~~February Golden Girls~~

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  • Sort of a long post----posted here for Bobbi!! You're Welcome! Thanks so much for all the Birthday wishes.. I'll be back later.

    Diary of a Demented Illinois Snow Shoveler

    December 8 6:00 PM

    It started to snow. The first snow of the season and
    the wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by
    the window watching the huge soft flakes drift down
    from heaven. It looked like a Grandma Moses print. So
    romantic we felt like newlyweds again. I love snow!

    December 9

    We woke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white snow
    covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic
    sight! Can there be a more lovely place in
    the whole world? Moving here was the best idea I've
    ever had!
    Shoveled for the first time in years and felt like a
    boy again. I did both our driveway and the sidewalks.
    This afternoon the snowplow came along and covered
    up the sidewalks and closed in the driveway, so I got
    to shovel again. What a perfect life!

    December 12

    The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a
    disappointment! My neighbor tells me not to worry-
    we'll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on
    Christmas would be awful! Bob says we'll have so much
    snow by the end of winter, that I'll never want to see
    snow again. I don't think that's possible. Bob is such
    a nice man, I'm glad he's our neighbor.

    December 14

    Snow, lovely snow! 8 inches last night. The
    temperature dropped to -20. The cold makes everything
    sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed
    up by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is
    the life! The snowplow came back this afternoon and
    buried everything again. I didn't
    realize I would have to do quite this much shoveling,
    but I'll certainly get back in shape this way. I wish
    I wouldn't huff and puff so.

    December 15

    20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a 4x4
    Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife's car and 2
    extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants
    a wood stove in case the electricity goes out. I think
    that's silly. We aren't in Alaska , after all.

    December 16

    Ice storm this morning. Fell on my *** on the ice in
    the driveway putting down salt. Hurt like ****. The
    wife laughed for an hour, which I think was very

    December 17

    Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go
    anywhere.. Electricity was off for 5 hours. I had to
    pile the blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to do but
    stare at the wife and try not to irritate her. Guess I
    should've bought a wood stove, but won't admit it to
    her. God I hate it when she's right. I can't believe
    I'm freezing to death in my own livingroom.

    December 20

    Electricity is back on, but had another 14 inches of
    the damn stuff last night. More shoveling! Took all
    day. The damn snowplow came by twice.
    Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but they said
    they're too busy playing hockey I think they're
    Called the only hardware store around to see about
    buying a snow blower and they're out. Might have
    another shipment in March. I think they're lying. Bob
    says I have to shovel or the city will have it done
    and bill me. I think he's lying.

    December 22

    Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more
    inches of the white **** fell today, and it's so cold,
    it probably won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes
    to get all dressed up to go out to shovel and then I
    had to piss. By the time I got undressed, pissed and
    dressed again. I was too tired to shovel. Tried to
    hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of
    the winter, but he says he's too busy. I think the
    ******* is lying.

    December 23

    Only 2 inches of snow today. And it warmed up to 0.
    The wife wanted me to decorate the front of the house
    this morning. What is she, nuts?!!
    Why didn't she tell me to do that a month ago? She
    says she did but I think she's lying.

    December 24

    6 inches - Snow packed so hard by snowplow, I broke
    the shovel.. Thought I was having a heart attack. If I
    ever catch the son of a ***** who drives that snow
    plow, I'll drag him through the snow by his balls and
    beat him to death with my broken shovel. I know he
    hides around the corner and waits for me to finish
    shoveling and then he comes down the street at a 100
    miles an hour and throws snow all over where I've just
    been! Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas
    carols with her and open our presents, but I was too
    busy watching for the damn snowplow.

    December 25

    Merry f---ing Christmas! 20 more inches of the damn
    slop tonight - Snowed in
    The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil. God, I hate
    the snow!
    Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation
    and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife
    says I have a bad attitude. Who gives a **** what she thinks. If I have to watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' one
    more time, I'm going to stuff her into the microwave.

    December 26

    Still snowed in. Why the **** did I ever move here? It
    was all HER idea.
    She's really getting on my nerves.

    December 27

    Temperature dropped to -30 and the pipes froze;
    plumber came after 14 hours of waiting for him, he
    only charged me $1,400 to replace all my pipes.

    December 28

    Warmed up to above -20. Still snowed in. The ***** is
    driving me crazy!!!

    December 29

    10 more inches. Bob says I have to shovel the roof or
    it could cave in That's the silliest thing I ever
    heard. How dumb does he think I am?

    December 30

    Roof caved in. I beat up the snow plow driver, and now
    he is suing me for a million dollars, not only for the
    beating I gave him, but also for trying to shove the
    broken snow shovel up his ***. The wife went home to
    her mother.
    Nine more inches predicted.

