BFL newbie/wannabe w/ ?'s

  • You guys that are posting on the challenge thread have intrigued and motivated me. I started the BFL 12 week challenge. I have the book, I started yesterday though I am lagging in some areas, exercise mainly. I don't want to start out making too many modifications BUT, I found it impossible to finish the upper body workout this a.m. First, I am going by the book and by the 3rd u.b. muscle group I was not performing well at all. Decided to do my triceps and biceps tonight to finish up the exercises for today. I have noticed that some of you do a split, exercising only 2 muscle groups a day. Is it ok for me to do that or should I do my first challenge by the book?

    And do you stretch first, I read the book quickly but did not notice mention of that. I am taking the book very literally. I usually eat before I do anything in the morning but as instructed I hit the weights first thing this a.m. I felt as if I could have done better with some coffee and breakfast but then I am doing this to shake myself out of my rut so maybe I just need to work it out as the book says.
  • HI Ledom! Welcome!
    First, please join us on the main thread, it is not just a challenge thread, but where we a post, socialize, ask and anwer questions. You also might want to take a look at the "Newbie questions-BFL basics stickie" post by MrsJim, at the top.

    Generally, most people agree that you should go by the book as closely as possible for your first and maybe second challenge if you are new to weighlifting. HOWEVER, having said that, I will tell you that if you can't make it thru the workouts, you are either trying to lift too heavy at first, or need some nourishment adjustment. Are you eating a good meal#6 at night before bed? If you skimp on this, you won't have the energy you need to lift first thing in the morning.

    I found that I absolutely could not lift on an empty stomach- it was downright dangerous for me, so I rearranged my schedule to lift in the afternoons (I work part-time) between meals 3 and 4. It may have hampered my progress, but who knows? And it's a schedule I could stick with. I'm just finishing C3, no longer doing straight BFL, but I got tremendous stregnth, health and attitude gains during C1 and 2 which were BFL. Also dropped 10% body fat.

    Come join us! Post a few menus and we can see if that's your problem. Those of us who post of the main thread range from doing their first challenge to old pros.

    Hope that helps, and welcome aboard.

  • OK Mel,
    Thanks for the info and invitation. I'll hop up there on the challenge thread with your suggestion of a sample menu.
  • I would do BFL by the book for the first challenge - I know it's difficult but your body WILL adjust. It's like doing high school before you go on to University, there are so many fundamentals in BFL it's crucial you get them down pat before you start to tweak things. ESPECIALLY if you have a lot of weight to lose!


    PS Come and join the normal thread
  • Hi Ledom! Welcome!

    As far as stretching, I never stretch before lifting, but I stretch between sets and after lifting. From what I've read, you should never stretch a 'cold' muscle.

    In addition, you don't HAVE to work out first thing in the AM. The important thing is to DO IT. Personally I'm a first-thing person - I love it - at night after work I just wanna kick it with Jim and Sparky, not go to a crowded gym!

    Come on down - come join us on our thread!
  • Hello everyone!
    My name is Virginia! I am currently 247.5 lbs! My highest weight was 270 on July 29th, 2002, the day I will remember for the rest of my life. That is the day I decided to get rid of this body and start building a new one.
    I first just started by eating less, than moved on to eating right and walking everyday. On September 25th I joined my local gym, and now I am a exercise junkie. I love working out, and the feeling I get after a good workout. I still hate looking at myself in the mirror, as that big fat belly is still there, my mid-section is where the brunt of my weight is at. I have noticed a change in my butt, and I suppose there is a overall difference, however, sometimes I still get very frustrated.
    I will not give up though, I had a friend tell me I would not stick to it. She was not being mean and nasty, she lost a lot of weight about five years ago and has since put it and then some back on. She gave up and thinks I will too. Even though she has not said anything yet, I thinnk she sees a change in me and realizes I AM serious, and have made it a life changing commitment.
    I do not have the book?? Body for Life, can you tell me where I can get it and approximately how much it is.
    ANyway, thanks for listening to me ramble on!
  • Hi Virginia,
    What a great story. Congratulations to you on all of you accomplishments this year.

    The Body for Life book is $26. I bought mine at a Barnes and Nobles, I think just about any bookstore carries it as it spent time on the Bestseller list. You can also order it from or you may be able to check it out at the library.

    Well, I am the newbie with lots of questions. I have been at this for 4 weeks only, but I do think it is a great way of life. The ladies in the weekly BFL thread on this page are pros at this lifestyle and are kind enough to give all kinds of help and advice. Feel free to jump up to that thread where your posts may receive more traffic. Also, the site will give you a good look at some dedicated BFLers. AND, I find myself referring to the BFL stickie that Mrs. Jim posted on this page even now after being on the program for a month.

    Good luck.
  • Hi...I bought the BFL book and the audio book at borders it was and I think still is 25% off 25$.. the audio is about 19$ but the book has pictures of the exercises and list of food and your workout schudule... I only bought the audio for the added inspiration of hearing real people talk...
  • Also, try or

    Just checked and there are copies of the book available for as low as $8.96, the audio cassette for $7.49, and the CD for $13.39! Pretty good deal, no? And NO TAX!!
  • Thank you very much MrsJim. I am looking into right now. Hope you have a great time in London!