Feeling depressed, craving...

  • ...McDonalds. Cheeseburger, salty fries, chocolate shake. Sigh. Hope I can resist
  • You can do it!!! You have lost so much weight, keep strong. Maybe you could cook something healthier to satisfy the craving?
  • Now is your opportunity to try a nonfood alternative to dealing with your depression. Maybe you can identify your source of depression and cope with it. If you're lonely, make a call or plans. If your body is lethargic, move it around. If you are stressed, stretch and breathe.

    Experiment. Treat yourself like you would a dear friend & listen to what your heart is saying.

    You can do this. Hang in there.
  • When I feel that way, I fill up the bathtub with hot water and bubble bath, light candles, play soft music and sink into it. What it is, is putting a pause between me and the craving. When I was in the job force, I would go make a cup of hot tea and/or brush out my hair int the restroom. These moments/change of scenery often helped me get past the immediate urgency that cravings brought on.

    Whatever you do, don't focus on the foods, list them, think about them. My husband does that, he lists the foods he wishes he could eat. I told him to think about what he is doing....keeping the flame burning bright.

    BTW, something HOT works the best for me, perhaps it's like the warmth of nurturing.