Weekend Thread

  • Hi girls! Sorry for not posting on the daily threads lately, but I hope by at least posting a bit on the weekends, you won't completely forget about me.

    Busy as usual here. I have a paper to turn in at 10 am tomorrow morning (but class is canceled - yea!! ) so I am spending another fun Friday night at my laptop! Tomorrow I am going to a surprise 30th b-day party for a friend and then Sunday morning I am running a 5K.

    Plus, I am planning my trip to London so I am VERY excited about that! I think I am going to go over New Years. Not for any special reason, just because the time works well with my schedule, but it should be a fun time.

    Marcie - Huge congrats on your engagement!!! Hope you had a good vacation.

    Lisa - Happy B-Day!!

    Jen - Glad to here the remodeling project is coming along - how exciting to have so much extra living space.

    Tonya - Hi!! How are things with you? I miss you!

    Jess - Whatever happened with the house you were thinking about buying? Did I miss the update?

    Jayne - The new recipe queen! I've been meaning to tell you that I tried the crock pot black bean soup recipe you posted. It is more like black bean chili I would say, but I LOVED it. Yum!

    KT - Hope you're doing well!

    Kier - My fellow study buddy! How is school?

    Ali - Where are you? Hope to hear from you this weekend!

    Laura - I know you're on vacation, but hope you're having fun!

    Hi to everyone else I may have missed! Have a great weekend!!
  • Hi Jen! How is school going? I am here-getting ready to go to bed-thought I would say hi! Am on my way to NYC for my best friend's bachelorette party...should be a good time, but bad for points...If I were really motivated I would get up early and go running-but I;'m not-we'll see-I would like to have a loss this week as well! Bye bye-have a good weekend
  • Yay its Saturday!!
    Hi All,

    Thanks for all the great veggie tips. I'm going to make an extra effort to get them in - I'm beginning to realize why they're so important. I do like V8, but I like to drink it hot - is that weird?

    Anyway, horrible night last night, but I'm not going to discuss it. I really have no guilt. I was in excellent spirits because I ran for the first time since I broke my ankle in July. I don't think I've ever been that psyched about running before - it was great. So dear fiance ordered hot wings and a sub. I ordered a salad but I can't say I didn't help him eat his...however, I think I'll be okay because I lifted for 30 minutes at the gym and then went for my walk/run.

    We will see come Tuesday and WI. As for today, I'm going to stay OP and there are no ifs ands or buts about it!

    Jayne - your situation does not sound fun. I know nothing about the teaching profession, but why does it matter what type of lesson plan you use? Don't they all have the same outcome? I guess it doesn't make sense to me. It seems like you should be able to do whatever works for you. At any rate, hang in there, and if the situation gets worse, don't forget that you, too have a voice and can speak up for yourself. Don't wait until you're so angry that you say things that tear down your reputation.

    Okay I'll stop now...I've just been "pissed at the world" all week because my little sister who is out in California in college is having problems with some of her so-called friends.

    Well, I will end this post on a happy note...have a great weekend all!

  • Up finishing my paper.... ugh.

    Lori!! So sorry I missed you when I was trying to remember everyone! I think it's been a while since we've posted at the same time. School is going really well. I love it, but just haven't quite adjusted to how busy my life is now. But I look forward to going to class, which makes it all ok. Have a great time in NYC!!

    Jodi - I don't think we've met yet - Hi! I had stuffed spinach pizza last night, so I understand not doing too well... somehow I think that when I stay in to study I can eat whatever I want. Forget about it - today is a new day. I run a lot so I understand how you must have felt when you couldn't do it. It is therapy to me!
    And I don't think drinking warm V-8 is weird at all - it's like tomato soup!

    My little brother (26, not that little!) had quadruple hernia surgery yesterday, so I am going to try to go visit him before I head over to the surprise party later.

    Have a good day!
  • Checking in
    Happy Saturday peoples!

    Jen - Before I forget, I hope your brother has a speedy recovery. Ouch ...

