So weird...

  • So for my snack today I had to go to the store to pick something up for dinner and these dark chocolate covered almonds were screaming at me (I'm not even a big fan of dark chocolate) and I wanted something different for my snack today and I'm working on always eating what I really want so I don't have cravings, so I bought them. I measured out a portion that fits into today's meal plan, about 1.5oz (it was like 10 pieces I think) and ate them SLOWLY enjoying eat one. It KILLED my sweet tooth and I don't feel too bad about the chocolate because it was over almonds and it was dark. But what's wierd is now it's almost 4:30 and I'm usually SO ready for dinner by now, but I'm still satisfied and energized and can't wait to hit the gym. So what about that snack do you think did it? It was about 240 cals worth...was it the nuts? The nut sugar combo? 240 is pretty high for a snack for me, but something that I can fit in occassionally, but I worry about the sugar in the chocolate a little, I'm really suprised that I'm not in a sugar coma now, but like I said I feel weird. I'm interested to try this experiment again.
  • Have you ever tried the Emerald dark chocolate cocoa roast almonds? I freaking love those. A serving is approx 23 almonds at 150 cals and only 1g sugar.
  • ^I must get those!

    And it was prolly the nuts, almonds stabalize blood sugar, so you'll feel full and bursting with energy for a really long time
  • Quote:
    Have you ever tried the Emerald dark chocolate cocoa roast almonds? I freaking love those. A serving is approx 23 almonds at 150 cals and only 1g sugar.
    No, but what a great alternative to my snack! I'm so getting some of those.
  • Quote: Have you ever tried the Emerald dark chocolate cocoa roast almonds? I freaking love those. A serving is approx 23 almonds at 150 cals and only 1g sugar.
    Ohhh BOOOOY do I loooove these and you can't get them in Canada!! WAHHHH
  • Quote: Have you ever tried the Emerald dark chocolate cocoa roast almonds? I freaking love those. A serving is approx 23 almonds at 150 cals and only 1g sugar.
    I eat these, too. They're great! I have some in my pantry at this very moment.
  • Quote: Have you ever tried the Emerald dark chocolate cocoa roast almonds? I freaking love those. A serving is approx 23 almonds at 150 cals and only 1g sugar.
    My story about those nuts:

    I HATE almonds. I mean -YUCK- HATE them. My friend MADE me eat one of those and I LOVED them. I keep forgetting to pick some up at the store.
  • it would have been the almonds!!!

    I heart almonds, but i've gotta be soooo careful when i eat the chocolate covered ones cause my tounge starts to swell.. and i act drunk.. ONLY with certain ones hahah
  • Its the almonds. I feel the same way after I eat almonds!!!