Good Health Guidelines

  • What are the good healthy guidelines?
  • Quote: What are the good healthy guidelines?

    5 servings of fruits and veggies
    3 teaspoons of oil
    2-3 servings of protein
    2-3 servings of dairy/ milk products
    6-8 8 oz of water/liquids

    30 minutes of exercise.

    Did I miss anything?
  • multivitamin

    And of course make sure the mean is lean,and the dairy is low fat/fat free. Also, I think it's only 2 teaspoons of healthy oil
  • My guide shows squares for 3 teaspoons of healthy oil but I think 2 is the minimum.

    Also, you can get the dairy servings from full fat products. I was curious about this as I do eat some full fat cheese. I looked up and it does meet the requirements for dairy (of course it is higher in points) although they don't really advertise the fact that it does (so to speak).
  • Also whole grains. And don't forget exercise is also a GHG - a minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week.
  • Thank ya'll for replying.