
  • I'm at where I was last year when I got unmotivated/busy/stopped caring. My weight is down to 178. 170 is so close I can almost taste it. Not a huge accomplishment right now, but it's something. It makes me think I can really do this.

    Hate to beg, but I need some major encouragement! What should I do all week? Keep walking/biking? Jump rope? I could break out those Richard Simmons Sweatin' with the Oldies tapes if I had to
  • when was the last time you changed up your routine? If its been more than 6 weeks since you've done something new - try something new. Increase intensity, change locations, try some intervals. Something.

    You can do it.
  • Congrats! 7 lbs is great!
  • Good Job!

    I think chnkymonkey had a great idea. Change it up! Alternate what you do on what days so no two days are the same. I know I get bored if I do the same thing day in and day out.