Steel Magnolias #56

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  • Good morning gals. It is chilly here this morning. On Thursday it was mid 70's and it is now 32 to get up mid 50's today. Actually overall, next week the temps should still be warmer than usual.

    We had such a fun time yesterday doing the Christmas exchange. We laughed ourselves silly with the adult gifts. Jay and Alicia bought me a child's housekeeping set and Tom and Kelly bought me the cutest little girl's handbag and assessories including a little poodle, money, lipstick, cell phone, etc. Boy do my kids know me! They bought Jack this really cute little Yorkie with a handbag to put him in. He barked and turned his head and his little pink tongue stuck out just like our Fortune's. They also got him a Playdough burger making kit! lol One of the funniest though was Tom. Tom is a tall, dark haired thin guy and Jay and Alicia bought him a Jacob doll from the movie "Twilight." He is only in bathing trunks all muscular etc, we kidded him about that was what he was aspiring to be! All the toys were just so cute and the boys will take them to Toys for Tots today when they visit the Pink Palace. We have our day free and will meet them downtown tonight for dinner at Rendezvous. Jay has to get his bbq fix before he leaves tomorrow.

    Sounds like everyone had a fun Thanksgiving.

    Susan: I am so glad you are feeling better. Nothing worse than being sick over a holiday. I don't do Black Friday either. I think it is nuts to stand for hours in the cold to save a few bucks for a zhuu zhuu pet! lol Sounds like you ate responsibly!

    Jean: Don't you love it when the kids call and say they will be in early? Sounds like you had a ton of work. Kelly really did most of the work this year and it was wonderful. She loves to cook now that she is taking all those cooking school classes and she did a great job. Thomas got on the internet and found fancy napkin folds and made our cloth napkins look like candles sitting on our plates. The table was really lovely too.

    Maggie: Got your package last night. Haven't even opened it as we didn't get home until past midnight. I do appreciate it.

    Have a grand Saturday all. We have to find someplace to get Jack's watch battery replaced then go out to the credit union at the base because I am down to my last two lines on my check register and just realized I have no more! Talk to you all tomorrow. Faye
  • Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining, NO wind for a nice change, and cold at 21 degrees. I'm dressed, read the paper, had coffee, made the bed, and have the first load of laundry going. All the extra serving dishes were washed last night and have been put away this morning . . . now it's time for a few minutes to relax. Bob just left for a farm auction; there is a tractor he wanted to check on -- just what "we" need is another tractor!

    My next project is to sort through the toy box and either put away some or donate the "babyish" things they no longer play with. They tend to dump it all to find what they are looking for, and then the toy box is all mixed up when it's time to pick up toys and they just dump back willy-nilly.

    "Gma" -- Thanks for starting the new thread. It sounds like you had a fun day with your family! The gift exchange sounds the best, and your kids certainly do you know you! I even as I read. Jason and Amanda went back home Thursday night and then came yesterday morning. Our laminate floors are cold and I just hated the thought of the kids sleeping on the floor w/o sleeping bags. Bob had suggested getting them a motel room if they did come. Beth likes to fold napkins and I bought her a book one year with all different kinds of napkin ideas. She was in a creative cooking class at the time, but she is like me and doesn't like to cook either. Will does a lot of their cooking. I hope you can find someone to put the battery in Jack's watch. The WM idiots here have no clue so I just go to the jewelry store and be done with it.

