Fall Re-Focus....who's with me!?

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  • Okay, so the summer was kind of a wash...I got down to 166 in May, and then I dunno what happened. Life, I guess. I did work out, but things were so busy in July/August that I didn't have time to cook properly for myself and I went back up to 170.

    I'm not making excuses for myself, but considering how much traveling I did in these two months, I'm kind of proud that I only gained 4 lbs. I kept up with my exercise, it was just the eating.

    So now school has started for me, and I'm going to have more of a "schedule" to my life. Which means I'll have to cook on the weekends for the week, and I know exactly what days I can work out. Uh, yay

    So its time for a fall re-focus. I know, its not "fall" yet, but I always think of September as the end of summer.

    I want to be back to 167 by the end of the month. My body is strange when it comes to losing weight, but I'm at least going to make a concerted effort to GET to 167.

    Anyone else need to refocus? We can do this together
  • Yes, definitely. It's not that I fell off the bandwagon - but I've been having to make extra effort to keep motivated lately. I think it's because the scale has been slow lately... it's really frustrating, and I think that makes me less motivated.

    But I need to start taking a different mental approach. It's not all about the numbers. It's about being healthy all around. Right? So yeah... fall is my MENTAL re-focus month.
  • September 1 is fall to me, too. Of course, Florida has no real seasons so I could call it whatever I want

    I'm in for the re-focus effort! A fresh start to the month helps, but I also feel like I'm really in the zone now.
  • Well, I am healthy...I just need to not be overweight
  • I with you on this. I haven't lost anything for months, which I guess it's good that I have been maintaining within 5 pounds, but it still sucks. We leave for Vegas on Sunday so I will get a lot of walking in that will counteract the eating, hopefully. After we get back I am sure I will need a detox. I now have a wedding to get in shape for so hopefully I can finally meet my goal weight. I've lost 75 pounds and I am still pretty unhappy with the way I look.

    We've all made it this far and I know we can meet our goals. We've got this!
  • Mojo! I've missed you We can do this
  • I'm with you, too! I started on 7/2/10. Have not had a completely "on plan" week, but have been losing steadily (couple maintenance weeks). I need to get my butt in gear. School is starting and I'll have a regular schedule. I finish school in 15 weeks and it would be nice to be really close to goal by then! We can do this!!!!
  • I'm with you 100%! This summer I gained weight . I moved for an internship and couldn't cook like I used to and couldn't work out because of the internship. Now that I'm back in my apartment and back to a routine I'm excited to see the scale move back in the other direction .
  • Can I join? I think for the sake of my sanity I need this "refocus" time. Summer was a total wash for me, too. I was definitely active, but did waaaaay too much grilling and drinking. Time to pull in the reigns!
  • Uh, duh, Jen, of course you can Yay mod support!!
  • Summer has always been good for me because it's lighter out longer, lots of grilling, time to be more active. This summer was the total opposite. I still did some grilling, but not nearly as much. Not sure what went wrong. Now I am looking forward to the fall when I can make large batches of soups and chili for dinner and lunches.

    During my whole weight loss adventure (you can't deny that it is an adventure =P) I haven't exercised at all. Now that I am refocusing I need to get on that so I can start toning up. I can't decide if I should spend the money on a treadmill or just walk outside (once the humidity goes waay down from where it is) A gym is really out of the question because I don't live close to one. I had a treadmill that turned into a clothes rack and I am scared that will happen again.
  • Mojo - Usually summer is the same for me! This year I just got so busy with lots of traveling, for work and play, so I just didn't have as much food control as I usually do.

    I belong to a gym, but I also have a treadmill - I got it on Craigs list for $100. I'm training for a hike next May (62 miles...again) so what I'm planning to do is just plop it in front of my tv and walk while I'm catching up on DVR'ed shows, in addition to my regular work outs. I need to get my body used to being on my feet, even if I'm not going faster. I like walking outside, but I find that the treadmill keeps me more accountable, I can't make excuses for the weather. Your winters are probably a lot more milder than the ones in DC, so that might not apply, but you could first see how you do MINUS the treadmill.

    And its totally an adventure
  • I sooo totally need this!! Ready to wear my clothes again and not feel so tired all the time. Now that the bab yis sleeping a little better it should be easier as long as I have you guys to kick my arse!
  • Oh! I want to join! I love setting goals. It makes it more fun

    My goal by the end of September is to be at 132.8. My ultimate goal for fall is to be at 125 by Thanksgiving Currently I am at 137..I think..Too scared to weigh after this weekend. Eeekk!
  • Game on!! Goal by New Years?? Yes please!