50 or more week of Nov 18-24

  • If you have 50 or so pounds to lose, or are losing, this is the group for you! So jump on in and join; you'll be sure to get a warm welcome!

    Hi to Linda, JOYce, Texaslady, Janet, Carol, Tonya, and Lilithu! Guess everyone is pretty busy getting ready for the holidays. Stop in and say hi when you can!

  • <Giggling enthusiastically.> Hi!!! Second person in the room for this next week! I'll subscribe right now so I won't miss all of the posts like I did last week!

    Jan, your cruise sounds like a dream vacation, you will be with all the people who mean the most to you, and right across the hall -- what could be better! Now that I have told you about the Heart to Heart/yogurt combo, I am craving it, I'm glad I still have some left of them both! Oh, and I have one of those yogurt makers too; mine is a Salton -- it has been passed throughout the family numerous times since it was purchased way back in the early 70's. Mine always comes out too thin, too. I do think I will try it again, though, all I need to do is unwedge it from the depths of the linen closet, which is really a bigger job than it sounds like -- we never throw anything away.

    Hello to everyone -- let's try to have an OP week!
  • Ooh Janet,

    I wish I was going. Can you adopt me and my two year old daughter!! I took a 7 day cruise for my honeymoon and I loved it. Well I did pretty good since my weigh in on Thursday. Its funny because Weight Watchers and My scale at the gym are different. The WW scale showed a 3.6 loss and mine a 2 lb loss. But I will take them both. I have stayed OP since then but thursday I went over my points by 8. I am compensated by working out for an hour on Sunday, Monday, and for the rest of the week. I do 30 minutes on the step machine and 30 minutes of stationary bike riding.

    I am going to try and not go over my points again before my weigh in on Thursday 11/21. The weekends are very hard for me. How is everyone else doing?

    Have a great week.
  • Tonya, congrats on your loss, that was a good one. We went out for an early Thanksgiving dinner with my family (Dad, sisters, etc) last night and I think I may have gained a pound or so, so I hope that I just break even from my last WI, and not show a gain on Wednesday. Good for you, keep it up!

    Hello to Carol, texaslady, Jan, Janet and JOYce! Check in when you can.
  • Tonya, kudos on your loss! That was really great. And I'm sure all that exercise will more than compensate for the 8 pts over that one day. (You can use up to 10 extra banked pts in one day, anyway!) I know what you mean about weekends; they're really hard for me too.

    Linda, I'm sure you didn't gain a pound at one dinner; you'll do fine tomorrow! If there is any gain at all, it'd probably be from the extra salt that restaurants use. That's great that your family could all get together like that! And going out makes it even more fun; no dishes to wash!

    Hope everyone is having a great week! I'm starting to worry about our awol friends

  • Sorry to be AWOL.
    I have not been very motivated lately..WW-wise, that is.

    I was called for jury duty yesterday it turned out to be a murder case, but I got excused today because the arresting officer is a good friend of mine! so now I am finished with that for a year.
    We will leave next Thursday for AZ for the soccer tournament. the hotel where we are all stayig has a fabulous sounding buffet, which is probably way too much for me. but think I can convince myself that I don't have to eat my moneys worth.

    My sister is having more problems, we didn't know that a side effect of chemo is blood clots! she has several in her leg, below her knee. so is on blood thinner and new doctors orders. We had a nice visit for her birthday a week ago and I will go again this next weekend.

    gotta make a soccer run!

  • Hello Ladies,

    Well another 1.5 pounds gone. That brings me to 11.5 total! I am very happy, but I have a long way to go, but I know I will get there. How is everyone else doing.

    Can someone please explain to me the Activity points and how you calculate them. I wont get that book until week#4 and I am too excited to wait. I have been working out for an hour 5 days a week now and I count that as 2 AP. Does anyone know if it is based on your weight or the number of minutes you work out.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Way to go Tonya!! You are doing great! You must feel wonderful to be making such progress, and I'm sure all that exercising is really hellping. Re: the exercise points, yes, it is based on three things: weight, intensity level, and duration. For example, an hour of moderate activity at 232 earns you five points. (Moderate is defined as "Activities that probably make you break a sweat. Examples include walking at a fast pace (4 mph) or biking 10 to 20 mph." High is jogging or running, 6 mph, or competitive swimming/biking.) An hour of light activity (stretching, walking at a leisurely pace, activities that do not make you sweat) earns you 3 points. Hope that helps! They'll give you a little slider calculator soon...

    JOYce, it is so good to hear from you! Glad to hear you got off jury duty; yeah, I know we all need to do that sometimes, as good citizens and all that, but I don't know anyone who looks forward to it!! And especially now, with all you have going on. I'm sorry to hear about your sister's blood clots; glad they were able to catch it, though, and give her the coumadin or thinner. I hope you enjoy your trip to AZ! Are you going to Phoenix?

    Not much happening here. We've had lovely weather lately, but we're all down with colds. Dad's feeling better now that his medicine is kicking in. Dh and I have been very good with program this week, so he's hoping for a good loss on Saturday.

    Gotta run! Have a historical society meeting in a little while. Hi to Texaslady, Janet, Carol, Linda, and Lilithu!

  • Tempe, AZ is where we are going. The league has a block of rooms reserved in a very nice hotel, looking forward to it! dgd is disappointed that I will not be fixing turkey dinner before we go, but "que sera`", she'll get over it, I will enjoy not doing it this year.
    dgd in USAF called last night to say she is going to 'the gulf' in Dec.
    She assures me that she will be safe. Her new hubby will stay home and take care of the house, dog and bills.
    Her sister decided not to enlist, so she is coming back to CA next month. But willl be living with a friend, not here.

    One more note about the activity points, our leader said the extra points earned, have to be eaten the day that they are earned.

    I stopped at Linda's today, her room is looking great! her dh is building oak cabinets, or were they bookcases??? anyway it is gorgeous! and a lovely shade of green paint for the walls.

  • JOYce, your trip sounds like fun! I've never been to Tempe, but I've heard it's very interesting. Hope your team wins!

    Glad to hear Linda's remodeling project is going so well!

    Tonya, hope you had a good ww mtg today!

    What's everyone planning for the weekend? Dh and I will take Dad up to San ANtonio on Saturday and have a little birthday celebration, maybe go out to lunch on the Riverwalk. The "real" celebration will be on the boat, but Sat. is his actual birthday. Sunday I have to play piano at church and work on packing, lesson plans, etc.

    Hi to Texaslady, Janet, Carol, Linda, and Lilithu! (Lilithu, how is the new job going?)