    My relaxing time is over and I need to keep moving. I hope you all are enjoying sunshine and a nice day!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Sunny Saturday

    It is a sunny cool day here in the Heartland. 42 degrees, dunny with a 6 mph wind. That's what it is folks. Today is the day we have decided to dig out the Christmas decorations. Just a little to cheer the season along. We have decided on what we are getting each other for Christmas. Something we have never done before but it has caught our interest this year. The same company where we ordered the spiral cut smoked turkey breast and ham has a food of the month "club" where each month you get some goodie like a smoked turkey, chickens, brisket, ham, pork chops etc, you get the drift good smoked meats. It averages out to be a huge sized savings and it is food we will definitely use for company or "just us." You can get this for 3, 6 or 12 months. We plan on getting the 12 month plan which is such a deal . The gift that keeps on giving. Anyway that's the plan. I was able to put lots of the ham and turkey we got from them in the freezer and it is just as good thawed for a go again meal as it was when we first got it. Mail just came and I got another pile of catalogues. I got one the other day that I will probably be doing some ordering from ~ Pendery's World of Chiles & Spices. They have some of the spices I use a lot and at a good price. Ah ~ and they have Himalayan coarse crystals (salt) which I have my eye on. It is pink like the blocks of salt you can cook on. Which I don't have one of. Anyway that is for another days way to spend my "allowance." I need to save it now for the new WW material.

    DONNA FAYE What a hoot! Those gifts sound so neat and fitting for each member of the family. That is such a neat tradition you folks have started for yourselves. Really neat. Napking folding is definitely an art. What fun it is to see a nice table dressed up that way. If you get one recipe out of that book you like it makes it worth sending it your way. I guess Will must have sent it priority to get it there so fast.

    JEAN You sound like you are organized. Got alll that "stuff" done likety split. Another tractor ~ what a guy. How many does he have now?

    SUSAN How are you feeling this day?

    Have a great Saturday ladies. Off to start decorating. Tis the season.

  • Good afternoon, ladies! Cold today - 49 degrees but the rain is over.

    I maintained at WW today so that is good. Our leader said she has been on the new plan for 2-1/2 weeks and lost 6 pounds. I'd think I died and went to heaven for sure if I had a loss like that.

    Maggie, you have a great idea for the gift for yourselves.

    Jean, did Bob get the tractor? How did the toy sorting go? You have to give the kids credit for at least getting them back in the toy box even if it wasn't in order.

    Faye, your gift exchange must have been such fun! Your kids sure know you well. How big is Jackson now? Time for a picture of the cousins together.

    Have a great evening!
  • Maggie -- What a nice Christmas idea that you and Will have chosen! I have never seen 'meat of the month' offered but have seen things like flowers, fruit, cheese, candy, etc. Bob wanted to see if the tractor was a diesel or a gas. He is always hoping to find a tractor or implement that would have his dad's dealership decal on it. The tractor turned out to be a piece of junk so he came home before the auction started. He has 4 tractors, but is trying to sell one online, and has a NY guy interested in it.

    Susan -- on maintaining during the beginning of this 'overeating holiday' season! I'm anxious to see the new plan since the little tidbits seem to be favorable so far. I just don't want to take the time to learn "new," like having to get new "stuff" and learn new points when I pretty much know the points of what I eat now.

    Enjoy your evening, Flowers!
  • Good morning everybody! It is going to warm back up into the 60's today and looks like it will be nice and sunny. It was cool yesterday morning, but then warmed up nicely.

    We went out yesterday morning and went to the Batteries + store and got Jack's watch battery changed, then drove out to the bank and got some check registers then back to the movie theater to see Harry Potter. Loved it big time. It was the best so far. I had bought the tickets online then just picked them up at the kiosk with no waiting. We went right in and got seats and were the first into theater for at least half an hour. I am glad we waited a week because we didn't have to stand in line or anything. We then talked to the kids and we decided to meet downtown at the Rendezvous at 5 pm. We paid $10 to park, but it was just across the alley so it was worth it. As we were coming in, they called our name so Jack and I didn't have to wait at all. Yummy food and fun conversation then we went back to Kelly's for just a bit. Jay called me about half hour ago and said they were heading out that Jackson was still asleep so they weren't going to come by.

    Jean: It is amazing with technology now you can sell anything to anyone anywhere. I just had to at this guy from NY driving his tractor all the way back home! I know they probably do some kind of train freight shipping or something for it or come get it with a trailer, but thinking about some guy riding a tractor all the way to NY is amusing.

