Weekly Chat May 3-9

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  • I miss you ladies...

    I have had a food vacation... it was out of necessity and I hope to get back to the gym and eating healthy next week.... I will not get on the scale til I feel its a good idea...there is no way I havent gained a million pounds this week

    My sisters longterm boyfriend died on Monday night and I wasn't ready to share until now... and I guess because it is a Saturday and I know it probably wont be read right away... It has been a very very very tough week for my family and my sister of course... I'm very worried about her and I'm just so exhausted and tired... physically, emotionally, mentally just worn out. I didnt know this many tears were possible...but they are

    Keep her in your thoughts today... today is the funeral and her last few moments with him and I know its going to be so hard for her.
  • Well, yesterday was definitely my off day. I ate Chinese food with my brother and I ate a lot. I felt sick last night because of it too. Ferel, maybe we have learned our lessons. And I often tend to stop posting when I go off track. But this time it is NOT going to matter. I'm going to keep on pushing through and keep on coming back here. No more going away for a few months!


    Jess...the weird factor has not left my city yet. Haha! I still have not seen anyone in them. My hubby has, but he works at a barber shop and sees a lot of people.

    I'm trying to drink lots of water today to make up for my Chinese food binge. One glass down...50 more to go! Ha!

    Also, today I got on my scale and it was up, which I was expecting. Well, I went to the bathroom and decided to get back on again to get my "true" weight and it was down a pound from what I was yesterday. So, when that happened I had to step on it 5 or 6 (or 10) different times to see what it would say...it is different every time! However, it isn't way off, but off by a pound or two every time. I have decided just to take the weight that was first on there when I woke up this morning. It seems the most reasonable since it was only up .8 of a pound. Anyway, it makes me want to throw out the electric and go with the non-electric kind. What are your opinions on scales? What do you have? Electric or non-electric?
  • Jess - Yup - my scale hasn't budged from 195 since January! lol. I have been trying everything!!!! I'm not sure what the deal is, but it needs to get figured out soon. I had alot of stress in my life the last couple months so I'm thinking that might have something to do with it...I also dropped a pant size...so perhaps I gained muscle? anyways, somethings gotta give!! I'm super proud of you and extremely jealous!!! I joined a running group ( and your my motivation - thank you!)

    Feral - the break up ....well, I was doing good, really good and then BAM, he deletes me off facebook because he's listed as "in a relationship" and i found out who the chick was he was seeing on the side when he was dating me, and that was hard because it turned out that he's been basically lying to me since February...now wonder I have been so stressed and everything... I then realized that he is 100% douche bag and does not deserve my time nor my tears, so I'm done and I'm moving forward and I'm happier! Lonely - yes! but overall happier without him! Easier to say than to accept, but time will heal - its only been 2 weeks lol.

    To those graduating - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

    To everyone else - Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    - my condolences to your family sweetie, and I send many hugs your way.
  • Tonight's going to be a rocky night. My cousin's bachelorette party is tonight and I can already feel the pounds creeping back on..

    ETA (Must've posted at the same time): My condolences Haley. Keeping your sister in my thoughts
  • Hello Ladies!

    So I woke up at the butt crack of dawn and went bird watching. It was more like hiking, but we went with the purpose of finding this:

    Its an indigo bunting and they're SOO pretty. I got a few pictures, but they were flying all around the place. Then there was 3 hours of hiking, and I just got home, made a turkey wrap and sweet potato fries, and I'm going to take a nap then get ready for this party tonight.

    I've been pretty good with calories (I need to drink more water) and I'm driving tonight so I can't over do drinking. This morning the scale was up to 172.0, but I ate a LOT last nigh and I feel like it was just the volume and some water retention.

    Haley - My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Jenny - You have the right attitude, he's a d-bag and doesn't deserve your time.

