Team Phoenix Chat

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  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am excited about this one "free" day I am giving myself. I also am feeling a good bit of anxiety about not counting calories at all and eating some pretty "bad for me" foods. I know that one day off plan wont really do anything to me and might actually boost my metabolism a bit. It just stresses me out to not be in control with this. I need days like that though because I need to give up the control once in a while. Since I have such a long history of eating disorders, it is good to eat like a "normal" person without counting cals every once in a while. Wish me luck for getting through the day without feeling too much guilt about eating off plan for just one day.

  • Happy Turkey day girls!!!! I know a lot of us are doing the whole "free day" thing, so take care and make sure to hop back on plan right after!! To keep my day "balanced" I'll be doing two 45 minute walks, one in the morning after breakfast, and one as quickly as possible after dinner! Good lucky everyone!
  • I can't see any of the individual or team stats for this challenge. Does anyone know why they aren't showing up? It is showing a picture that says that they have been moved or deleted...
  • bbg200 – Congratulations on the new Job. That’s great news. Definitely try and stick around for weigh-ins even if you can’t get online to post during the week.

    toastedsmoke – It’s good to hear that you’re improving!! I can’t handle the heat at all. I start to think that it’s too hot when the temperature reaches 20deg C (68 deg F). I would never survive in the Tropics! I have to admit, you gave me a little bit of chuckle when you said that you worked out at a respectable hour for once! Is that going to become a trend for you now??

    southernbelle102 – You’re completely right, one day off plan isn’t going to erase the 87lbs you’ve already lost!!

    ferretgirl – The Xbox Kinect sounds pretty cool. I can only imagine what types of poses you get snapped in while playing.

    Jelbelle – Did you get in those two walks you were hoping to do?

    I think I’m a little bit lucky that we don’t have Thanksgiving down here. While catching up with friends and family would be awesome I don’t think I’m quite ready to battle the mentality of it all. I’ve been having a good week food wise and have been pretty much on plan. I’m hoping to see a bit of a drop in the scale this week but I’m not sure if that will happen.

    To those of you laughing it up with friends and family today, I hope you’re having an awesome time!
  • oOPeanutOo: I did! Well, actually, I did my morning walk, but I switched it to a bike in the evening. But at least I got some activity in.

    How did everyone do this Thanksgiving? I won't lie and say I did the best, but it was a GOOD Thanksgiving XD
  • Well, I stuck to my plan to go off plan for Thanksgiving and guess what... it went pretty well. The world didn't end just because I deviated from my plan for one day... haha I told myself that I wouldn't weigh until this sunday because I knew that with all of the sodium I was going to take in, I would definitely have some excess water weight. Well, of course I couldn't stay off the scale today. The scale actually only went up 1 lb and am pretty sure that is mainly water weight. I am hoping to lose that lb by this weekend. How did you all do??
  • Ladies I'm sorry I've been MIA for a few days, the holidays took over and then chaos today. I was hoping to check in with everyone today, but I'm pretty busy right now as my grandfather had a stroke this morning. I hope everyone is doing okay!
  • Jelbelle & Southernbelle - It's nice to hear that you guys made it through Thanksgiving & that it went well.

    KimL1214 - I'm really sorry to hear about your Grandfather. Seems like your family has been having a hard time of late.

    I don't really have anything new to report. I'm down 1.8lbs this week which I'm happy about. It takes me to 101.1kg and I'm super close to seeing 99.9kg on the scale which will be a major achievement for me. It's still a lot to do with the mental game but I haven't weighed under 100kgs in almost 10 years. I'm pretty confident that it will happen in the next 2 weeks so I might have to think of some kind of mini reward when I get there.
  • KimL1214: I'm sooooooooo sorry about your grandpa and all the difficult times your family has been having recently! Please take heart and be strong and know you're in my thoughts and prayers! I hope your grandpa is doing better!

    oOPeanutOo: Congrats on being sooooooo close to 99.9kg. I only made it a few weeks ago (for the 1st time in like 7 years) so I know the excitement! Yay you!!!

