IP Daily Chat - Monday 9/13/2010

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  • Quote: After seeing my primary doc last week for bloodwork, I will have my first appointment with my coach on Thursday (and start the program Friday, I imagine). I have been prepping by upping my water intake (I like your daughter's formula, rosemary) and getting rid of 'stuff' not allowed, but mostly by reading pages and pages here. This is where the wisdom is. No matter what kind of person my coach is (a supportive, helpful one or a salesman or someone in between), I have confidence I have what I need right here.

    I have a question about over-the-counter pain relievers. Many of you have mentioned getting headaches in the first days of your program. My question is actually two-fold, about stevia and OTC meds. In the past, I have heard that stevia is far better than artificial sweeteners. I used to use a LOT of aspartame, but quit cold-turkey last October. But the stevia I had tried was bitter (drops and packets). Yuck. I couldn't drink whatever I put it in. The last year, I have just used honey and white and turbinado sugar. But I found Trader Joe's 100% natural stevia packet that has 1 gram of carbohydrate from rice maltodextrin and silica. I used it today in a nice herbal tea and it was good - sweetened just enough and no bitter aftertaste! But an hour later, I got a splitting headache. I had to take some advil (ibuprofen) because if I don't medicate a headache, it develops into a migraine. So, my questions are: 1) has anyone else had a reaction to stevia? and, 2) is it okay to medicate a headache with ibuprofen or tylenol?

    I know I am late in the day asking this question, so if I don't get an answer, I'll ask again tomorrow . I need to increase my posts anyway to get a cool counter soon!
    Hi Wonder Cat. I remember one of our gals saying that anything with maltodextin is a big NO NO!!
  • Fluid questions
    Well, I finally get to meet with my coach and my doctor tomorrow and I will start Wednesday!! I have already kicked my Diet Pepsi habit for the last 2 weeks and have been drinking lots of water! My question is about tea: it looks I could have some iced tea (I'm not much for hot tea in hot weather) in the morning. Is that the only time? Or could I have some later in the day? Since I will also be sacrificing my beloved Crystal Light, I really enjoy iced tea. Thanks!
  • Dare you to be funny challenge tom.!
    Quote: I was about to post the same thing!! I'm from the south therefore I compare sweet things to Blue Bell Ice Cream flavors. Well, my comparison of the Vanilla RTDs are that they taste like melted Homemade Vanilla Blue Bell Ice Cream.

    Oooo, vanilla ice cream! I wonder if there is a way to make it into ice cream. Has anyone tried freezing the vanilla drink? I may have to experiment with this idea... to be continued

    Hope you all sleep well and wake up thinner!!!

    We need more humor in our thread tomorrow, Ve must have our laughs or ve get very frumpy.

    So who knows the answer to this joke?
    What happened to the goat who wore a speedo to their check in and got laughed at by a ferret?

    Best answer wins three bravo signs, 2 cheerleaders and 4 turkeys from me! he he
  • MDMJ--Congratulations on your awesome success AND for reaching Two-derland so quickly--WAY TO GO!!!

    Reply to the WonderCat re Tylenol and ibuprofen. I eat acetaminophen (Tylenol) like candy these days and my weight loss has been pretty steady so far (25 lbs in 5 wks), even last week with 5 days straight of headaches. I don't think the headaches are related to the diet or use of splenda (at least I hope not), since I have been getting them for years with unsettled weather and hormone fluctuations, and have not used artificial sweeteners at all for years. I had hoped that with blood sugar evening off they would decline, but no such luck yet.

    I think I'll take suggestions earlier in this thread and up my water to flush toxins and see if that helps--thanks for the suggestion guys!

  • Quote: be still my heart! I am a proud Aggie and remember fondly eating Blue Bell ice cream from those happy cows in Brenham, Texas.
    Can't wait to try the RTD!
    Howdy wonder cat!.. I'm an Aggie Mom & Mom-in-law... my son is class of '98... my daughter-in-law, class of '99... great to have you here...

  • Quote: Oooo, vanilla ice cream! I wonder if there is a way to make it into ice cream. Has anyone tried freezing the vanilla drink? I may have to experiment with this idea... to be continued
    MDMJ, I saw something about doing this in the IP Recipes 2 thread. You might want to check there. I seem to recall folks have been making "ice cream" with some success.

  • I am so glad that I found this forum. I recently started IP last Wednesday and love to see all of the inspiration here from everyone. I have been stalking the forum for the past few days and finally signed up today. I have learned so many things and got some great ideas. Thank you for the inspiration to continue!
  • So, I'm a little bummed...weighed myself and I am up 1 pound.....was hoping for some shedding as this is week 2. It is my TOM and I really have not cheated....I did get seriously emotional the other day and could hardly force food down.....would this have derailed me? I'm sad. I have been so good, watched the rice crispies and brownies get passed around at my meeting tonight....and I happily sipped my hot tea. Ugh. Please tell me it'll get better!
  • Quote: Howdy wonder cat!.. I'm an Aggie Mom & Mom-in-law... my son is class of '98... my daughter-in-law, class of '99... great to have you here...

    I have noticed your "West Texas" as your location. I was born in Midland forever ago. Miss the sky there out west.
    Thanks for the greeting (I'm class of '81). gig 'em!

    and thanks, Journeysend and Jacqueline, for the replies and helpful advice. Always stuff to learn.

