Feb Daily Accountability-This is NOT a New Years Resolution It's a Lifestyle Change

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  • Ack... okay so I need to confess... I had four drinks out at the bar ... I've been so stir-crazy I had to go out! And I had some ex-boyfriend drama :-( and just came home and had 2 oreos, a handful of M&Ms, and a granola bar... probably putting me just over 2000 cals for the day ... hating myself!!! ugh.
  • Quote: Yes, I cooked it until it was soft, but not mushy. I just boiled it. This is what I used http://www.eat-smart.net/products/product.aspx?id=3 I used Newman's Own Alfredo Sauce.
    I like spaghetti squash, but I don't like to cook it. I used a special cutter and made "spaghetti" out of zucchini before, but that's a lot of work, too. The broccoli slaw is easy! Just dump it out of the package.
    I am soooo going to try this for my next pasta fix. I am very familiar with the broccoslaw, use it raw in salads often, or in a stir fry, but never as a noodle fix! Love it! And so good for you! I have never bought jarred alfredo, but I may have to try it, always scared away by fat grams. I make my own or order it in a restaurant so I dont know how many grams of fat there are
    I like simple too. I call that smart, not lazy!


    So I end the week at 208 even, been bouncing up and down .2 the last few days, but it has been a heck of a week for me overall. I am down a total of 4.6 pounds since last Sunday and lost 2 inches overall. I love the week after TOM!!! Weird, because on the weeks I lose more inches, the weight loss is less and the weeks I lose a lot of weight, the inches are less. Go figure. Now I expect things to slow down again for a week or two and I am prepared for that. This week I WILL get to 207 (my first mini goal)!

    For those of you that will be tempted today with Superbowl Snacks, stay strong and as close to plan as possible! You will be glad tomorrow!
  • Today I allowed myself to break my dessert hiatus. I ended up having a LOT of sweets, making today a total cheat day...dinner was a carrot, a slice of cake and a candy bar. I didn't measure, count or really track anything. I felt an addict's sort of loss of control. I need to be very strict with myself if I don't want to immediately relapse and gain back all the progress I made in the past week. Will probably be several pounds up the next couple days.

    Seoul on Thursday...that's going to be an eating adventure but there is no way I can possibly eat as much in 3 days in Korea as I did in 10 days in Germany. I'm going to let myself go into "vacation mode" and just try to enjoy life. All the tracking and worrying about food has been wearing me out!
  • Good Morning, all!

    We had more snow dumped on us last night and this morning is a very windy and icy morning.

    Last night's info:

    Breakfast: Berry berry Kix (can you tell I have kids in the house? ) almond milk, coffee
    Lunch: Salad
    Snack: 1 Cadbury's digestive biscuit
    Dinner: HC Lemon pepper fish, rice, broccoli, apple desert
    Snack: Popcorn
    Calories: 1,071 (it was at 860 before I decided to add some popcorn to the end of the day)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, happy and OP day!
  • Don't have time for personals now, but Woohoo! Down another .6 to put me at 246! I LOVE the second half of my menstrual cycle. It's where I see almost all the weight loss for the month!

    I'm not even sore from doing an hour of step (slow songs from Wii's Walk It Out) and I was SWEATING and my heart was pumping! Means I really am getting stronger!
  • Happy Superbowl Sunday!

    After my sick week and weigh going up and down, I settled at 154. Holding steady with my 11 pound loss.

    I had a pretty good day for food yesterday. Stayed right under 1400 calories. How ever hard I try to stay around 1200, I simply can't; I get too hungry. But 1300 - 1400 cal. seems to be doable. My calculator says I should lose about a pound a week...I am happy with that.

    Fab day to all!
  • Sum38, 1200 is really difficult for me too. I don't know how anyone can eat 1200 or less every day for more than....one or two days in a row!
  • Krampus I get massive sugar cravings if I stay at 1200 cal.
  • Good Morning!

    I had a TTOM bounce up in my weight. I expected it. Continuing to stay focused on my food and exercise plan and what I need to do. I won't change my ticker, though.

    Linsy Hi and Welcome!

    jomatho This is the Alfredo sauce that I use. It has 8 grams of fat per serving. How is that compared to what you make? http://newmansown.com/product_detail.aspx?productid=108 I also LOVE this salad dressing http://newmansown.com/product_detail.aspx?productid=14 It is delicious and only 35 calories a serving.

    I really like Newman's Own products because they don't contain a lot of the crappy chemicals a lot of other products contain. Most salad dressings contain propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is one of the components of antifreeze.
  • Yesterday was an just an OK food day. I got the munchies last night and the bad news was I snacked far too much. The good news was I think I made good choices for snacks.