    Maggie: I had to kind of giggle at meat of the month. I kept thinking about someone sending that unknowingly to a vegetarian! I think our adult gift giving is a stupendous way to do Christmas. I mean, we do charity things for the kids for their birthdays because everyone has everything they want or need like I did this thing for Kelly and Tom this year heifer international and it buys animals of all kinds to 3rd world countries and such. I bought chicks from Kelly and ducks from Tom. So, doing the Christmas presents to adults this way is a load of fun and charitable at the same time. Here is what we ended up with for everyone: Jay got a writing board and a toddlers drum set because he is an advertising exec and is in a band, Alicia got a play dough cake decorating kit and these zhu zhy pet hamsters because my sil is a nut (the hamsters) and she likes to cook, Jack got the playdough burger making kit and the yorkie with purse, I got the housekeeping set the handbag set and Kelly got the barbie pizza career doll and this cute toddlers plane since they travel a lot. I was teasing her about the pizza doll because she dislikes her job and she is really into cooking. The barbie doll has a pizza on its hand and you press a button on its back and it twirls pizza! lol

    Susan: Great that you did so well over the holiday with eating! Hope you are still feeling well.

    I need to go. We need to get some things done this morning out and about. Have a great day all! Faye
  • Good Afternoon, Flowers! The sun is shining and it's 52 degrees with a 25 mph wind in the mix. Leaves are blowing all over and Bob is hoping that most of our's, in front, will blow to the cat hating neighbors. We went to early church then out for breakfast. I've read the papers and done another load of laundry. I guess I will be counting money at church tomorrow so will have to go in at 8 instead of 9. Then I have a luncheon for the Care and Compassion Committee -- that's the committee I'm on where I send out the birthday cards. I got a nice written thank you from a 91 year old lady yesterday which made my day. I have gotten a few thank you phone calls in the past. Anyhow we are to have rain turning to snow so I hope it waits until after lunch!

    "Gma" -- Glad you enjoy the HP movie and dinner with your family. The Rendezvous sounds like an interesting place. Bob sold a tractor cab to a guy in northern MN who lived out in the country with a very long lane. He drove 9 hours to come and pick it up on a trailer. I'm not sure I would want to ride from here to NY pulling a trailer with a tractor on it. We did that a few years ago; took a tractor from here to my hometown about 2 1/2 hours away and it was a bumpy/jerky ride.

    I've sorted through the toy box and have a few things for the SOS store so need to find a box. I know there are clothes I can add to it also.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Good afternoon, ladies! Only in the 40s today and overcast. Forecast calls for 50s tomorrow and 70s on Tuesday. What weather!

    The new plan has begun! I've been reading the boards at WW. No points quiz or paper calculators. Your daily points is calculated by WW computer at meetings or online members. It'll be recaluclated by them as you lose. Those Vitatops, that I never bought) are now 3 points instead of 1 so much groaning about that. No more bread 2 slices for 1 point. At least 1 point per slice or more. Cereal is up and things like that. I think I'm going to like the new plan a lot - it's how I've tried to eat anyway. Original WW plan taught me to eat a lot of protein.

    Faye, what fun gifts and I know the final recipients will be thrilled. I'm always torn about giving to 3rd world countries when we have so many hungry children and adults here. I do give some, but usually give more to US.

    Jean, tractor hauling doesn't sound like a fun activity to me. I can remember driving them when I was a kid. Being a girl I wasn't allowed to lift heavy things but I could drive the tractor. I was driving it in the fields with blocks of wood on the pedals so I could reach them. Where were the child labor laws then? Doesn't seem to have done me any harm, though.

    Maggie, hi!

