Moan-Day Daily ~ August 26 th

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  • Coffee is on chickies! Wakey-wakey!!
  • Good Morning!
    I guess I'm the insomniac this morning! I've been awake since 3 a.m.. I finally gave up and made the coffee! I'll be dragging hiney by noon!

    Today will be more paperwork to catch up for the bookkeeper. She'll be thrilled to have it before the end of the year! Next on the to do list plan is to box up old files and stash them in the attic, declutter the office and prep it for fresh paint and new carpet! I feel like a glorified maid!

    I spoke with Dawn concerning Mark (her brother) yesterday. He's currently undergoing therapy for his motor skills, speech, etc.. She said that his chances of survival is 40% at this time.

    Need more coffee. I'll check back with ya'll later!

    Have a wonderful new day!

  • A quickie but that coffee sure gave me a kick-start! Gail comes this morning at 8! I had forgotten and did not do my usual tidying last night so...............ZOOM! See you later!
  • Morning! A real fly-thru this morning... I'm off to the blood-sucking vampires this a..m. -- lab tests, nothing to eat or drink since midnifht --NO COFFEE!!!!! I'm NOT happy! See you later, paler (from blood loss) but hopefully mrre awake!
  • Good Morning!
    Janice you are up way to early, but thanks for the coffee!! Please tell Dawn that I will be thinking about her and her brother.

    Dawna, wish I could give you some wise words about your TT, but I truly don't know anything about it. Like Jiff said, I do think it takes a long while for the swelling to go down.

    Kel, great to see you posting, and I'm so glad your Mom is on the mend.

    nora, I sent your niece a PM before the boards changed servers, I don't know if she picked it up or not. It was about the pile of clothes I have here. I'll PM you.

    Update on my Dad. He is doing much better, he is still in the hospital, trying to get rid of yet another infection. He is much stronger, and back to normal in the mental area. My sister purchased a nerf dart gun for him. He told my sister he could not wake Mom up the other night when he needed her (she stays 24/7 with him.) So, sis purchased him the nerf darts to shoot at Mom to wake her up. My bil made a sign to hang outside Dad's room which says "Armed, but not dangerous!!"

    We are leaving Friday to go to Florida to see my parents for the long Labor Day weekend. I was hoping Dad would be out of the hospital by then, there is still a chance. Cross your fingers for him.

    Hubby arrived safe and sound from England on Saturday. I was glad to see him.

    Not much on the list for today, working the band practice this afternoon, and cleaning this morning.

    Have a good Monday everyone!!
  • There's not enuf coffee to get this @ss up this morning

  • Morning!

    HEY SPOT! Always good to see ya!

    Janice, give Dawn a huge hug from me and tell her that I am thinking about her and her brother!

    SG, I think I drank your coffee this morning so I'll put another pot on for you!

    Hey Ruth! say HEY to Gail for me too....and if she ever comes Jersey way........

    Debkay, I'll think I'll give you a call this morning to interupt your cleaning!!!!! Would ya mind?

    A bit of a nip in the air this know, the type of nip that has mom's thinking of things like SCHOOL!!!!! Not that I am counting or anything but there are only 9 more days til I set off the fire crackers

    Been having thoughts of the Lap Band procedure, perhaps those thoughts will go away in 9 days, perhaps not!!!!

    Off to pack the big kids "stuff" for wrestling camp...have a great day!

  • Leens, I got an extra IV full of java that I think could possibly reach you!

  • peachie, I'm waiting by the phone. Called you Friday, but I believe it was the big kid, said Mom was napping
  • Good Morning everyone!

    Yes, I agree Peach, it's only 8 days for us until the little angels go back to school. Miree's schedule will change a bit too as well as mine. The drop in center goes back to it's regular location and hours so we have Tuesday and Thursday mornings booked. She will still be in daycare Mon, Wed, Fri mornings (I don't have the heart to take her away she loves it so much!) And most importantly she will be starting swimming lessons! It was a toss up between dance class and swimming and I think right now I would like her to learn to swim. Dh is all for it

    Clean up and the remainder of laundry to do this morning--trust me, in my house that takes all morning! Ruth, can you send Gail over after she's done your house?

    Well, you all have a great day--and Deb that's just great about your Dad--I can see he's got a great sense of humor!
  • You did?

    That kid needs a serious lesson in message taking! Perhaps he has forgotten how to write? I know he still knows how to speak!

    I love naps!

    Morning Pooky!!!!
  • OK -- I am (sorta) awake and bloodless! Sheesh! 4 vials!!

    The grands have gone to have their portrait taken then to visit their great-grands and then to the beach w/cousins, while I, on the other hand, am going to sit and recuperate!! Then I will start my daily errands...... I've got to get all of them done today because I am working all day Tues, Wed and Thurs - and on Thursday evening, the little ones come back for the long weekend while their parents go to Elmira for a wedding. <sigh> the problems/difficulties of being a grandparent!!

    Mamaj - its' good to see you back......know that all good thoughts and prayers go out for Dawn's brother......

    Deb - glad to see that your dad is doing better - a sense of humor restored is such a great sign! Enjoy your trip, hopefully he will be shooting those darts at you from his own front porch!

    Peach, thanks for the extra coffee, you know I needed that!

    Everyone else whom I've forgotten in my rush.......
    have a great day all.........
  • Good morning is almost afternoon now! This weekend was rough and I didn't spend too much time at the computer. We walked for 3 hours Sat morning at the neighborhood yard sale, then came home and took a long nap. Got a headache that never quite went away! I've spent more time napping for the past 2 days than anything. I'm around, but working on site-stuff. I seriously need to have some time to relax. Maybe in October.

    MamaJ, I will keep Mark in my prayers!

    A fall get together sounds great, but don't know if I can swing one or not. Money is tight these days, and I owe Cody a long overdue trip to the beach. That might clean us out! Oh, a weekend with chicks sounds so great though...
  • By the way, went to the endo today. It seems I gained back my whole 6 pound loss, but lost 3.5 inches on my waist and .5 on my hips. BMI went down by '1'. Will weigh again at the end of the week and see if it was water. I think my body just likes to be fat.
  • We had a storm come through yesterday afternoon, about 3:30. It knocked out our electricity. wE DIDN'T GET POWER BACK UNTIL ABOUT 2:00 am THIS MORNING!!! Talk about a long night. I fel Friday afternoon, and went to the knee doctor today to make sure I didn't do damage to his "handiwork", but he said it's fine. The pain is just because it's still ultra sensitive because of the operation. Made me feel dumb.. but I'd hated to have my kneecap grow back in the wrong place or something!

    I was going to start the week off right bu going to the health club, doing my Oxycise, and then going to work at the regular time. but ...Oh well, there's always next week.