    Traveling Stitcher, good luck as you begin- I'm right behind you!
  • Night all!
    Quote: Well, I finally get to meet with my coach and my doctor tomorrow and I will start Wednesday!! I have already kicked my Diet Pepsi habit for the last 2 weeks and have been drinking lots of water! My question is about tea: it looks I could have some iced tea (I'm not much for hot tea in hot weather) in the morning. Is that the only time? Or could I have some later in the day? Since I will also be sacrificing my beloved Crystal Light, I really enjoy iced tea. Thanks!
    Traveling Stitcher: I drink ice tea once in a while. We can have hot tea so it makes sense that we can ice it. It's one of my treats when I'm out and about.

    Quote: I am so glad that I found this forum. I recently started IP last Wednesday and love to see all of the inspiration here from everyone. I have been stalking the forum for the past few days and finally signed up today. I have learned so many things and got some great ideas. Thank you for the inspiration to continue!
    Crimsonorchid: Welcome! I've only been here two weeks and it feels like home, it helps so much, everyone here is so supportive. If only real life could be that way all the time to! So glad you've joined us.

    Quote: MDMJ, I saw something about doing this in the IP Recipes 2 thread. You might want to check there. I seem to recall folks have been making "ice cream" with some success.

    Jackie: Thanks for the tip, I'll check that out. I did try adding a little extra vanilla and cinnamon and to one of the van. drinks and tossed it in the fridge to see how it freezes. I'll let you know tom. Hey, ice cream for breakfast, wouldn't be the first time! Tap tap tap, oh my gosh I am so darned food obsessed, instead of tapping I need a wallop!

    Night all!
  • Quote: So, I'm a little bummed...weighed myself and I am up 1 pound.....was hoping for some shedding as this is week 2. It is my TOM and I really have not cheated....I did get seriously emotional the other day and could hardly force food down.....would this have derailed me? I'm sad. I have been so good, watched the rice crispies and brownies get passed around at my meeting tonight....and I happily sipped my hot tea. Ugh. Please tell me it'll get better!
    IT WILL GET BETTER!! I have been told that stress will affect our weight loss, will slow it down. I think getting emotionally upset could cause us a problem. NO MATTER WHAT, stay with the plan and the results will eventually be there. I have to remind myself I did not gain my weight in 2 weeks , 2 months, but over a period of time during the wrong things almost every day. Now I am doing the right things every day and guess what I am loosing SLOWLY and will reach my goal. Judy

    Quote: I am so glad that I found this forum. I recently started IP last Wednesday and love to see all of the inspiration here from everyone. I have been stalking the forum for the past few days and finally signed up today. I have learned so many things and got some great ideas. Thank you for the inspiration to continue!
    Stay on the plan and keep in touch with us. IP works and there are quite a few people on this site who can help you.

    Quote: Hello all. I dont have a coach. Here we just weigh in and get food. I was sent home with a packet that had 4 pages in it. If i didnt read this site id be lost. My husband is going to be gone for a month and i hope i can kick some butt. I tend to lose my will-power when he is around. I like to cook big meals and deserts. I guess he will have to get skinny too.

    My weekend was crazy. My daughter (16) seperated a muscle in her back at a swim meet. and may need surgery. I will find out today. she was a 10th of a second off from qualifing for state and is so so sad.

    I cant even hug her to make her feel better.
    Sorry to hear about your daughter's injury. I hope the best for her.

    I have received help and support from this site and I hope I have been able to help others. I order on line, so my coach is in another state. I love to bake cakes, pies with homemade crust, but not this summer. I haven't craved sweets. When I first started and it was not obvious to me yet that I was loosing and a food crossed my mind, I would look down my body and think no no no. I wanted a smaller body so badly. Mix a plan that works, the right mind set, will power and determination to reach a goal and you get a smaller body!! Judy
  • First, just ate a pudding after my coach had been out of it for THREE weeks. While I was at my coaches office today picking up the puddings, I scale hopped. Having big - c problems but was UP! Ugh. This is why I don't own a scale.

    I had something that had a bunch of splenda in it -- am wondering if its why I'm feeling hungry and am up. I seem to do best with exact and boring meals that I'm tired of, but seem to work.
  • Petiteandcute,

    This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but I have to confess that every time I see the determined little chick on your tracker -- it cracks me up.
  • Tuesday thread now open
    This thread will close between 3 pm and 5 pm EDT, some hours after this message is posted.

    Where do I post?

    To respond to a post in this thread: Quote and reply in this thread. Or multi-quote and reply in the new daily thread.

    To share something new or tell us about your weekend plans: It's best to post in the new thread.
  • Quote: So, I'm a little bummed...weighed myself and I am up 1 pound.....was hoping for some shedding as this is week 2. It is my TOM and I really have not cheated....I did get seriously emotional the other day and could hardly force food down.....would this have derailed me? I'm sad. I have been so good, watched the rice crispies and brownies get passed around at my meeting tonight....and I happily sipped my hot tea. Ugh. Please tell me it'll get better!
    Some days it gets better-some worse. The thing I noticed is When my family is eating McDonalds Fries (my fav's) I tend to reach for one and if I do get one in my hand I look at it then pass it on. It is really weird, because I want one but I don't want one bad enough to eat it. Keep your chin up!