**Weekly Chat 22 November - 28 November**

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  • Wow lots to catch up on!! Had a busy Sunday and Monday so I didn't really get on here to catch up! I totally cheated on Sunday... It was my Dad and Brother's birthday parties and I had a slice of cake and a couple of cookies I did go to the gym in the morning and afternoon yesterday and just got back from early morning class today. When I weighed myself this morning the scale said I put on 3lbs!!!! Yeah I cheated, but i didn't think it was that bad considering I have been doing pretty well overall!! I feel totally defeated and bad, but in a way that makes me want to work that much harder. I had some oatmeal this morning for breakfast not sure what I am going to do for lunch... probably some veggies and soup. Going to eat an orange right now. I think I am the only one that didn't do any shopping over the weekend. The only shopping I got in was online and it was for xmas gifts. At least I was somewhat productive and got something done.

    As for Thanksgiving I am just ready for it to be over. I am only eating turkey and veggies. Everything else will be so terrible for me. So, I will see if I can stick to the plan. This time I am going to stay out of the kitchen where the temptation will be!

    Rainbow-I am so there with you being busy busy busy... I had such a bad headache this morning when I went into my circuit class. I am surprised I got through it! As for your appointment good luck I know that can be scary when you don't know what the problem is! And,Congrats on the weight loss that is awesome!

    Lianna-That is awesome! I love being able to buy smaller clothing it feels so good and really gives you a boost of motivation! Way to go!

    -Hey weight is weight right? So, great job on your loss big or small!! Wish I could sleep in...

    -I agree with everyone as well... Swimsuit shopping is a nightmare!! Nothing ever fits the way it should and that's probably because it is a spandexy material, which sucks :P Don't let that defeat you, you have lots of time to reach your goals before your trip!

    -Starting out that was my biggest problem, having bad food in the house. I had to totally clean out the junk and fill it up with the good stuff The only time I cheat is at family events or if we are out somewhere, which, luckily, isn't very often. When those temptations are there though it is hard to say no! You are good though just finish the ice cream slowly, don't eat it all at once haha! We all have those moments and its okay to feel bad just make sure you get your mood back up when you are done!

    -I am sorry to hear that, but glad to hear your are using fitness as a way to take out your stress and not food

    KatVee-Awesome about your weight loss and being able to make it to your spinning class (I've always wanted to try a spinning class). Sorry to hear about your laptop... Ill throw in a prayer for you! Hopefully everything will be okay.

    -Gahhh I am in the same boat. Except I would rather be stuck at 149! Don't give up though and the scale will budge!

    Well I think I am done If I have missed you I am sorry! Until next time!

  • Good day yesterday subtract my TOM was suppose to be here and it didn't decide to show until this morning BLAH..Oh well! On a plus note...the scale is going lower and lower everyday. Today woke up and it said 169.4! I'm beyond happy. I haven't been in the 160's since highschool. So what do I do today? Work out harder so it can continue to go down. I am starting to notice a pattern though. My weight starts dropping dramatically when TOM is around and a week after than and then it SLOWWWSS down! Oh well It's going to be an awesome day!
  • I just stepped on the scale. My calories have been around 1,200-1,300 Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun and yesterday was 1,600 and I've lost basically nothing. Thursday when I weighed myself I got 154 today I got 153.8. To be honest though I'm not too upset, I know my efforts are in the right direction and my calories are at a good level, just gotta kick up the exercise since I've been coughing and sneezing too much lately and I'll see the pounds fly off!!

    As for personals, I feel like so much has been said since I was last here.

    Katvee OMG! Yay for 120's, you rock. And good job on making it to cycle, maybe that will motivate me to go to something!

    Rainbow I ended up working and then napping when I got home so it worked out. And my sleep was normal last night so I'm doing better. Your doctors appointment should go fine. It seems a lot more worrisome then it usually is.

    Linds It seems like you're having my problem. Although this is my starting weight so it might not be a good sign that it's not coming off, but my body seems to want to sit at it. I've heard that there are weights your body is naturally more comfortable at, those are the weights it's harder to gain and lose at. I've always gotten to about 155 and never above, so maybe that's true.

    Abbye Maybe the foods you ate had a lot of salt or something, I wouldn't worry too much, like you said just use it as a motivator!!!

