Doing it on my own... till now.

  • Well okay. Im Patra, married mom of 2, plus size shopper since 6th grade. But I was always the smaller one in the family. Not small but the smaller one. Back in May I got tagged in a Facebook picture that nearly killed me. I was shocked that it was me. I realized that smaller was all in my head. So I decided to do something about it. I worked so hard over the summer and through the middle of November I lost 72 lbs. Then Thanksgiving hit. I gained back 12 lbs since Thanksgiving morning. I was doing so good! Denying myself was easy because I wasnt "denying myself" I was "working towards my goal" but now... its hard! I need a kick start (right in my butt).

    Ive lurked here off and on over the summer but decided this morning (after a day of doing great and a dinner with an extra helping of sabotage) that I would take the plunge and go for it. I pulled out some pictures of before and during to motivate me. I Goodwilled all my "Fatter Clothes" and theres no turning back.

    Hi Everyone!
  • Welcome aboard, that is still great progress. I think everyone here has some "yo yo" in their past - so it takes a while to learn how to craft a plan you can adhere to. Fortunately there is great advice everywhere from the succesful.
  • OMG, that is sooooooooooooooo wonderful, (the weight loss and doing it by yourself) I've been doing it by myself for 3 months and felt I needed help.

    OK, quit beating yourself up, life happens. Do you really want to go back to the pic that someone tagged you in. Have you been taking pics, if not take one now and compare it to one from May or before

    then Move more, eat less (OK so that's my motto) and did you know 60 lbs (your total weight loss, even with the T-giving slip) is 240 sticks of butter!!!

    OMG, you have lost 240 sticks of butter that is soooooooooooooo amazing . . . I don't think I can even imagine 240 sticks of butter piled up in a shopping cart

    Now, pick yourself up, quit beating yourself up and exercise, walk, do weights or whatever, think before you stuff it in your mouth, what I try to think is (is the pleasure really worth all the work I have to do to get rid of the damage. It works for me) Do whatever you've been doing

  • Welcome!

    If you're anything like me, I think you'll find that this forum gives you that little extra "boost" we all need sometimes! It's a place where you can be honest, accountable and supported. No matter WHAT you're going through (ups, downs or in-betweens) SOMEONE on here has been there, done that.

    Congrats on your loss so far, that's amazing! As far as T-day...we all slip up. Learn from it and move on. You CAN do this!!
  • Hi Jonesie - I too have been doing it myself. I've lost almost 60lbs and I see the same panic in myself when I stall or a few pounds creep back up. I too had to get rid of most of my wardrobe and I can't go back either. Like the others say - our journey continues with the next bite - so do our choices. Lets make the right ones...we're all in this together!!!
  • Thank you all for the welcome and encouraging words! Today has been a good day and I feel like tomorrow will be a good one too. Cant wait to get to know you all.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Don't let the Thanksgiving thing stop you!! Get right back on your plan and remember it will be a plan for life! I am trying to not break my plan until I meet my goal weight.

    I have also goodwilled my plus clothing. It feels so good to get rid of it, doesn't it??
  • Hi!
    to 3FC
    Hugs and support on our weight loss journey

  • Welcome Aboard! Congrats on the weight loss already, and good luck with your goals.
  • Thanks so much. Really just since posting on here a couple days ago when I decide I need *need* to eat a spoonful of peanut butter standing in the pantry I think about how many of you ladies are fighting it to and I dont want to "let you down". It's amazing how a group makes this so much easier.
  • You can do it Jonesie!!! You've already proven to yourself that you can... so take charge, and realise that you are stronger than your cravings.
    Welcome and good luck to you!!!