Boot Camp Prep

  • get out your books!! (just bought me a new copy as my old one has been borrowed and not returned for 8 months)

    start to reread

    start a shopping list

    set goals for the month make sure they are reasonable and obtainable. even if it is just stay OP 4 of the 7 days a week, make sure that you are setting goals you can reach with a little effort

    get ready to measure/try on those tight pants/dig out the scale from hiding/ and that will be done only at the start and then at the end. no cheating inbetween

    think of nice things to do for your self during the month to reward your self for doing good. (no food rewards)

    i think i can
    i think i can
    I think I can

    I think I can

    just do it
  • I can, I think!

    I'll think aobut goals and come back later. Probably something about increasing vegetables...

  • I have my copy of Atkins in hand and ready to march Drill Seargeant Sue!
  • I will read Protein Power.

    I will be on plan 6/7 days. My only off plan day will be the planned weekly off plan day.

    I will exercise 4 days a week

    I will increase my water intake and maintain that.

    I will only weigh once a week and will not be a slave to a scale.

    The hard part is finding something to do for myself. I think I will read in bed every night. That will make me leave the computer some. I love the computer and I love working on the site, but if I don't set aside some more 'me' time, it will not decrease my stress. I read a really good article on hyperstress today and I have a lot of health issues that are side-effects of emotional stress. Part of that could be releived by 'me-time'. This one goal is probably more important than any of the weight loss goals, so this one will be my main focus. It will also be the hardest to achieve!

    Troops are in formation and following orders sir! I will spend the days before the October 1 date by reviewing literature and doing anything that stimulates mental motivation!

    Thanks Sue!
  • ok, is it ok that i'm not going to do the Low carb though? Can i still be in the challenge?? I need to seriously exercise 4 days /week, 5 would be fantastic. also need to up my water and not "cheat" at allllllllllllllll
  • My food and exercise plans are all ready and so am I !!!!!
    Let's rock and roll
  • I want to sign up for boot camp!
    Hey Nasus and everybody!
    I mostly post on the 100 pound club since I needed to lose so much, but I am a low carber and think this boot camp thing will be fun/challenging for me. I started Atkins at the end of July and lost
    18 pounds in one month, but (you knew there was a but-huh)
    I think I restricted myself too much and started cheating on it here, there and everywhere!! I would gain a few, lose a few, off and on this month and I have decided to get back on Atkins Induction again. So I need this!!
    My current weight is 247.5 from a high of 313 (20 months ago).
    I have lost a total of 65 1/2 pounds but still need to lose 87 pounds to get to my ideal weight of 160 (I am 5'8)

    Does this start in October??
  • Well, I've given this a good hard look to see what my goals would be for this month, so here they are:

    1) Follow my plan as close as humanly possible (Atkins)
    2) Keep in my mind that not only am I doing this for myself but I am doing this for the much wanted baby we are trying so hard to have.
    3) Lower my LH levels so that ovulation will occur (determined by blood test)
    4) Be able to start my period on my own without med intervention
    5) Exercise at least 3 times a week (big challenge for me becasue I am soooo busy)
    6) Lose at least 15 pounds.

    In my case, these are really big goals since none of things have happened before in a specific frame of time. I am determined! I will not rest until I am pregnant! I am SO ready for Boot Camp--let's rock and roll Sergeant Sue!
  • Okay, my avatar is dressed for boot camp and ready to go!

    My goals this month are:

    1. Stay on Induction
    2. Stay away from foods causing yeast overgrowth.
    3. Raise water intake to 100oz per day, even on weekends.
    4. Walk! Four times a week or more.
    5. Soloflex three times a week.

    I'd like to lose 9 lbs by October 31st, however I'll take inches lost instead if I get more muscles.
  • Sign me up.

    My goals are:
    1. Read Protein Power
    2. Cook more
    3. Plan ahead
    4. Drink more water
    5. Eat Breakfast
    6. Start walking
    7. Keep Journal
    8. Focus more on how good i feel than on how much I lose

  • I wrote down my goals on a post-it note and put it on my monitor so I can remember daily what I am supposed to be doing! I have 5 goals and I don't want to forget any of them.

    Dyan, your avatar is great!
  • As the famous SpongeBob would say:

    "I'm Ready" "I'm Ready"
    "I'm Ready" "I'm Ready"
    "I'm Ready" "I'm Ready"
    "I'm Ready" "I'm Ready"

    I need to go buy a journal to write in and my book will be the Bible, thats where I draw my strength.

    1. Journaling & Reading more of Gods Word

    2. Exercise at least 1x a week
    I get none now so that would be a milestone

    3. Food
    1600 Calories, watch my fat intake and maybe stick to some low carbing breakfasts, & lunches.

    I leave you all with butterfly's in my stomach!
    Love, Leenie

    PSSSSSSSSSST!! Is it cheating if I start NOW ?