CC St. Patricks Day Challenge

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  • Fruit--YAY!! only 1lb to go!!! Is that for this challenge or for you're ultimate weight goal???

    Shylah--YES! We DO have 2 weeks!! actually 2 1/2 since St. Patty's is on a Wed!!! GOOD LUCK!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    Susie--Thanks! I have been working hard (we all have!!!) and it just seems like I've been in the 180s FOREVER!! Well come to think of it....since the beginning of December! It's time for a new decade!! LoL

    Farn--Congrats on the 1 pound!! And you're absolutely correct about NOT depriving yourself (atleast in my opinion) I feel if we deprive ourselves of EVERYTHING we used to love or crave, then we will cave and engorge (sp?) ourselves when we're having a weak day ) Hope You Feel Better Soon!!

    jdon--It IS hard finding a balance! But you've already come so far in your WL journey, atleast you're teetering and not just going up!!! Good luck finding that balance!!!

    Susie-Good job on your WO and Calories today! I'm in the same boat, getting ready to eat dinner (I sleep late bc I work late so all my meals are pushed back from the average times---I don't usually go to bed until atleast 2AM!) and I still have 945cal!! usually don't have that much, but I kept my mind busy this afternoon and didn't "graze" when boredom struck!! LoL

    Zoochick---Congrats on the loss!!! And I hope you feel better soon!!! Atleast the scale is moving again!!!

    Katy--Sorry you're BF couldn't stay longer...I don't know how I'd handle a long distance relationship!!! Also...Good Luck with Wk4 on C25K...I'm finishing Wk. 7 tonight...but if I remember correctly, Wks 4 & 5 for hard for me!! By that 3rd 5min run, I was ready to die!! But, as I found out, if you keep w/it, you'll be I've said before, I had to find something to distract me from counting down the time...solved that problem w/a DVD!! LoL

    As for me, I did the 30min Walk on WATP and the 20min Metabolism Boost Exercise TV WO this afternoon before work...and I plan on doing Wk7-D3 of C25K tonight before leaving work (treadmill) and I'm OP w/my 1500cal range!! It's starting to be a great week (if ya don't think about TOM! LOL)

    ***UPDATE: Got busy at work and didn't get to do C25K...will try again tomorrow
  • ~hugs to all~ I Am in a hurry ~took me 2 & 1/2 hours to do my nails & I am sleepy........Gotta get a tooth pulled 2morrow....I will be getting partials for those teeth I am missing~None in the front are missing...Just side & back ones....Wish me luck ~I done the cleaning ~LOL But getting a tooth pulled sucks! (No it doesn't hurt It is just a bad tooth & needs pulled so they can fit me for my partials......I am ready to fall over~So Off to bed I go...I will type to individuals 2morrow. HUGS!!!!
  • :trea d:

    Whatever your workout plan is let's get moving today. I'm feeling really good and I want us to make goal this month. Two weeks left and we gotta make it happen. We are going to be eating healthy and resisting the food that will stop us from making goal. Come one everyone let's make it a great day!!

    Oh and I'm so on plan and focused. I did an ab workout this morning and will be going to the gym this afternoon for my cardio and strength training.
  • susieyarb: Great job with the workout and the cc for the day. Keep it up!

    zoochick777: sorry you've been sick, but it's good that your resting. and Congrats on the weight lost that's amazing!

    Katy05: I'm happy you and the bf got to spend time together and THAT YOU STAYED OP! That's really great! Seriously my bf is my downfall when it comes to bad eating habits lol. Great job on the loss..1lb is 1lb more to being healthier.

    KDM322: Thanks You are so nice and very sweet. The great thing about my new journal is I can really keep track with stickers and color(i color coded everything ) So I looked yesterday and noticed I have a problem with binge eating. I knew I had this but needed to see it on paper. So I joined the binge-free challenge on here and taking it one day at a time. And after eating right yesterday, a little over calories, but I lost 1.2lbs of water weight so that's good. I hope everything is going great for you and keep up the good work!

    Lori: I wish you luck at your dentist appt. I know it's hard when they pull teeth, but it's worth it! You're going to make your 100lb goal, and have a beautiful go sexy!

    jigglefree: OMG I LOVE YOU! lol you are so positive and it's just what we all needed. You are really kickin booty! I'm working very hard to have an OP week and I hope you have a wonderful day!

    As I said earlier I have a problem binge eating. I will do great all week and becuase I feel great and look good i'll celebrate then on the weekends just go nuts! Allow me to give you an example: (This will make you really want to stay OP and barf)......

