The old "you look too skinny"

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  • I got my feelings hurt today.

    I hadn't looked really looked at my "before/after" album photo in a long time. I had recently thrown in some wedding pics, so I just happened to cruise by tonight and was surprised by some of the comments.

    Someone felt compelled to tell me I lost too much weight, looked "skinny" and lost all my muscle tone. I was accused of "not loving myself" by two different people. Just because I think I used to be fat doesn't mean I don't love myself! I was just fat, not an axe murderer!

    Picture with comments:

    I have never, in all my years at 3FC ever told someone in any way they looked bad (not that I think anyone looks bad, and I'm holding it in or anything!). I happen to be about 5 lbs up and have a pretty curvy figure, I'm not "too thin" by any stretch of the imagination.

    Sorry, just venting. I responded, but I probably shouldn't have. I'm sure those people won't be back to my album. But...grrr. Just grrr!
  • - let it roll off your back...some people feel compelled to critique.
    You rock
  • i can't believe they said those things. it is really discouraging that folks have no filter on the so-called "anonymous" internet.. and where did they get the whole "you better love yourself" business?

    i find, most of the time, people project their own insecurities onto others to make themselves feel better. what a shame.

    kudos on 5 YEARS at mainteance weight! that's terrific
  • I am sorry that happened to you. I have gotten to the point where I just cannot read comments on news stories or blogs or anything because of the way people comment. This site is the only place where a negative comment is hard to come by. Don't let these people bother you. I think that you look great, and I know you have been a inspiration to me on this site. Be proud of your figure, you worked hard for it.
  • Rude!

    Here's the thing. Those people have NO IDEA how awesome it feels to be you. What's interesting is that, when people don't have adequate information to make judgments (um, who are they to postulate about how much you love yourself??), they project themselves onto you. So they're saying "My face is as round as yours and I don't love myself" or possibly "even if I lost weight I still wouldn't love myself", or maybe even "See, there's a reason I couldn't POSSIBLY put effort into making myself healthier...because she's so slim and I couldn't be that slim". And all of that self-judgment comes out as judging YOU. Which isn't OK. But it definitely isn't ABOUT you so much as it is being lobbed TOWARD you.

    What matters is that YOU know you're healthy. Some random chick on the interwebs has nothing on that.
  • I think you look great! I would love to have your figure.
  • I think you look great too! A few years ago something like that happened to me. I got down almost to my high school weight and a good friend told me I was too thin and looked better heavier. It's true as you age, the extra pounds hide some age, so I decided then that an extra 10 pounds was okay. I don't know why I let her influence me!

    Now that I think about it, it could be that this person felt better criticizing me because it made her feel better about herself. Whatever. Just her opinion.
  • You look gorgeous in your after photos, especially that first page with those beautiful dresses and your wedding gown! You look HOT! The people who made those negative comments on your album are either jealous, smoking crack, or both.
  • They're jealous, you look beautiful! I would love to have a figure like yours!
  • Thanks guys, you rock. My feelings were a little hurt, but you are so right. Some people project their own feelings, some people just lose all filter on the internet (like the crazy people who make horrible youtube comments).

    I suppose it's a little ironic, after years of being overweight and feeling judged on being too heavy, I got my feelings hurt by being judged too skinny! I never ever thought THAT would happen!
  • WOW, what harsh, rude and inappropriate comments! You are incredible and have done an amazing job, they simply are talking out of their @$$e$!
  • Quote:
    I suppose it's a little ironic, after years of being overweight and feeling judged on being too heavy, I got my feelings hurt by being judged too skinny! I never ever thought THAT would happen!
    The only one who can truly tell how happy and healthy you are is YOU! Everyone else's comments are just opinions that you can accept or ignore.

    As for the "love yourself" stuff these people posted, I think how hard you've worked at regaining and maintaining your healthy body speaks volumes to that.

  • What self-rightous crap from them!! You are beautiful and sexy and a perfect-looking weight! slender but not stick arms, a defined waist, gently curving hips, and what a nice rear shot in the glam dress! (sorry, sounds like I'm hitting on you )

    Who knows what kind of comments they're gonna post, just breeze through the stupid ones and focus on the glowing 'you rock!' ones!
  • I looked at those pics and you look beautiful! I too got those 'too skinny' comments when I am not even close to it. They went away after I moved and started hanging out with people who had never seen me fat. To them, I just look normal.

    I do VERY occasionally see someone's after pics and think they may have overreached a bit (not that I would say anything!) but this is not true in your case!
  • Hey Glory!

    You just gotta know that when you post something on the internet, you're going to get off-the-wall comments from people you don't know--or if you do know them, comments they would never say to your face.

    No way are you too skinny! That's ridiculous. Honestly, some people need to get a life....
