Little changes that are so exciting :)

  • I'm been doing squats and pelvic tilts along with weight lifting with 2 three pound weights for 8 days. (Two of the days I was doing major amount of house work).

    AND I can see results! The back of my arms already are tighter. I can touch the floor. (It's silly, but it's a big deal).

    Are there any small changes that you have noticed as you start exercising?
  • That's great! I just noticed that I feel really strong muscles underneath the fat on my legs! I know there's still plenty of fat, but hey, it's still progress!
  • When I touch my leg I sometimes get a little shocked like I'm touching someone else's leg. It's so nice and firm and muscular now, instead of pudgy and large, haha.

    Congrats on your first results! As they come it get's better. If you don't measure you should try it. I felt discouraged about it, but then I realized I was really losing inches and things were really getting smaller!
  • Haha, that's so funny about touching your leg and thinking it was someone else's leg

    Stephanie, I did actually measure my thigh yesterday. I'm hoping I'll start losing more. I'm sure I'll feel it in the way my pants feel once the inches start to come off.
  • I don't think I've gone down any sizes, but appears I've lost inches. I do notice that those jeans that felt tight after being washed just slip on like nothing now

    I got myself a 'weight loss' belt. It was a cheap belt at army and navy that barely fit me, and it has 7 notches. I can get it to the fourth notch, but the third is the most comfortable. I use that to track my waist line as well, haha.