    Hi Jodi ~ i too did not have a great weekend. Pissed at the world is an understatment for me right now. I totally need to get out of my relationship & situation if I want to be healthy. I can't understand how I let this drag me down.
    So last night's eats weren't a good decision for me either. I have the notion to go weigh in today (although weigh in is tomorrow, but I'm a week behind because of camping - phooey).

    Today I will be OP. I deserve it to myself!

    Things @ work were busy these past few days, so I was unable to post.

    OK ... hello to all!

    I have to run back to class. 1 more hour to go!

    Have a great weekend if I don't not talk to you until Monday!
  • Good morning all! I just had weigh in and I was up a pound. I was disappointed but lots of things have been going on this week so it wasnt too unexpected. We were on vacation and ate out alot. I did start an exercise program this week though, so maybe it will pay off next week when things are back to normal!

    I found the most beautiful place for the wedding and reception. They book a year to a year/half in advance so I am going to look at it Tuesday afternoon. www.larimorehouse.com

    I will let you know how it is!
  • Hey All,

    Sorry I have been MIA. This week has just been weird and VERY confusing for me. Of course the root of the problem? men If anyone is good at completely unbiased advice, lemme know, I'll give ya the 411 on my most recent prob.

    I pigged out yesterday, but it was the first time in a long time. It was for my mom's bday. I have been good though generally and have been exercising diligently and all. Then again I am going to Red Lobster (my 25th bday) on Wednesday and then to a steakhouse on friday and then have my works' off-site the next week... eek, gotta be diligent. Other than that, I am pretty much in the shape I wanna be in. Just want some more muscle definition.

    Lisa: Happy belated bday (yeehaw another Libra)

    Jen: Wish you bro the best! Oh yeah and I love my new tattoo, I'll take a pic of it once it has compeletely healed.

    Jodi: awww, sounds like your sis and you are close, that's awesome, be there for her, she probably needs you now more than ever.

    Lori: I am trying to get motivation to run as well!

    Take Care!

  • Ali - PM if you'd like some unbiased adive - I'm usually pretty good at it. (and men are the root of most of my problems, as well!) Happy Belated B-Day!!

    Deb - I have been dealing with "pissed at the world" feelings myself. Yesterday, I decided that I just hate people in general. My feelings stem back to an old relationship that still creeps back into my life occassionally (and did the past few weeks). Although I have no kids involved, so I have less of an excuse for dealing with the crap... *hugs*

    Marcie - Let us know how the place looks in person! I am so excited for you!

    Well, I have been chatty the past 12 hours or so... I guess the fact that I never socialize anymore is catching up with me! I am going to go eat some (not good for me, but I don't want to throw it away!) and watch a little college football before heading to the party.

    Take care!!
  • Hi again ... bored @ work!

    Why do men complicate our lives so???? Hmmmm ... well, I guess cause we let them!

    I forgot now what I was going to say ... der.

    Oh yeah ... happy belated birthday, Lisa!!!
    Happy upcoming birthday Ali!

    My birthday is in the dead of winter ... February. What was my parents thinking???

    OK ... a house hunting online I go!

    Enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather out there today ~ it's an Indian Summer here in NY.
  • Hi weekenders! Nice to see so many posts on a Saturday. Just got a sec or two to post, but thanks so much, Jodi, for the advice and encouragement -- I really need it right now!!!! Jen, have a great time tonight. Ali, you are going to be birthday'd out by the end of the week -- hvae fun with it. Deb, good luck with house hunting. Lori, have a GREAT time in NYC...perfect place for a bachelorette party! Marcie, I'm checking out that website as soon as I sign off here. Ali, I love to give advice on men, since I no longer live the single life and have to experience it through you girls and my fourteen year old neighbor girl! Ask away
  • Macie, holy cow, it's gorgous!!!
  • I bought a bound journal when I was at the center yesterday. I really need to get focused and start losing. I still have a LOT to lose and I want to lose it all in the next year. I lost 50 in one year, hopefully I can lose another 50 in about the same time. I really want to look nice for my wedding...and honeymoon. : )

    SO....here I go~