    Well, hope everyone has a fabulous day. I should be around a bit although I really need to be packing and studying.
  • rainbow, how'd your appointment go? congrats on the scale move too! you know it's so weird for me that you guys are 3 hours ahead of us cuz i always thought japan was the "earliest" in the world, haha, also, i think i recall one of my NZ friend telling me there wasn't a time difference between japan and his hometown... must've been wrong...

    , hugs! ****, i can have those days too, and i've been feeling pretty gloomy lately too! hang in there! must be a november thing...

    Linds, 149!! omg, can't even imagine being that weight, haha... keep it up, it'll go down eventually!!

    morning all. well, it's back to the grind for me today, although i do have only one class to teach today so it's a bit of a joke... but whatever. scale was 78.2 again this morning and i am SO stoked, because before i would see a low weight one day, and then it would be up .6 the next day and i would never see that weight again for a week... rinse and repeat for the last 3 weeks! lol. hopefully tomorrow or friday it'll go down to 78!! that would be nice...
  • Icon Sorry to hear about your "woe-is-me" moment - I have those occasionally as well - and I find it ridiculously hard to step back and look at my life just to remind myself it's not all as bad as I think it is - it sucks you didn't have your duvet and off milk is just as bad. Hope you found something comforting.

    Linds Sending positive progress vibes your way! 149 is still really good though, don't people say that it gets slower as you get lower?

    Abby I doubt it's 3lbs of fat or anything, could just be water retention. I had a weekend like that a couple of weeks ago, lost the weight again within the week. Would have like to have not had to re-lose it at all, but these things happen! You're not alone in not shopping - actually your online shopping was more than I did! I didn't buy anything at all except for food over the weekend! And you're right...appointments like this are scary when you don't know what to expect/what is wrong.

    JL How awesome you keep seeing new lows!

    mybigwish You've been doing great with your calories and exercise, your body is probably just taking time to catch up before a scale loss shows!

    Kawaii I think there would always be a difference unless the daylight savings thing messes around with it somewhere? I dunno. As for the appointment, haven't been yet. It's about 11.30am here, my appointment is at 3pm. I'm nervous.

    ~Got a new low weight this morning, 70.8kg / 156 pounds. Pretty pleased, though I'm worried it's just because I've been eating fewer calories for the past week or so and it's not on purpose - so I'm a little concerned that if/when I up them a bit again, I might see a gain or a slower loss...not sure.
    Getting a bit nervous for my appointment. My sister is coming with me but I am going to make her wait in the waiting room hah - seems a bit weird if she comes in given the nature of the appointment.
    I'm going to try to get in exercise between now and then, but I am still pretty tired and exhausted and feeling some muscle pain from Zumba last night.
  • ok, i am so dumb i always do this... go to the page before last, read it, reply, and forget that there's a "last" page with more posts... sorry if i forgot you!

    abby, don't beat yourself up! it's probably just water weight or something. 3 cookies and a slice of cake cannot make you gain 3 lbs... just forget about it, move on, keep working hard.

    JL that is so odd you seem to lose more during TOM! for most of us it seems to be the opposite. but good for you! and being in the 160's = awesomeness!! i hope to join you there soon

    rainbow, good luck for this afternoon! oh and we don't do the daylight's saving thing, so sometimes it's an hour more, sometimes an hour less... weird.

    you guys doing all your christmas shopping... what are YOU asking for, for christmas? my mom asked me to make a list so i could have stuff under the tree but i just have NO idea what to ask for... i already told her i want some colored contact lenses, but apparently she wants a longer list! lol.
  • Kawaii I don't know what to get anyone for Christmas, and I don't know what I want either! Like seriously...I can't think of anything, except my next tattoo, and I've already saved up for that and it's a gift to myself when I reach halfway to goal - although I think I might have to wait a bit longer, would rather not go into summer with a brand new tattoo on my arm! Other than that I don't know of anything I want. I wish people would tell me what they want though.
  • yeah i know! there's a lot of things that i want, but it's the kind of stuff that i need to choose for myself, not things that you can buy without me there! lol. like books or cds... hmm... maybe i could ask her to get me the new MCR cd though...
  • Kawaii Oh man yeah...my mum often thinks she knows exactly what I'll like, but buys stuff for me I would have liked when I was like... 19. I know she means well, and of course I appreciate the gifts, but sometimes I think she'd be better off saving her money!
  • Hey everyone! I was out all day yesterday for the national holiday. Went shopping in Fukuoka city and saw the new Harry Potter (wowowow SO MUCH EYE CANDY, especially Scabior the lead Snatcher and X. Lovegood and Bill gaddamn Weasley, ungggfff!). Wound up at a buffet again, had 2 plates of food (mostly healthy stuff but 2 plates is 2 plates) and 1 plate of tiny cakes. I shouldn't even be posting here if I'm not trying...seeing all your losses is really motivating though. I woke up at 58.0 kg this morning, so just under 128 lbs.