    December 31

    I set fire to what's left of the house. No more

    January 8

    Feel so good. I just love those little white pills
    they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the bed?
  • Hi everyone..Happy Valentines Day ive been staying busy my whole house is shining..not easy from a wheel chair.. esp when i drop things like abig box of dog treats on the floor and then my retriever upchucked on my carpet..i got it tho,, nerves are frazzeled i have talked to my dh several times..they are doing a stomack scope today..still dont know whats wrong but he sounds better and im so lucky to have friends and family to help..my dd best girl friend is care giver and trained to move folks like me and her and her dh offered to come get me so i can visit..im thinking of taking her up on that esp if they do an exploatory laprascopy(sp?) thankyou for all the well wishes.Happy Birthday Karen..and Zoe am sry you arnt up to par keep your apt jess im waiting for my new scale so i have not weighed since last week but i feel like i have..thanks for asking.. i'll check in later rosey
  • Thanks Donna for sending this!! I laughed out loud when I read it!! Have forwarded it on to several others!!

  • Hi everyone my dh is on his way home im so releaved..the scope showed he has 4 ulcers ouch..glad we now know what the trouble was..all kinds of things run thru your mind,the what ifs thanks for the support you are all the best rosey
  • Hi...Oh Rosey I was just passing thru and had to say how wonderful he's on his way home. 4! ouch!! Funny how years ago an ulcer diet was cream and more cream. I remember as a student nurse replacing the ice in the bowl keeping the half and half chilled at bedside.

    Zoe...We don't have to worry about you keeping that appointment cause your girls will make sure you follow thru. Forgot to tell you that one of things about retirement is the kids think they have become BOSS!

    Should be at the tournament so am tripping over my lower quivering lip. I just love to play so much and the intensiveness of a tournament is such fun.

    off to watch pawn stars....karen3
  • Karen3 i was just thinking about that as well.. when dh was in college i worked as a nurses aid and that was one of my jobs,i remember the half and half..boy have times changed including me great minds think a like..rosey
  • Went out for dinner with a crazy bunch tonight; so many laughs that my cheeks hurt! And I must pat myself on the back as I didn't have the free cheesecake! I had "virgin" caesar & a chicken stiry fry which was really good & I think I stayed within my point range. Rosey - I hope your DH is doing better. Karen - Hope you had a great birthday! Zoe - hang in there & try not to worry too much; prayers for you & yours. Sorry if I missed anyone; wasn't deliberate. Later all.
  • Good Morning! Another pound down Yes I'm still exercising and still not liking it much but I know it will make me stronger - one thing about chronic pain...it hurts to move, but hurts more if you don't Going to have to leave early for work - it looks a bit icy out there. Have a good day all.
    Love and Light
  • Well, as most of you know, the scale and I are long-time combatants, but I finally bit the bullet and hopped on last night. NOT a lovely experience - up from 162 to 168. AND, I imagine if I don't put the brakes on here and now, it'll just keep climbing. I'll have to change my ticker when I have a few extra minutes. Ugh. Well, on the bright side (if there IS a bright side in all of this, that is) my appetite seems to have simmered down all on it's own, which is a help. Yesterday, ate my oatmeal with fresh blueberries for lunch instead of breakfast (had a tuna packet, some lite Miracle Whip, and a pita to put together for lunch, but didn't bother with it) and then for supper, put on a pot of pasta sauce - chopped onions, red, green & yellow peppers, sun dried tomatoes added to a big jar of Prego traditional sauce with some red pepper flakes to spice it up. Added Italian style turkey sausage and scrambled ground turkey, and then at the very last, a bag of frozen artichoke hearts. YUM, and double-yum. Problem is, you have to let that stuff simmer on very low heat for a very long time, so I ended up having a bowl of Fiber One cereal with blueberries for supper and saving the pasta sauce for supper tonight. I'll freeze what we don't use in separate, individual-sized containers. That'll save me from cooking a few nights in the future. So, not too many calories, and only about 660 mg of sodium (my daughter said I need to start limiting my sodium). Yeah, Karen3, they do (try) to get bossy, don't they? (I only listen when I think they're making sense. That seems to be a good rule of thumb. If I don't agree, I listen, smile, and say "We'll see what happens." So far, so okay.) Anyway, after eating so lightly yesterday, I was afraid that I'd be ravenous today, but not so much. I have my oatmeal and fresh blueberries to add to it, but haven't felt like eating it yet. Will wonders never cease, huh? I've been thinking a lot about what to do for exercise. DD says not to do any until I see the doctor, but I'm kind of leaning towards thinking that it can't hurt, you know? So I'm going to hunt down that old Leslie Sansone DVD and try that again for a while. Looks like I'm going to have to MAKE time for some kind of regular exercise program. It'll be a stretch, what with the hours I spend commuting to and from work - it's not like I can get up a little earlier (5:30 is my cut-off point; I refuse to be up before that!) or stop on my way home very easily. As it is now, I don't get home until close to 6:00, and by the time supper is over, bedtime is creeping right up on me. So, this will take some creative thinking.
    Well, wish I could say something to each and every one of you right now, but seems like I've said enough already. This post will go right off the page if I keep typing.
    Hugs - and thanks for being there - to all!