    Have a great evening!
  • Simply Sunny Sunday

    It is a very windy day here in the Heartland with sunshine and 42 degrees that feels like it is 38. I am so glad I wear a casual upswept hairdo so the wind doesn't disturb it much. Thank goodness for a bit of nautral curl in it and some good ole hair spray. We went out to eat and I had a small steak, sweet potato and tossed salad. No bread and no dessert. Brought half of the sweet potato home it was so large. They serve cinnamon and butter to put on it but I always ask for it on the side so I can just sprinkle a tad bit of spice on it and leave the butter. This place has a small fresh loaf of bread they bring to the table and we declined. YEAH for us. It is so good too. Twisted half brown and white bread. I found (in a catalogue) the neatest little outdoor cooker that weighs 9 pounds and has a round 12 x 12 cooking surface. Just right for two folks. It will BBQ, Grill, Bake, Roast, Smoke, Steam, Fry, Boil & Warm. It has a grill, frying pan, griddle, wok, & roasting rack. The ultimate addition to any boat, rv, campsite or apartment balcony. It has an outside that will stay cool so can be used on a table. Guess who's gonna get one of those. It will fit nicely in its carry cover in our Jeep to take on our jaunts. It uses a little bit of charcoal. Just a little bit. A lot of places now days don't have fire pits you can cook in so you have to have a "unit." Having this will eliminate having to take other "appliances" since it will do so much. I have told Will that if I get it soon I can be practicing on it and will know how to "do stuff" on it come spring when we will go somewhere on a jaunt. I can be really familier on how to use it. I have myself convinced. He just looked at me. Well he has two large Webbers and a Smoker out on the patio which won't fit in the Jeep so we need something. We were thinking of a scotch box but this unit will do so much more than just just to BBQ. I do have myself convinced. I just don't want to spend my "allowance" on it ~ I want to spend house money. I have other things I want to get with my allowance. I will say no more about it now for he will think about it. My reasoning is so good my guess is he will agree with me. Yep, come payday I imagine he will ask me about it's goodness again and why I just have to have it. After all it is an appliance to be used by both of us. Well, maybe he won't want to use it since he is such a Webber man and will leave it to me to learn about it's uses. That's OK with me. He did mention to me he never got the hang of using that small Webber we had at one time because it didn't draw properly so maybe that is why he didn't jump to liking this unit because it is small.

    JEAN It is always nice to receive "thank you" cards isn't it. Seems like the older folks do that more than the younger ones these days. Some guys will go the distance to get what they want in a tractor won't they. It is good to sort through stuff and get rid of things you will never wear or use anymore. Someone else will get some good use out of those things.

    DONNA FAYE Thanks for sharing all those neat gifts your family exchanged. I love the idea of doing what you do. We don't need anything either and just get what we want through out the year. Like I do need that new little out door cooker now don't I. See, that's how that works.

    SUSAN Tomorrow is just a day away. The new WW program gets unveiled in this USofA of ours. PointsPlus is on it's way. I found a book somewhrere called Fix It In Foil that I thought would be neat to have because I do like to cook in foil and have a few recipes. It listed a price of $9.99 + $5.99 shipping. I wrote the name of the book down and handed it to Will and asked him to see if he could get it cheaper. He did and ordered it for $8.01 including the shipping. I don't think I will ever pay full price for a book again. I think he got this one from Better World Books at a good savings of $7.97.

    Everyone have a lovely evening. Type at y'all later.

  • Susan -- Send your 70s my way please!! Bob has offered to let me drive a tractor in one of the local parades. "No thanks!" I wouldn't have a clue how to even start one let alone drive one. I bought some Vitatops and didn't they were all that great. Maybe I should have let it thaw at room temperature rather than in the microwave. Did you mention going to a Monday WW meeting or did I dream that up? I know you thought you might go twice this week.

    Maggie -- You have more kitchen "do-dads" than most chefs do! I'm sure you will put the little cooker to good use. You and Will can sure find good bargains - the foil book sounds like a good one. Enjoy!

