CC Thanksgiving Day Challenge

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  • CC Thanksgiving Day Challenge Challenge(Nov. 25th)

    CC Thanksgiving Day Challenge~ November 25th

    TO CC Thanksgiving Day Challenge
    Even if your not a calorie counter Your more than welcome to join
    Can u believe It's time for a new Calorie Counters' Holiday Challenge?

    Everybody did great on the Day after Halloween Challenge (Nov. 1st)
    Some of us met our goals, some of us only got partway there,some went the wrong direction, but we all put in a great effort, learned some lessons, made new friends, and supported each other... and that's what these challenges are for. Now, we're ready to set our sights on a new challenge, new goals, and the next 24 days of this journey.Then we will start our next one & say ~!

    Here's how it works... Set a goal or goals that you would like to reach before November 25th ~Thanksgiving day . Your goals can be anything: pounds you want to lose, a smaller clothing size or outfit you'd like to fit into, sports or fitness achievements, or just a goal of keeping food and exercise on track. Whatever gets you excited about working your plan over the next few weeks, is the right goal for this challenge. You can set as many or as few goals as you like.

    All are welcome! If you're not sure what your goal will be yet, but would like to join up and find some weight loss buddies, get and give support, please jump in, and you can post a goal later, when you think of something. Our main purpose is to motivate each other to keep the food on plan, keep exercising, keep getting leaner, more fit, and healthy. REMEMBER: Even if your not a calorie counter Your more than welcome to join!The more the merrier!
    I may not be able to check in daily,Since I am a mom of 3~ But I will do my best too. HAVE A GREAT CHALLENGE EVERYONE



  • My goals are to continue to tone & try to maintain As best as I can ~if I have to lose a few more pounds while toning thats ok~ & to try to Check in As much as often on here~And I know this may sound foolish but My 2 years anniversary of counting calories & my weight loss Journey is November 11th~And for some reason to Get to 139.8 Or so Would put me at 120 pounds of loss would be NEAT TO ME~And I could actually care less about losing more weight but I must admit that would be pretty cool~Anyways U know I am Just 11 pounds over half the size I started out at? More or less? AINT THAT CRAZY COOL?! Thats so wierd to think about!

  • My goal is not to have a cheat day for the whole challenge and to get 60 minutes of exercise 6 days per week! Also, this is my first challenge so I am excited to see what its like!
  • I am off to bed but wanted to welcome u into the challenge gracesmomma & Say goodluck to your goals! ((HUGS))

    Welcome to all others too that will be joining~I May not be back on to post until tomorrow evening I got some errands to do tomorrow(I think) ~gonna buy Plastic for the windows In this old farm house ~Fall is definetly here.~Until we get new ones plastic it is! & SAVE SAVE SAVE!
  • My goals are to lose 7 lbs. (which will finally put me in the 160s) and to run 2 5ks, one on 11/13 and one on Thanksgiving morning.
  • Yay my 3rd challenge with the lovely calorie counting ladies! I'm so happy to have met most of my goals and kept to my plans for the last challenge so I'm going to set some new ones!

    *Weight: I am currently at 73kg/160.9pounds. I'd like to lose 3kg/6.6 pounds by November 26 (I think Thanksgiving is 25th? I'm in New Zealand so we don't have it here). I think it's do-able!

    *Calories: Keep calories in check! I've noticed that the past two weeks I've been a little more successful if I have a slightly higher day once a week but a couple of lower days as well. I'd like to see if this actually works so will be testing out a little bit of calorie cycling I guess!

    *Exercise: I want to continue to improve on my jogging/running efforts (have only recently started). I am currently able to jog at 7km/hr on the treadmill for 35 minutes continuously. I am also able to do close to 3km out on the street, though I think only about 2km of that is jogging. I would like to also make sure I'm getting in what I say I want to - which is at least 20 minutes, at least 4 days per week. 5 would be better.

    *General: I want to start appreciating and rewarding my efforts a little more! I think I'm doing so good so far, and I want to stop beating myself up over little "failures" because I am doing a great job and deserve to tell myself this more often!
    I would love to give myself some sort of awesome reward if I make my weight goal for this challenge because at that point, I will have lost 15kg/33pounds, which is half of what I want to lose in total.

