I went MIA

  • Oh, ladies.

    I went MIA in a bad way! First, the good news- I am VERY pleased to report that I did NOT fall off the wagon, and I have been eating well since I've been gone. I have not, however, lost one single pound. I have been under a tremendous amount of stress, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

    Once things settled down around here, I promised myself that I would come back to posting regularly and also start working out again. I'm back to posting tonight, and tomorrow is get my butt back into work-out mode.

    I'm happy to be back! I hope everyone has been well.
  • I wondered where you'd gone. Good to see you!
  • Thank you <3

    Yeah, maybe I should be more concerned with not losing anything, but with everything that's gone on, I'm just happy to have made it out in once piece! It's been a literal mad house around here! I'm hoping that with the release of stress and getting back into a routine with TONS of water (something I haven't been drinking near enough of lately...) I will get a good jumpstart!