbowstripe that I don't like the word diet. I mean I suppose you can go on a diet (low carb, South Beach, etc) to lose weight, but you can also make a commitment to change your lifestyle. For me that meant smaller portions, more exercise, and calorie counting. I don't consider this a diet, and maybe that made it less 'scary' to jump right in. I was making conscious changes for my lifestyle.

    You can start one step at a time- portion control, reducing sugars and desserts, going for walks/to the gym- or you can make a list of all the new behaviors you want to adopt and just go for it. Remember you have 3FC cheering you on and backing you up all the way!
  • its so true about the word "diet" it does make you bonkers Instead I took alot of yours advice and decided to keep telling myself "LIFESTYLE CHANGE" and I been feeling so much better ever since! I started my new lifestyle yesterday and am down 2lbs already as of this morning! Very excited about my new approach towards being healthier and my outlook on life has just been better as well. Thanks so much for everyone who answered this thread!
  • CCS- Congrats on your 2lb loss so far!
  • You can't fail unless you allow yourself to.
    Baby steps but jumping right into it is good as well.

    Maybe have a cheat meal once a week (It helped me in the beginning and sometimes now especially on binge days.)
    Mini goals are always good, so every 10 pounds reward yourself?
    When shopping stay on the outside, because all the processed food and junk is in the middle ailse.
    Log on here often for support, and get support from family and friends.

    Also congrats on the two pounds you've lost already! You can do this, you want it and failing is not an option, because in the end we were always taught to fight for what we want right?

    Good luck!
  • Just jump right on in! Some diets do detox. I don't like those they arent exactly the best for your body, but they work. I just jumped right in. I blog about my success, my failures etc. It keeps me accountable and lets me see that yea, I messed up, I ate that white carb, I had that piece of cheese cake but look at all the progress I have made too. 3FC has diet blogs you can use, I use blogspot. Mine is my daily journal. I write EVERYTHING in there, its my food journal, my motivator, my time to ***** out place etc .3FC is a great place .I think the only reason I have lost these last 10 lbs and got over my plateau is BECAUSE of 3fc and all the lovely ladies and support here. YOU CAN DO IT!!!