    Good luck ladies!! Looking forward to chatting with my inspiring friends in here and some new people too maybe!
  • I'm in again!

    I'm wanting to see the 150's (156-159 would be just fine) (164.9 today)
    Keep up logging all my food
    keep to my current workout schedule, add a class at the gym

    week before Thanksgiving specifically ~ eat sensibly, eat at maximum maintenance calories
  • I Want To Be In The 160's By Thanksgiving!

    THAT is my goal!!! For the last two months i have been dancing around 170-175...IM SICK OF SEEING THAT #

    ok, im going to be a little dramatic here:
    This is part of a song dedicated to the junk food that has been holding me back!
    *ahem* Clears throat:

    At first I was afraid
    I was petrified,
    Kept thinking I could never live
    without you by my side
    But I spent so many nights
    thinking how you did me wrong
    I grew strong
    I learned how to carry on

    im going to join gracesmomma and NOT have a cheat meal until thanksgiving day! That's 24days from now...i CAN do it!
    Lets see if those one sixties appear
  • YAY my first callange!

    My goals for now until Thanksgiving:

    -Lose 5lbs (that will put me at 133)
    -Keep strict with writing my calories DAILY
    -No making excuses for cheat days
    -Some form of exercise DAILY

  • I'm back again. I lost some inches but not enough to get close to the size 12. So I will proclaim that I will get there.

    Along with Misspriss I'm going Dramatic - SIZE 12
    I'm going to strictly stick to my calorie count of 1400 or less. I gotta do this before Thanksgiving. We will be travelling and seeing people that haven't seen me since last year when my belly was in my lap.
  • Hey, I'm ready for a challenge too. I have been terrible the last few weeks, and I just feel horrible. My weight was up pretty bad this morning after a weekend of sugar binging and if I don't get it under control RIGHT NOW, I'm in deep trouble.

    My challenge to myself is:
    NO SUGAR, (in any caloric form)...NONE until Thanksgiving Day.
    1500 calories every single day until Thanksgiving binging.
    At least some form of excercise every single day.

    I feel like I could cry this morning. The scale read 149. I haven't been over 143 in MONTHS and months. I feel sad and weepy. I feel hungover and I haven't had a drop of Alcohol in 2 years. That's pretty bad.
  • Well, as much as I would like to maintain durning the holidays I should probably set goals so I don't get off track.

    Weight goal: 195. That's 4-5 lbs so doable I think...hope.

    Calorie goal: Daily plate has moved me down to 1999 for 1 lb a week loss, so that's basically still 2000, but I think I'd like to try and aim for 1900 or below and see how I do. I rarely reach 2000 anyway.

    Calorie tracking goal: Get better at tracking dinner. I track all day and I always forecast dinner if I know what I'm planning on making, but alot of times its just like 'well I have over 1000 calories left for dinner.' then I estimate in my head what my dinner is and if I know its no where close (like grilled chicken, broccoli, salad) I don't bother tracking. But who knows maybe i'm going over.

    Good Luck Everyone!!!!
  • I have 3 goals for Thanksgiving.

    1) No sugar

    2) Lose 8 pounds

    3) Cardio Exercise 30 minutes, 3 days a week (this will be my hardest because of back issues and I just hate doing it)
  • Good morning Thanksgiving Challengers!

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Halloween. Thank you Lori for starting this next challenge and good luck to everyone on reaching your goals.

    My goals for this challenge are to get to 165 or under and to get my waist down to 32" (it is presently at 33 1/2").

    We can do this everyone!!!
  • Hey everyone! Here are my goals for Thanksgiving:

    1.) Track everything I eat and stick with an average of 1500 calories
    2.) Lose at least 5 pounds
    3.) Exercise at least 3 times per week to start
    4.) Limit myself to one dessert per day
    5.) Drink at least 80 oz of water per day

    Just making this quick since I'm at work right now. The kids are about to come back from PE, so gotta run.