
  • So it's official. Went to the doctor today because I've been having a lot of random chest pain. He is fairly certain I am not dying, but instead have been having panic attacks. That is way better. And to ADD to that, I got weighed, and I am now officially 160 pounds! Mostly due, after I stopped going on here that much, to the grad student diet while I was visiting my boyfriend.

    Starting weight: 206
    Weight now: 160


    Okay, so it's not a huge goal to meet compared to what other people around here have lost, but I feel good about it. It's not even a healthy weight- but it was the weight I thought I could get to way back in the day three years ago, and I kept the goal just to see if I could make it. Now I suppose I'll have to make a new one, but I'm basking in the glory for a while.

    Old me! Note that I have approximately no photos of fat me because I did not like them. I believe these photos are of me at 190ish.

    In both, I am the one with the short brown hair. Magenta very baggy pants in second, green dress in first.

    Anyway, even though I did kind of abandon you guys you really got me on the right track and kept me there, and gave me the advice and encouragement I needed to keep at it, even when I was whiny. So thanks, all of you.

    ( )

    [photos actually removed for secret identity purposes]
  • You look fantastic!
  • Well done! Goal must feel wonderful!
  • Quote:
    My studly body as seen from below in an attempt to get my smaller thighs in the shot
    ...um... I believe that would be a smaller EVERYTHING ImpalaHoarder. Way to go!!!
  • Congratulations!! You look wonderful.
  • Congrats! You look great!!! Lovin that last pic! Haha
  • congrats! that is awesome! enjoy your 'new' body!
  • You look good, what about a full length pic?
  • "Not a big deal"???? I beg to differ!!! AWESOME JOB!
  • Good Job!! I envy you at your goal...maybe, someday, I can say that too!!
  • That IS a big deal, sister!!

    You look awesome. Congratulations!!
  • Looking good.
    What I like most about your Goal photos is the smiles on your face - means you not only look good but feel good.
  • Awesome job! It's not easy, but you did it

    I think like that sometimes too, that because I have less to lose I don't have much to brag about it. Then I think wait a sec, just doing it no matter how long the journey is a huge thing in it's own. You still lost 46 pounds and that's awesome! (I only have about 54 to lose but still got a bit to go!)

    You did it, even if it was just 15 pounds it's still something, congratulations!
  • Congrats!
  • actually it is a big deal and you should be proud of yourself

    you lost good weight and keep it up