On Plan Thread: January 3rd to 9th 2011

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  • B: 8 oz LS V8 (snow made me run behind)
    S: LF cheese stick, 6 ww crackers
    L: Veggie soup, grilled cheese (2 slices ww bread, LF cheese)
    S: Celery and hummus
    D: ??? Some sort of fake burger, homemade slaw, and either asparagus or brussel sprouts, not sure.
    S: Possibly 2 T. natural peanut butter
  • Shelflife, no, it is just something i've put together after working out for a bit.
  • Phase 2
    B-Berry banana smoothie
    L-pumpkin yogurt, ancient grains risotto
    D-Brinner is a winner! Super veggie egg scramble, turkey bacon, one slice ww toast
  • Saturday, Phase 1 with PP, day 6 - only 25 more days to go!
    B: 1 cup lf kefir, 2 hb eggs, 1 tbsp. lf mayo, cup of v8
    S: 1/2 cup edamame
    L: 2 lf all beef hot dogs, carrots
    S: 1/2 cup roasted chick peas
    D: chicken divan casserole
    S: slice of cheese, 20 peanuts
  • Phase 1.5 (fruit but no grain)

    B: weekend breakfast - egg, refried beans, spinach & lots of salsa
    L: hummus salad (giant salad with hummus instead of dressing)
    S: apple, 2 lf string cheese
    S: slivered almonds
    D: crockpot chili, roasted squash
    S: wine if I exercise during the day!
    32 points
    exercise: Wii workout
  • Sick today. Not feeling much like planning, but here are the bones:

    Jan 8 (P1, D8)
    Wt: 174.5 (-4.5 for the week)
    Workout: Unlikely to happen today.
    B: Almond energy blast shake.
    Sn: 2 slices ff ham and a babybel light.
    L: Eggs with a little ground turkey, sundried tomatoes, and a ff cheddar cheese slice.
    Sn: Cottage cheese and sf jello.
    S: Mexican restaurant: Carne with refried beans. 2 jalapeno poppers. Didn't touch the chips, rice, tortillas. I did pretty well.
    Sn: Nothing.
    Vitamin? Yep!
    Omega-3s? Yep!
    Thoughts: I've basically run out of veggies in my house. Definitely have to go shopping today. I guess I should take some Dayquil.

    Jan 9 (P1, D9)
    Wt: 174
    Workout: Was hoping to make it to Zumba today, but I'm still a disgusting snot factory. I'll sit out another day.
    B: Turkey, bean, and veggie soup.
    Sn: String cheese
    L: Break free scrambled with salsa and a babybel light. Swiss chard, tomatoes, and a laughing cow.
    Sn: Popsicle (orange, in case you were wondering )
    S: South Beach Indian chicken with a lentil & kidney bean stew
    Sn: Fake brownie
  • Friday behind me!!!!

    Today: P1/D6

    B: Slice of Egg/cheese casserole; small slice ph 1 p/b bread
    L: Slice of Quiche Lorraine with crusts removed and about 1 cup broccoli cheese soup
    S: Cheese stick and some homemade crackers from this site (sunflower seed/Parmesan cheese)
    D: Hungarian Roast with Sour Cream Gravy (also from this site, I think...
  • phase 2

    b - oatmeal with teaspoon of peanut butter and almond milk, coffee
    l - barley and mushroom soup
    s - korean beef(dh is making is) with broccoli and salad.
    glass of wine with a cube of regular cheese

    had to go out shopping, so I walked the mall.
  • Phase 2 -

    B. veggie omelette, 2 slices ww toast
    L. skipped since I was still full from breakfast
    D. black bean soup w/sweet potato & lime (this soup is just awesome!), veggie salad w/feta and no dressing
    S. I'll either have some greek yogurt or a fudgesicle
  • Phase 2
    B-spinach feta egg wrap
    L-quinoa risotto (in serious danger of turning into risotto, I eat it so often)
    D-Trying a new mediterranean place with Hubs, should be plenty of good choices there
  • phase 1, day 6:
    B: yogurt with almonds and walnuts mixed in, coffee
    L: grilled chicken breast, spinach salad with sunflower seeds, cottage cheese
    S: sugar free jolly ranchers, about 4
    D: grilled fish, avocado and tomato salsa, salad
  • Phase II

    B: V8, 2 boiled eggs, veggie sausages
    S: RF cheese stick, skinny latte
    L: Lentil soup, carrots, hummus
    D: Leftover Taco Bake, roasted veggies
    S: Dark chocolate, PB
  • Sunday, Phase 1 with PP - day 7, 7 days of Phase 1 left, 24 days of strict point counting left
    B: omlette with 2 eggs, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1/4 cup lf cheese, 1/4 avocado
    S: 1 cup kefir
    L: 2 turkey meatballs with carrots and 1/2 cup edamame
    S: 1/2 cup roasted chick peas
    D: turkey and cabbage "stoup"
  • Saturday:
    1: eggs with mushrooms, spinach, artichokes, tomatoes; egg white crepe with strawberries and bananas
    2: pistachios
    3: lean beef stew
    4: orange

    1: smoothie (chocolate protein, 1/2 banana, 1 tsp. almond butter, greens powder)
    2: salad
    3: pistachios
    4: lean beef stew, salad
  • Phase 2
    B/L-half a grilled cheese w/ peppers on ww bread, green smoothie
    S-cottage cheese
    D-tofu and veggie stirfry