    Everyone: Everyone seems to have had successful thanksgiving plan/off-plan-wise so congrats all! Let's keep on keeping on Team!

    After Wednesday's fried extravaganza, I was pretty strict on Thursday and weighed in on Friday morning (random weigh in) at 218 lbs! Eeek!!!! I'd been having a pretty awkward couple of weeks with very strange random weigh-ins. As well as being <clears throat, tmi coming> really "irregular" (as they say in yoghurt adverts) despite the fact that I eat A LOT of veggies (100% of my carbs came from fruits and veggies). And I had an (let's say) uncomfortable feeling that, the bloat and irregularity was part of the problem with the randomly high weigh-ins I'd been getting. So I've re-incorporated proper carbs (rice, bread, cereal) back into my diet in moderate amounts and have seen immediate improvements. I guess I'm not meant to be a very low-carb person. I think I'll take low-carb-dom on alternative days or weeks or something.

    Weight loss has been super slow this month! Very sadly so. I'll do a weigh in tomorrow to check total loss for the month but it's not looking that awesome. In other news, remember the 30DSlimdown I was doing, well I did my final measurements today even though I have 2 more workouts (today's and tomorrow's) left to do. I think I see a bit of a difference sometimes, so I guess the late nights to get the workouts in have kind of been worth it. Numbers-wise, I lost 1.5 inches off my bust (yay!), 1 inch of my waist, 2 inches off my belly (yay!) and 0.5 inches off my hips. Since I've never really tracked measurements before, I'm not sure what to make of the numbers over a 30-day period. But at least they're all round losses so I'll take it!
  • toastedsmoke – I’m very excited about it but for some reason I keep doubting myself that I can actually do this. I think we’ve all suffered the randomly high weigh –ins from that, just don’t let it deter your mindset. Yay for nearly finishing 30DS and congratulations are in order for losing inches. Awesome work!

    It’s been really quiet around here lately!! Hopefully it’s just that everyone is still busy getting over Thanksgiving or your weekends & that you haven’t jumped off plan or given up on the challenge!
  • Peanut, It IS really quiet around here lately. I am still here I only have 10 lbs left to go to meet my Christmas goal.. yay! I am very optimistic that I will get there! I have been super stressed lately. I have had some pretty demanding clients and have had a lot going on personally as well. I am trying to keep reminding myself of all the blessings in my life and all of the good things going on when I feel too stressed. I suffer from PTSD and it causes my entire body to hurt when I get too stressed out. I am trying to de-stress and relax this week. How are you all doing?

    Kim - How are you doing? I know that life has thrown quite a few curve balls your way lately. I have been thinking about you and hope you are okay!

    So, what are everyone's plans for christmas this year? I am going out of town with my parents and sister to visit our family. I LOVE Christmas... everything about it. I have been watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music non stop. I have also been wrapping all sorts of presents and decorating all week long. What are your favorite Christmas Traditions??
  • Hey everyone =D just popped in to say IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! ^_^ and I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was last birthday! I'm so happy!
  • Happy Birthday, Jelbelle!!
  • southernbelle102 – Only 10lbs left to your Christmas goal – That’s awesome! I know I for one like to keep an eye on your progress. Sorry about all the stress you’re going through at the moment. Hopefully it’s just because of the lead up to Christmas.
    Christmas for me is always a small family affair. There’s usually about 6 of us who get together for Lunch and play pool in the afternoon. That’s the only thing that we do for Christmas so I can’t say there are any important family traditions. Sadly I don’t have the same level excitement about Christmas which is a bit of a shame.

    Jelbelle – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Do you have any big plans to celebrate it?

    I’m still trucking along with my plan. I’ve been a lot more tired than usual over the past few days so have needed to make conscious food choices instead of just going for the easy option. It’s good practice for the rest of my life I guess.
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm still around and participating in the weigh-ins every week!

    Has anyone heard from Kim? Is she doing alright? Kim if you read this, we are all here rooting for ya!!!