Maintainers moving in September!

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  • Quote: My DH has tinnitus (from firing a gun without wearing hearing protection) and age-related deafness. He has hearing aids which he only wears when he's going somewhere, insisting that he hears me fine. He doesn't and it's so annoying. I can't call him for dinner, I have to go find him and tell him. He often doesn't hear the phone or the door bell. Grrrr. I think our life is "important" enough for him to wear the hearing aids. Rant over. Sorry.
    I think it's a man thing for sure! My dh is only 47 but he is already getting hard of hearing. He worked offshore for several years and his hearing is definitely going. He can't hear some pitches well at all-- including our daughter! I can't even get him to mention it to the doctor-- he denies there is a problem and tells me I can't hear! GRRRRR back at ya!
  • Quote: Sept. 11:
    60 minutes elliptical

    11 days
    627 minutes
    Sept. 12: 60 minutes elliptical

    12 days
    687 minutes
  • saef - pity about the ear.

    my DD, my eldest sister and my ex all hear with just one ear. There certainly is difference, especially when you talk to them in ambient noise you have to get at their good side. The ex also had tinnitus due to a non-malignant brain tumor that pressed on the audio nerves. DD went to a pop concert this weekend and we bought her earplugs so she'll not damage the remaining good ear.

    Exercise: 10 min run + 20 mins yoga yesterday, and a walk through Amsterdam. The medieval buildings are still pretty but otherwise the place could do with a good pressure cleaning! I am embarrassed especially for some of the US and far east tourists...the tourist spots in the US, singapore & hongkong are so spotless and clean, I they must think some parts of the city looked like a dump.
  • September 12: long-ish dog walk, some walking around town.

    Saef, I'm working on strength for the winter so no major cardio training for me right now. I'm pretty seriously considering training for an Olympic triathlon next summer, possibly with the leukemia & lymphoma society's team in training program. In any case I wouldn't start with that until spring, so for now it's just about strength and keeping up my base on running, swimming, and biking.

    DH thinks I'm deaf. I think he mumbles. I told him, the fact that 80% of people can't hear what you're saying means that it's far more likely you're mumbling than that we're all hard of hearing.
  • Monday 13th
    Sunday was active rest: an hour or so along a riverbank. Trying to get ahead of the others, and thinking up a smart remark at the same time, I slipped and fell in. Well, just my foot and lwr leg. Squelchy mud. That'll teach me. But my strong leg muscles saved me from anything worse.


    Concept 2 rower: level 5, 9 mins

    Chest & triceps

    Incline chest press 4kg 2 x 10
    French press 4kg 1 x 10
    Triceps pull-down 10kg 1 x 10 1 x 6

    Yoga & stretching: 20 mins
    Lots of shoulder work.

    Today has been a write-off as regards my paid work. I think I'll have to miss the gymn tomorrow and use that slot for writing. That way I'll finish something rather than have it drag out all week, clogging up my brain.
  • Back after a summer break from the forum but still under my goal weight...

    Hello everyone!

    Monday 9/13

    50 minutes on the elliptical & 25 minutes strengh training.
  • 45 minutes arc trainer, hill intervals, resistance at eight
    60 minutes circuit training class, in which we rush from station to station, some being cardio, some strength & some Pilates. This class sometimes feels like a game show or a reality show competition.

    Michele, my shoulders & back were just a little tight from the muscles having been worked in new ways after training with Jose for an hour last Friday. Here is a good example of a YouTube video demonstrating how to use a foam roller on one's back. I can't tell you how good this feels -- it's like a massage.

    4rabbit, I think I know just a little something about the nonmalignant tumor pressing on your husband's inner ear & making him deaf. I got an MRI that was looking exactly for that. That's one thing they used to confirm I'd had a virus. Also, a good friend of mine also has a half-deaf husband with that same kind of nonmalignant tumor. Now for my sexist observation: Men often have really selective hearing anyway, particularly when dealing with women, so being half-deaf may not be such a handicap for them as it as for us.