    kawaii It is so hard at this age to ask for Christmas presents because we've gotten so picky. I hear ya. I asked my mom to dump some money into my high-interest online savings account for when I move back to America. Thinking ahead doncha know. Congrats on your loss!

    rainbowstripe I went out yesterday looking for stuff for your care package, gonna go shopping tonight. You're doing so well on the losing. Gynecologist isn't scary unless you're pregnant or they find an STI or something. Don't worry!

    mybigwish You're probably overdue for a "whoosh!"

    LindsB 149 is still under 150 and remember when you thought you'd never get below 150?! I understand getting stuck though. Some weights are just hard to get below, but you can do it!

    JLNichols AWESOME! You're making great progress. Nothing motivates like breaking into a new tens range.

    Abbyew 3 lbs of "true gain" is 10,500 calories. I somehow doubt you ate that much! Eat well for one or two days and you'll be right as rain!

    KatVee Nice work on getting into the 120s! I hope your laptop will be ok...

    LadyWraith I always lose weight when I get out of a relationship and put on a ton when I get into one. Glad you're getting healthy, hope your heart is okay

    IconisedGhost I make my own peanut sauce. I use peanut butter, lemon juice, soy/sesame salad dressing, chili pepper flakes and water to make it. Eyeball all the amounts.

    elleohelle Tough but the rewards will be worthwhile. I wish I were as disciplined as you.

    BUTTS I am pretty sure all my butt fat has been replaced by muscle from running. My boyfriend swears it's fantastic but I have turned into one of those people whose butt is just an extension of my leg. Sitting is almost always painful and I wear skirts all the time to hide the fact that there's nothing there. Sad.
  • krampus Ooooh I couldn't remember his name, but I'm right there with you on Scabior, the lead snatcher in HP - He was super hot!! I've had some abnormal smear tests with my general doctor, hence now going to a gynecologist to see what's up. Hopefully nothing. Ooh yay care package! I have already gathered a couple of things for yours, but was then thinking about the postage time and the fact you may not get it until next year even if I send it in the next week or so! That is kind of cool about your butt.... even if you don't think so heh!
  • YEAH. I have the sex drive of a clitoridectomized 90 year old but all the hot dudes with long hair everywhere in HP really did a number on me.

    Packages take almost 2 weeks from America, dunno times for NZ. Wishing you the best on your appointment!
  • rainbowstripe I`m a super naive country girl and was nervous about going to the gyno, but it was fine. female or male doctor? its not the most pleasant thing, but not awful either

    krampus I was blessed with no *** whatsoever even when super fat, so I`m working on building a muscular bottom with squats and lunges. Thanks for the motivation.

    I want to be 159 by the time I go to Australia. The weight seems a bit high, but I`m going to make sure it`s all body fat, not muscle.
  • ok now you guys are really making me wanna go see harry potter!!! lol. (well i wanted to anyways, but hot guys always a plus... then again krampy has super weird taste in men so maybe i shouldn't get all excited... lol! )

    as for butts.... i recently realized i actually don't have (much of) a butt. i mean i never really noticed before because i was fat and there's fat there, but i can see it now, it's pretty flat. lol. i dunno what will happen when i'm at a healthy weight... hum... it's also really weird that i have no *** because i inherited my fat genes from my mom and she has the most enormous butt you have ever seen. seriously, it wiggles when she walks like the two ugly step-sisters in cinderella... lol. but anyways...

    aaah, a friend of mine just asked me out for dinner tonight! i said yes because it was super random and if you'll remember, i was recently complaining about the lack of people in my life... but i was all set on eating the salad (that is gonna go bad if i don't eat it today) in my fridge and keeping things low-cal and doing my workout... i wanna see the scale drop tomorrow!! so i am not too excited about going out to eat... meh. but it'll be fun. let's see how i do!!
  • elleohelle, what do you do exactly with the squats and lunges? Whenever I do them I just feel everything tightening and getting even smaller. Is it working for you?