calories and exercise

  • hi all, so im just begining to get way too confused about what to do to drop the last of these pounds.
    i did mrc and then no carbs to get to where i am, but i seem to just be stuck around 140. i think now that i'm smaller i need to do something different.

    i thought i could get some advice from featherweights. i want to continue to work out 5-7x a week. should i count calories? if so what do you guys think is a good amount? the calorie counter websites say atleast 1200, but depending on my exercise i earn up to 500 more. do i need to eat these?
  • I dont really believe in eating back my calories. If you do alot of exercise and you find yourself hungrier - then I'd just eat a little more of low calorie foods to make sure I am not starving. But I definitely do not believe in eating a certain number of calories - just because.

    I guess I just feel like - my body is not going to allow me to starve. If you are severely undereating, it usually will give you warning signs: headache, dizziness, etc.
  • The problem with eating 1200 and exercising is risking your body falling into starvation mode and losing muscle mass.
    I'd try to keep it around 1400-1500 and eating carbs before your workout.