    Paperclippy, I forgot, you were or are doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women routines, right? I've been gradually getting more & more interested in strength training. (I used to be all cardio, all the time.) I found that book fascinating & invaluable, but I'm afraid I use it like an encyclopedia or other reference book, rather than following the routine strictly. That may change in the future, but for now I've been picking & choosing the exercises in it.
  • Quote: Sept. 12: 60 minutes elliptical

    12 days
    687 minutes
    Sept. 13: 65 minutes boxing boot camp

    13 days
    752 minutes
  • My father has pretty profound hearing loss and his stubbornness re: hearing aids drives my mother BATTY! He has gotten better about using them the last couple years. He says the newer models are better than many years ago when he first tried them out. More comfortable and better at not amplifying background noise so much. I also have a friend with one of those tumors on the audial nerve.

    4Rabbit, funny what you say about Amsterdam. I just got a glimpse of it in a documentary the other day and immediately started lobbying my husband to go there. It looked lovely to me!

    Saef, I'm going to get one of those foam rollers for my quads. I could really use it today because...

    Sept 12:
    13.1 miles
    Beat my last half-marathon by 11 seconds

    Yesterday I just took a slow walk with one of my friends who also ran on Sunday. Two of our neighborhood friends ran the half in 1:48 -- whoosh!

    Today I am trying to decide between yoga and taking the kids to the zoo. My DDs have the day off from school and I am worried that the zoo will be too crowded. I'm sure the gym's child care will be! The zoo will be a good walk, and the weather should be beautiful. Decisions, decisions!
  • This is my weekday where, ideally, I go to the gym twice: In the morning & again later in the evening.

    Morning, Tues., Sept. 14:
    15 minutes rowing Concept II, at 6
    60 minutes weights

    45 minute spin class in the evening

    The spin instructor on Tuesday nights is the gym's manager. She was telling us about a woman who complained about the music selection in the Sunday morning spin class & said the instructor's voice was too loud. I happened to be in that class & it felt like your basic regular high-energy spin class to me. And I didn't think the instructor's voice was particularly loud. I'm annoyed by that woman without knowing her. If you don't like loud, rhythmic & sometimes bad music, a gym is likely to be a very uncomfortable place for you. I've heard some bizarre mashups on the instructors' mix tapes. The most egregious from tonight's class "Every Breath You Take" sung over the disco beat of the BeeGees' "You Should Be Dancing." Now that's an abomination -- but in spin class, it's okay. I just look up from my exertions in amazement for a few seconds -- am I really hearing what I think I'm hearing? -- then somehow adjust, because I just want a good beat to hit during my peddling.
  • Sept 14:
    60 minutes yoga

    It was my first ever yoga class at a gym (previously I've just done it from FitTV). So great! It was a Vinyasa I class. I am in love with the combination of relaxation and exertion. Planning to go again on Thursday.

    Saef, 'Every Breath' over 'Dancing'?!?!? Horrible -- and perfect!
  • Sept 13: none

    Sept 14:
    NRLW S1W5A:
    - 5 min warmup on climber thingy
    - 3x10 squats, first set @35#, second two @40#
    - 3x10 push-ups using smith machine with bar at slot 4, alternating with
    - 3x10 seated rows @47.5#
    - 3x10 step ups w/2x8# weights on bench, alternating with
    - 3x12 swiss ball jackknife
    - 5 min stretching
    Dog walk PM.
  • 13 sept: 10 min run, 5 min row, 20 min yoga
    14 sept: 10 min run, 20 min yoga
  • Weds Sept. 15:
    45 minutes spin class
    45 minutes Pilates routine
  • Quote: Sept. 13: 65 minutes boxing boot camp

    13 days
    752 minutes
    Sept. 14: none. First day in Sept. not to exercise but I worked two jobs from 7 am to 6:30 pm and then had to go to a meeting after so I was bone weary exhausted!

    Sept. 15: 41 minutes running (4.03 miles)

    14 days
    793 minutes