What Does Hunger Feel Like To You?

  • I don't feel hunger in the customary way, that is a sensation of emptiness in the stomach. If I am a little hungry I feel slightly lightheaded and if I'm really hungry I get nauseated. After a certain point I am literally too hungry to eat, if that makes any sense. Also when I'm hungry I get really grumpy and want to throw things and curse out the world.

    What about the rest of you? Is hunger a stomach sensation for you is it similar to how it makes me feel?
  • No i don't feel sick. I just hear my stomach growling and feel a pit/emptyness in my stomach.
  • I associate hunger with feeling light-headed and weak. If my stomach feels empty and it's not mealtime, I just fill it with water or tea.

    Like you, if I get REALLY hungry I turn into a b!tch monster and hate everyone and everything. I've only ever been SUPER HUNGRY once, and I felt my insides eating themselves and literally could not think about anything else.
  • Most of my hunger is emotional so usually it's my mouth that "feels" hungry. When I'm physically hungry, I definitely get the light-headed/dizzy feeling, a little queasy and when I stand up fast, things get dark. (Not in a dangerous way, I just have very low blood pressure.)
  • When I am hungry - really hungry, not bored-hungry, I feel an emptiness in my stomach and it growls at me.

    When I am teaching I often get kids coming up to me half an hour or so before lunch and saying they feel sick - magically it goes away with lunch inside them, so maybe hunger feels like nausea for some, or maybe they are too young to differentiate.

    I just always say "See how you feel after lunch!"
  • I eat every 2.5 to 3 hours so I rarely feel very hungry. But I guess when I do, its just an empty stomach feeling!
  • I feel growling and yeah, I guess empty. It's hard to explain, like it's hollow and slightly like an empty throbbing. I don't know, it's hard to explain. I can also feel my stomach acid moving around when it's empty lol. It doesn't feel unpleasant to me at all. I can feel hunger and still not want to eat, like usually in the mornings
  • Growling stomach, kind of a gnawing discomfort (it only turns into pain if I let it go too long without eating) - it isn't awful; just enough sensation to remind myself that it's time to eat. And that's the point!