zumba buddies?

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  • Jelbelle: I found some of the online Zumba dances too. I totally love them!
    My fav is the Waka Waka dance by Shakira. And even though there are so many versions, I found one with a Zumba and belly dance mix!!! I'm so excited. I want to master it soon.

    NiteOwlMommy: Happy B-day to your little one!
    I would suggest opening presents after the cake and add a game in order to get a peice. And If you have left over cake again this year, take it to work for your co-workers or give some to the neighbors. And don't forget to dance off your slice! LOL

    And some advice please?
    Lately, I've been have a small problem with trying to do Zumba. I live on the 4th floor of my building and practicing at home can irritate the neighbors below. I tried dancing on a yoga mat, but I move around too much. Any thoughts to what I can do? I still want to enjoy myself.
  • trying2doitall I have a wii too! I have abandoned it as of late but def. give a review on the zumba game i heard about it and was curious I'm also considering getting the kinect connection for my xbox 360 maybe for xmas! XD

    kattoS Hmmm thats a toughie I know we can get really into zumba once we start it. Maybe a thick rug? I have wood flooring and I find it easiest and not as noisy LOL when I wear socks makes it easier to do certain steps

    I will do cardio party today with the refresher steps so I'm off to ZUMBA!!!!

    OH and there is a family get together today at a CHINESE restaurant!!!! I will make healthy choices....I hope LOL
  • OMGEEE!! Cardio party was awesome and I had previously weighed my self in the morning and saw 188.4 down from a couple days ago by .3 but I got curious and weighed in after working out and saw 188.0!! I'm sticking to cardio party from now on!
  • I finally managed to track down a Zumba Fitness game for Wii...had to go to four different stores and at the last one I asked and the associates were like, oh yeah, we've got 'em, just haven't put them out yet. Slap to the forehead! I should've asked at the other three stores I went to before!

    Anyhoo...just did an "easy" 20 min. beginner workout "zumba party" style. Holy crap I'm a sweaty mo' fo' right now! My calves were killing for a while during the workout too. I'm still working out the hip belt controller holder. It stinks you have to take off those rubber safety covers in order to fit the wii controller in the pocket, and those can be a pain to take off let alone put back on for other game play (though I don't do any other game play so it'll be fine with me).

    I thought the hip belt wasn't tracking my movement properly, I was moving all over and shaking what I got and sometimes it wouldn't register me moving. But it might be the wii I'm using (I'm at work and the wii here has been through some ROUGH times with the group home kids and their tirades). Or maybe the sensor bar isn't at the right height, idk.

    Overall, I found the workout challenging, right up there with cardio party. Also it was a new workout for me (the dvds can get old, still good! but a little old after doing them so many times). So I think its a good investment. And since it's a new toy, I'm sure I'll be making good use of it for a while.

    Gonna cool down and then do another 20 min.

    Happy Zumba!
  • I tried the belly dance/zumba mix...WOW! It was tough, but it was fun! I love Waka Waka.

    NiteOwlMommy: Thanks for the suggestions. I don't know about buying a rug, but I'll try doing the Zumba in socks. Hopefully it will help some.
  • hello ladies so my baby's birth-day turned into a birth-weekend LOL I haven't done any zumba this weekend but I will get in at least the 20 min workout before going to bed tonight.

    How was everyone's weekend? mine has been especially cold!!
  • There's nothing wrong with celebrating a few days more, I'll bet your DD loved it! How'd that tiara come out?

    Mine also was a Zumba free weekend with a 2 pound gain. Insert SUPER sad face here -->

    I just haven't been able to recover since my Halloween debacle, and I've been slowly gaining. I've been eating like crap, so I'm not totally surprised. It's like I'm running on eating autopilot, the food ends up in my mouth before I even think about it.

    Maybe I need hypnosis. Or a lock for all my cabinets and fridge.

    On the plus side, I just did the 20 min express workout and I'm off to do the 20 min ab routine.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! If not, feel free to vent like me.
  • Well, ladies although it was a fun weekend....I too haven't done so well this week. I went on a carb-binge yesterday and today: pasta, pizza, bread, etc.
    And I swear I went up 2 lbs as well. (So I'm actually at 150).

    But, since I did my work out and ZUMBA, I don't feel as bad. So I think we're all entitled to a binge day...or two.

    Lets all work hard! My goal is to be 145 or lower by next week.
  • Well ladies I want to say its the stress of the holidays that is keeping us off track. I mean I love Thanksgiving but all that FOOD!!!! This year it's lots of desserts ugh cheesecake, cookies, and pies Oh My! LOL But I agree with KattoS lets work hard to keep it coming off!

    It's soooo cold!!! I have to zumba today! I was suppose to yesterday but it was so cold! I haven't weighed in yet I guess you can say I'm afraid of seeing that number especially if it's up .
  • I just got my Zumba Wii game in yesterday and did it for the first time today. I have never done Zumba before, and I must say, it is AWESOME! I love to dance so this was the perfect thing I needed to stay motivated. I also started with the 20 minute "easy" workout, and I was so exhausted by the end. It was definitely worth the money. And as for the belt, I didn't even feel it. There were certain times where it seemed that the Wii wasn't recognizing all of my movements, but it did the majority of them so I'm happy with it.
  • zoochick777 welcome to our thread!! And now the zumba game is def on my xmas list! but I want to try it with the xbox kinect.
  • Welcome zoochick777!!! Yeah, I have to say that I am pretty pleased with the Wii game. I LOVE the belly dancing cool down routine!

    You're so right NiteOwl, these holidays that are centered around food are a killer. I think my 2 day 2 pound gain scared some motivation into me. I"m going to stick to one small plate and one dessert choice Thursday, and then repeat at my boyfriend's house on Friday. And drink LOTS of water. LOTS. Hopefully if I go in with a plan, I'll make it. It's avoiding those darn pre-dinner snacks that usually get me. What would be a good way to avoid standing around the table and mindlessly snacking before gorging further on dinner?

    I did an hour of zumba (20 min express, 20 min standing ab routine, 20 zumba fitness for wii) yesterday and this morning I did the 20 min express and the 20 min standing ab routine. I've just got to get a handle on my eating! And Zumba every day!
  • Did 40 minutes of Zumba this morning (burned about 350 calories). Now I'm about to start working on a paper for school. I figure whenever I need a break from the paper I'll just jump up and do some more Zumba to clear my head! Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
  • Quote: Jelbelle: I found some of the online Zumba dances too. I totally love them!
    My fav is the Waka Waka dance by Shakira. And even though there are so many versions, I found one with a Zumba and belly dance mix!!! I'm so excited. I want to master it soon.
    Where did you find these vids? I loooove that Shakira song!!
  • Welcome to our Zumba group zoochick777
    MoonSafari: checkout youtube. Its the best place to find the random vids. If you can't find I'll send you the link.

    And a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you girls!!!
    Take a break and enjoy the festivities and food.