    I'm going to put Ernie to bed and then head there myself. I invested in some flannel sheets and they are oh so toasty to crawl into on these cold nights. See you all tomorrow!
  • Back For A Bit

    I noticed the WW web site is closed for "maintenence." Which probably means it is loading the site with the new program information since the new program starts here in the UsofA at midnight. Since I have the program on my Blackberry and am wondering if they will download it automatically there. Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I turn it on. I am looking forward to seeing it all. I want to get a look at the progam material they have for sale to us that are doing it on the site as apposed to going to a physical meeting. Will picked me up some gum that is made by Wriggley's called Tropical which is sugar free and real tasty. I just want a piece on occasion and this pack is the ticket. Tomorrow is weigh day and I am hoping so for a maintain. I get to go get my hair cut also which is a plus.

    JEAN Well at least this latest cooking "need" is for use outdoors and not inside in the kitchen. I am sure you can see the need for it don't ya? Lots of places we go there aren't any eating joints for miles and miles so we have to cook out there somewhere if we are staying for awhile anyway. Or fishing the whole day, or hunting in the out back country. Or gold panning. Have I got you convinced that is something I need? It is fun to find things on extreme mark downs. Did I tell you that Will got the smoker for mere $150. when it sold for $300. and something because it was missing a leg. Just a piece of angle iron which he easily replaced. Yes we do find some good deals.

    Have a good sleep y'all. Type at you another day.

  • Good morning everyone! Jack just left for work and the dog is asleep so the only noise at the moment is the clock ticking in the living room and the clackity clack of the computer keys. Speaking of that, I saw an article recently that said there are hardly any people who know how to repair typewriters anymore. They said surprisingly people still use the machines over computers, but that getting them repaired is almost impossible.

    Maggie: I am the bargain queen. I am always looking for things on sale, twofers, etc. Right now I am waiting for a response from Hilton hotel about a promotion they do at one of their hotels, stay two nights get the third night free when checking out. I sent them an email asking if we stayed 6 nights would we get two nights freen? In other words do they do it for every third night or just the first one. If they do it every third then we will book the extra day because the other hotel we are looking at was 5 days, not as nice and the Hilton would be 6 days an only $30 more. The hotel is attached to a cute outdoor shopping area with great walking areas too.

    Jean: Rendezvous is a very famous BBQ place in Memphis. It has been on the Travel Channel several times on different shows and on the cooking channels. The Rendezvous has been in business since 1948 after Mr Vergos the owner discovered a cooking pit in the basement of a diner he was running. The restaurant entrance is actually down an alley! The restaurant holds 700 people and the current owner, his son Nic, runs a real tight ship. Old man Vergos died just this last May and was at the restaurant everyday until he became too ill to go in. We were sitting towards the back and Nic was directing traffic, taking phone calls and such. The bustling is incredible. No grass grows under anyone's feet there. They aren't open all the time so Saturday's are a zoo. They feed thousands of people on Saturday nights. Food is really good and Jack even liked their vinegar cole slaw, and he hates cole slaw.

    Susan: Sounds like you are all ready to get on the new program. I hope you really love it.

    We bought Fortune a big sleeping pillow yesterday because we took him to Kelly's the day after Thanksgiving and he slept on Marty's all day. He is taking right to it, but I put it in front of the table where the tv sits. He climbs on the pillow facing the tv like he is in time out. It is really funny!

    Well gals, need to get some breakfast then get some knitting done. Have a wonderful day all! Faye
  • Good Morning, Flowers! It's a cloudy, rainy day but it's 45 degrees so almost feels like spring is on the way! Well, in my dreams at least! I've been to church, counted money, and posted on the accounts. I dressed for my luncheon so have a few minutes before I need to leave since I'm not sure exactly where I'm going.

    "Gma" -- I do watch the Cooking and Travel channels sometimes but if the Rendezvous has been on, I wasn't paying attention. I had to laugh at Fortune and his pillow. When Jason was little and we would have coffee at someone else's house, if he latched on to a toy I would sometimes buy him one of his own. It didn't take me long to figure out it was the novelty of something new somewhere else rather than the toy itself. I'm glad Fortune likes his pillow!