    Feral - Be strong, lady

    To all you grads - congrats!
  • haley - i'm so sorry to hear of your family's lost. stay strong!

    congrats to all the grads!

    i ran my 10K today! 57 minutes. i'm content with that time =) thanks for all the good luck wishes and evyerhing! i love you girls!!!
  • Haley - I'm sorry to hear about your sister's loss and I wish the best for you and your family, especially your sister.

    Stella - You got saved from a snake eh? Did he catch you? Remember, if July comes around and still nothing, I'm putting a plan into action. That's cool that you saw the birds you were looking for! I so do not know birds. Well, maybe hummingbirds.

    Jenny - Hm, if you need/want some help let me know. You can email me ([email protected]) and just let me know what your usual routines are. Some of the time you really have to shake things up. As for the dude, screw him. You're better off. AND, things happen for a reason. Dbag is gone, now you're available! You're off his hook and now you can go hook a new boy!

    Jess - ROCK ON! That's a fast 10K. I'm going for my 10-miler run tomorrow (hopefully). If not, at least an 8-miler. We'll have to run something in July.

    As for me, I moved out of the obese BMI range today. Kind of a big surprise. We'll see if it sticks throughout the weekend. I want to see Iron Man 2! And must buy swim suit.
  • jess - its a 9:10's pace, so not tooo fast, but definitely movin for 6.2 miles it was fun and i'm TIRED. i'm down for a july 4th race still!! for bathing suits.... i found a super cute tankini randomly at sears.
  • Jess - it was less of a save and more of a he saw a snake and pushed me in the opposite trail before I saw it and had a panic attack.
  • I have finally come to terms with the fact that I managed to gain back about 9 pounds over the past little while. I was making excuses for things (I didn't have a chance to weigh in the morning, so this is just afternoon weight...etc). But I have realized that I let a lot of things slip since I've become busy. Haven't been going to the gym as much, definitely haven't been eating as good as I should be, etc.

    It's all making me more and more depressed by the day. But it's time to take control back and get back on it. The gym going has improved and even when I don't get to the gym for whatever reason, I am making a point to walk around the neighborhood. I need to get the candy and chocolate OUT of my life. I would buy a bag of M&M's thinking that I could ration it out for little snacks at the end of the day. Yeah, then it would only take like 2 days to polish off the medium sized bag.

    Thankfully it's only been about 9 pounds and I am realizing it now. I just can't get back into the 200's....I worked too damn hard for too long to get out of those numbers that I'm not willingly going to go back to them.

    I feel better now...and now I have accountability
  • My condolences Haley!

    Congrats to the graduates! And those who have finished the semester. I got all A's this semester!

    Stella- I love indigo buntings! I'm from farther north in Michigan and I used to see them a lot growing up, but haven't seen one in years now that I live in the city!!! How lovely!

    Jazzang- Great job on your 10k!

    Chele- Good for you for realizing it now and knowing what you need to do!! You can take control back!!
  • Haley- my condolences to your sister and family.

    Been a busy weekend but stayed pretty much on track ate with my dh family last night at ocharleys had the california chicken salad and it was sooo yummy today is a cookout at our house for my family so i've been cleaning all day long I made dessert and theres 10 peeps and only 10 pieces of pumpkin delight cake and theres one small piece with my name on it and NO leftovers LOL This thurs night leaving with the girls for the beach woohoo
  • Stella - At least he's looking out for you I'm glad he saved you.

    Jess - Just let me know the race. I'm going to go for a long run today, I hope. Weather is crappy looking today. Too many clouds but a good day for a run! Pft, 9:10 pace for 6 miles is pretty dang awesome!

    Chele - I'm glad you're putting it into perspective. It IS only 9 pounds out of all the hard work you've given already so you can keep pushing forward. Setbacks happen but as long as they don't become permanent, you're in the clear Besides, you DID get busy. But now you're crossing those excuses off your list and I'm proud of ya.

    As for me, damn TOM.
  • can someone send me an english bulldog puppy? lol
  • Yeah, if anything I do know he cares, and that's cool.

    Haley - I don't have any, but if I hear anything about them I'll let you know.