It's been a LONG journey to this point...

  • I am a long time member here, and of all the diets I've tried WW is the only thing I have been able to maintain long term...I love the accountability, the meetings, the rewards, and NOT having to devise my own system...theirs works for me! Anyway, After my initial 60lb loss I gained it all back, plus some when I got pregnant! That was 3 years ago, and it has taken me 3 years mentally to make myself get back on the program...every January I start and quit within a week or 2....and this time I'm on my 5th week! The loss has been slower, but I know that my metabolism is too, last time I lost lots of weight I was like 20 and now I am 27 and have a kid, so with that I have also realisitically upped my goal weight...that means I don't have to lose 100lbs anymore hehe.

    There has been a huge mental shift for me, I am not fighting the same battles I was before. I gained 1.6lbs last week and didn't go home and gorge myself...I am sooo content! I LOVE points plus, it is super easy to follow and I am never hungry! I am going to work at posting here more often because I love the support here and there is something about this forum that is much nicer than the WW forum Soo...hi, I'm back, I hope I can support and encourage you and that you can do the same for me!!!
  • Welcome back!!! Your positive attitude is refreshing! Congratulations for sticking it out and not giving up! I love the support I receive on this message forum and you are right, it is a lot more friendly than the WW forums.

    Best of luck to you! We can do this!!!
  • Yay Clare!
    I am in more or less the same boat...lost 47, gained back 30. Finally decided to get with it and climb back on the wagon. I'm back on track and lost 10 so far, and I'm lovin' the PointsPlus!
  • Congrats! I too am back after several attempts at WW. I'm down 8.8 with the new program and LOVE it. I feel for the first time that this could be a lifestyle instead of a diet. I love fruit more than anything so i think that is the big difference for me this time.

    I also agree, i do not care for the WW forum, i feel very uncomfortable posting there. Not too friendly!!