    I had a 100 calorie bag of popcorn, A large Granny Smith apple sliced 110 calories, 2 cups of home made Weight Watchers all you can eat cabbage soup 74 calories and a whole bag (35) raw radishes without dip or salt 35 calories.

    My total for the day's food was 1354 calories. The problem with my snacking is in my mind two fold. First by eating a lot of anything my stomach is not shrinking. I wan't it to shrink so I get that full sensation with less food. The second issue is if I get in a habit eating a lot of snacks what happens if I do not make good food choices? The answer is obvious.

    Today is a new day and I will remember one of my favorite quotes.

    "Nobody one can go back to the beggining and start over, But anyone can start now and make a new ending"

    Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks. ~Author Unknown
  • Larry I have gotten in a habit of drinking a big glass of water before I eat anything. I am gulping down closer to 100 oz. per day. It seems to help with meals and snacks. I eat a lot less.

    I even drink another 8 oz. 1/2 hour after I eat.

    It is starting to work. Last night, I could not finish my dinner
  • I screwed up...like LLB said i hate myself.

    I want to binge this am, after all its super bowl. EXCUSE. I will take this day 1 hour at a time.

    personals in a bit.

    Have a bright day everyone.

  • Larry I think you made good choices and your calories were not that bad.

    Debbie I have been there before. Stay strong. Sometimes it's one hour at a time. Sometimes it's one minute at a time. You can do it.
  • Okay ladies, (and Larry ), This weekend (friday/saturday) has been a oops weekend...

    Lets start with Friday... I began my practicum placement in a 4k classroom... all day with 4 year olds, most of whom don't speak English (and I know no Spanish or Hmong... oh boy, learning experience!). I had a good breakfast, and packed a good lunch/snacks for lunch, tallying my calories in calorie count the night before, good right? Then comes lunch time... they had a Packer pep rally for the kids since the superbowl is today, so the staff had a pot luck lunch. I ate a little of my lunch, but mostly ate potluck. I went over my cals just a tad, but most of it was cake and cookies... uh-oh. add that sugar to the fact that I had gotten up 2 1/2 hours earlier than normal to get ready, and had not gotten to bed any earlier than normal... ugh. Sugar coma... Then add the pep rally - hundreds of 4 year olds shaking bean shakers and screaming "go Pack go!" --- *shudder*

    I came home a walking zombie Friday night...

    On a cute note, the teacher's daughters did not have school Friday, so they came to work with their mom. Another teacher was going around from room to room, asking everyone if they had stopped at the desert table, there was plenty of cake left. I told her " oh boy, I've had enough sugar to last me a week, but thank you!" then the teacher's daughter looked at us and said "how come when you get old you can't eat sweets anymore?" How's that from a 9 year old? LOL. Now I guess I'm old, LOL.

    I went to bed early saturday night, but I got up early, my boyfriend had to pull two stuck cars out of our driveway, then snow throw before we could leave. We both had class, in two different directions. I got over 8 hours of sleep that night, but had a 7 hour class yesterday. Again, I packed my healthy lunch, and went to school. Turns out I missed the memo, we were doing another pot luck...

    Someone brought veggies and dip, so I had some minus the dip, but eventually I caved to the sugar cookies, the chips and dip, the crackers and cheese, etc... of course the sugar made me want more sugar, so in an attempt to NOT eat a third cookie, I ate my apples... then the pita chips I brought... then my sandwich... ugh. yesterday was an epic fail...

    And here we are on superbowl Sunday... I plan on making homemade pizzas... any good veggie topping ideas? I plan on peppers and mushrooms... ideas? HELP! LOL
  • Pint – Congrats on finishing the race!
    Linsy –
    Jomatho – That’s great for a week! Congrats!
    LLBold – Aww, I wouldn’t stress about your evening out. For several days you were way under calories because of your wisdom teeth. I’m sure it will even out.
    Krampus - I think you did well honestly. I mean, could you have easily eaten more than one piece of cake or more than once candy bar? (I could!!) I see that as a victory! Baby steps!
    Larry – You’re doing awesome!
    Shells – Bundle up and stay warm!

    Down 0.6 to 148! Let’s hope today goes well and that new low isn’t up tomorrow.

    Here's my plan of attack today...
    B- oatmeal cooked in milk 250, ½ apple, diced 45, brown sugar 30 (325)
    L- 1/2 PB and J sandwich 140, banana 100 (240)
    D- chicken and broccoli parmesan w/whole wheat pasta 320
    S- cake 300, 250 snacks (cheese and veggies) (550)
    1 mile walk (20 minutes)

    I'm going to eat dinner before we head over to this SB party. I'm only allowing myself 250 calories of cheese, and veggies...and one sliver of chocolate pudding cake because it looks so fantastic...DH and I have been staring at it since we bought it yesterday.

    Hope everyone has a great, OP day!