    Guess I will brush my teeth and be on my way! Have a marvelous Monday and may the sun be shining on you!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Monday Monday

    It is a very windy cold day here in the Heartland. The temp is 34 and feels like 21. We went out to eat lucnh at Mochas and I only ate half of my paninni. It was so good I did bring the other half home. I have to go out again for I have a hair appointment at 2:30 which is awhile away yet. I have checked out the new WW program on line and have decided I need to buy at least a hundred dollars worth of things. I will get them and study the material and start the program the first of the new year. What is really neat that when I cheked my Blackberry the new WW program was loaded on it also. Fantastic. A friend of ours that has pulled herself out of the gutter by her boot straps so to say just notified us that her husband up and left her and their child and took their only vehicle. She asked to borrow our truck and we gladly let her for she didn't have a clue where to scrape up the money to buy a vehicle. I told Will that we could just sell it to her if she wants it and she could make payments to us whenever she could and he liked that idea. She has a steady job but doesn't make a whole lot so this will help her over a hump. In fact it was her boss that brought her over to pick up the pick up. She has the cutest little boy. She is the same gal we gave our bed to awhile back. Just helpin' her along. Will has now gone to take her the title and to our insurance company to get it off our records. She has contacted her insurance and they will make the change from the van to the truck when she takes in the title to show them. Her ner do well husband will have to get insurance for the van in his name since he took off with it and it is "his" and not hers. He just got out of prison recently so that is why the van was being insured by her for he left it with her to use while he was in the slam. Me thinks he didn't much like living in this small berg so went to the big city. He has never paid child support and doesn't look like he will begin either. We just help her when we can.

    DONNA FAYE Sounds like Fortune loves his new pillow bed. A while back Ragg Mopp pulled the pillow out of the bottom of his bed and that is what he uses. He lays down for a nap and puts his head on it and looks so cute. He also puts stuffed toys on it and grabs it and slings it around and the toys go flying. Amuses himself. It is probably 12 x 8 inches and just the right size to sling around. The bed part was tossed out long ago for he never did like sleeping in it. Bet he would likke one of those big pillows like you got Fortune. BTW have you had a chance to look through that cookbook and find any recipes you might like?

    JEAN Hope you found out where you were going for the luncheon. Hope it was a good place and you had fun and a good lunch.

    SUSAN Whatcha doin' this day?

    I can hear the wind howling. What a day to get my hair done! Type at y'all later. Have a great day MAGNOLOAS

  • Good afternoon, ladies! Only in the 50s today.

    I went to the Y today for the first time in a week. I got the new program up today and found what I entered yesterday was only 1 point more than my daily points and I know that was because I ate 1-1/2 servings of popcorn. I wasn't going to go to WW and buy my things today, but as the afternoon wore I, I couldn't stand it. The center is only 5 miles from my house so I went because they have open hours from 2-5. I got the Deluxe Kit (free calculator, food companion, dining out, 3 month journal, cookbook), another calculator to keep in my purse for shopping, etc., another cookbook, a new scale, and a cover for my journal. The deluxe kit is in a very nice zippered binder made of heavy canvas. Everything but the cookbook was on sale and I got out for $91 including tax. She asked if I could come to the meeting and when I said no, she said if I wanted to weigh in she would give me the new program info that we get at meetings. So I did and now I have everything. I'm not starting the program until Saturday, my regular day, but I like being able to go over everything thoroughly and get any question I have written down. Can you tell I'm excited?

    Faye, are you going to try to get Fortune to sleep on his pillow at night? Pets are so much fun and such company.

    Jean, you have had a busy day already!

    Maggie, do you wear your hair short? I forgot. Mine is very short and spiked.

    I have to get ready for bible study. Have a great day!