  • Good Morning Girls!
    I'm going to put on my shorts and go get a tan today, we have a heat wave. Gonna be 40 degrees today.
    Oh, just kidding. Actually I'm going to bake DH a Strawberry cake with no frosting. I had a coupon for $5.00 off Drisdoll strawberries and had to buy 2 containers of strawberries. I need something to serve the berries over and I had a strawberry cake mix. There's 240 calories in 1 serving of baked cake. I could put applesauce in place of oil and use egg beaters to lower the calories but it'd still be higher than I want to spend on calories. What can I put strawberries over for myself while DH has his over cake? I eat so much of the Sugar Free puddings, I could use that. But I'm looking for a cake look-alike. Wish I had some angel food mixes in the house, that'd work. Any ideas all you bakers?
  • Good Morning, All...
    Quick check in...
    PT/Zoe, I didn't respond to your scary possible heart stuff... when will you see your doctor? GOOD thoughts abound! Insofar as exercise, walking will certainly not hurt you, and I think we can trust you to not embark upon any marathon Lynn/KarenMO stuff-and-nonsense! Keep us posted... and GO TO THE DOCTOR!

    Rosey, how is DH? What does he have to do differently, to cope with those 4 ulcers? Can this be treated solely through diet or does he have to do meds, too? I'm glad he's home; I know YOU'RE glad he's home, too! And how are YOU?

    I have a friend who is having gastric by-pass next week and so we're getting together tonight for a hurrah celebration for her. I'm so proud of her, making the decision, and I know she'll do as well with her journey as our Rosey has with hers!

    Better get rolling. Nothing to report. I am as boring as this post!! Lynn, Lyn, Karens, Mary, Freda, Bobbi, Isabella, NCNancy, everyone!, be warm, dry, and safe!
  • Good morning all

    Where did that sun go ~ it was here just a minute ago. It warmed up here a little yesterday and I was able to go out on the deck for a bit in the afternoon and enjoy that.

    Baked a heart shaped brownie yesterday and made an outline with decorator icing to sort of stick those little conversation hearts on to decorate it. Took that over to Sara's family. I didn't even get into it ~ yippee!! Got to spend time with them. Gave Sara some hair therapy (brushing and brading and playing with her hair ~ relaxing to her I guess) Corbin calls that hairapy. Then he wanted a turn and a back scratch . Got to play with Maddie ~ she showed me her box (valentine's box from day care) of treasures. It was a good day.

    Still feeling kind of tired today, but have got stuff to do, so I'd better quit fooling around and get to it.

    Hope you all are having a good day.

    Take care
  • Good Morning girls,

    Wow! Double WOW! The sun is out and it's supposed to be in the 40's today. I can see grass again, where some snow has melted. Is spring in the air? Don't get my hopes up and then turn on me!

    Z, in this instance, I hope those kids do keep nagging you untill you go to the Dr. I'm afraid I put things like that off way too long. And I don't like your symptoms either. I can't say too much about kids trying to tell their parents what to do. My mom is still around and I find my self doing the same thing. And I always think I'm right. I get told very frequently that i'm not! Don't fret about the weight. You've been under a lot of stress, worrying about your sister and her son. Just get started again.

    Bobbi, too bad you don't have those chicekns and all those eggs still. You could do a homemade angel food cake. Then you both could have the cake and strawberries. I saw strawberries at my grocery store too. Must be coming in from somewhere.

    Tea Granny! Way to go Girl!!! a weight loss and exercise!

    Rosie, glad to hear that DH got a diagnosis. Yeah, treatment for ulcers has changed drastically. But I can remember my dad drinking milk for his ulcers. I'm anxious for you to get that scale to see how much you've lost!

    Karen, thanks for the laugh! Hope you had fun on your birthday.

    Lafalot, turn around and i'll pat you on the back for resisting the cheese cake. Not easy to do, so you deserve a pat!

    Lyn, Waiting to see the new red head.

    Gayle, we were posting at the same time. I took the day off yesterday too. After a weekend i'm beat. don't ask for miracles from me on Monday.

    Donna, I hope you're getting some warm weather. Have a nice get together tonight!

    Hope everyone is getting some of this sun,

  • An attempt to show you my new hair color -


  • Karen, I hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My DD's birthday is today.

    Zoe, I hope your doctor will find a VERY minor problem.

    Bobbi, What's happening with your headaches?

    Rosey, I am so sorry to hear about your DH. I wish we lived close enough to help each other.

    Freda, we had a nice day yesterday. Today is sunny, but COLD.

    Gayle, I am making a heart-shaped meatloaf tonight for my DD's birthday.

    Donna, my purpose for the marathon is to get to my goal weight. I am almost there (145 lbs) weighed in at 146 this morning.

    Everyone, have a lovely day,