    Friday night go to the bar with the bf after work have a few beers. A few beers turns into 5 beers, 2 long Island Ice Teas, 2 shots, a burger and fries (btw I make sure we get home safely after that, NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!)...then going to Taco Bell....a fully loaded nacho, beef chalupa, and a burrito....the next morning.....Tubby's 12inch sub, two orders of fried mushrooms with extra ranch, then chineese food for dinner.

    I'm not kidding that's only one day! It makes me want to cry. This isn't every weekend but it happens too often enough when we go out. The alcohol hinders the choices, then the next day it's like "well i already screwed up so what's one more day?" I've joined the Binge-free Challenge on here and will try and go a few weeks with out doing that. I can see having a night like that once a month or once every two months.

    Like I said it's not every weekend, but that's just an example of the WORSE case scenario. My weekends are my down fall because none of us wants to cook and we've work all week and just want to take a break, but I set out to make a life change and I will! Wow this is huge for me to admit all of this.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I"ll post more later. Thanks for listening.
  • hey all, just a quick post today before I'm off to the dr. I hate being pessimistic but this is really turning into a crappy week. I am sick, which isn't bad, but I fell outside last night on my way to work and seriously hurt my ankle. I can't walk it hurts so bad. I'm going to the dr. today to see if it's a sprain or a break. i'm so devastated because now I can't exercise and I feel like this is going to upset my weightloss..ugh right when i finally found the motivation to lose the weight over all these years I get injured. any suggestions on exercises I can do without using my feet? haha
  • Good morning everyone!

    I can't believe it's March already (I keep thinking that)!! The weather here in Texas is absolutely gorgeous and it just helps me feel... good. Busy morning back at the office today caused me to not eat my breakfast until now. I typically eat Kashi cereal every morning for breakfast but today I'm eating a whole wheat english muffin with PB and 1/2 a banana because I forgot to bring milk to the office. Nice change, though. I start W4 of C25K today. I'm worried I won't be able to get through it but I'm going for it anyway. I have to!!

    jdonato I admit, it was really hard staying OP with my boyfriend around. Although he is super supportive, he still eats like sh*t AND he stays thin! Not fair! We didn't refrain from eating out but I made it a point to make healthy choices when we did. It was tough but so worth it. I'm so proud of you for admitting your binge eating to us. You know what you're doing wrong and now you're ready to fix it. I know you can do it. It may be hard but you know it's worth it. I'm rooting for you.

    farn I'm so sorry you hurt yourself sweetie. Sometimes we run into those bumps in the road and it's up to us to get past them to our destination. I know you feel defeated right now but I also know how badly you want to become healthier. And trust me, you can still do it. Bum ankle and all. If you can't exercise, put more focus on eating healthier until you've made a full recovery. If you're able to do some exercise, do it. Your doctor should be able to tell you what you should/should not do when you see them. You're going to get through this!!!!!!
  • I'm sorry to hear about your ankle I really hope it's not broken. Try looking up some chair exercises, I'm not sure what your impact level is, but they can be modified and made harder.

    Do you have any resistance bands? Those can help make more of chair exercises too.
  • Hey ya'll. Today is a little better. I still can't talk, but I decided to call in sick to work today since whenever I move around a lot I start coughing A LOT. On a whole though I feel better, just hoping the fever doesn't come back tonight. I'm off every wed and thurs also, so I have another 2 days to get better before having to go back to work. I was pretty happy this morning too, I was down to 176.0. I got rid of 1.8 lbs of water weight, so it turns out that not drinking enough water has been my problem the past month. So glad I finally figured it out!
    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.
    Farn Sorry about your ankle. Hopefully it's just a sprain and it'll heal quickly. I tend to sprain my ankle a lot (they roll easily), and it usually heals within 2-3 days.
  • I really ate too much today(3800cal.), I feel sick. I was doing so good and I blew it. I had 1 lb. yet to lose, and now it will be more like 4lbs. So depressing.
  • *yawn*
    agh... tired been cleaning today, i figure that's enough of a workout for now.

    fruitlady- yeah that's a bummer...I've been doing that lately too... maybe counter balance with exercise and try to head off some of it? It'll work out.

    farn- bummer. Hope you're ok... I guess maybe upper body exercise might just a thought. It's a pain when ya can't get around... the doughnuts sneak up on you... watch out for those crafty buggers!
  • Pad thai is sooooo tasty but it's not great for the ol' calorie intake. Mind you, I did at least have only a lunch portion, no peanuts, and avoided the spring roll that came with it. Even with that off-plan meal, I'm still on track for my calories for the day thanks to having my lunch for dinner. And I got back in the pool this morning which felt so good - I forgot how good swimming can be for you!

    JD - going back a few posts, you asked about skin cream. I'm very lucky that I have oily skin (yes, hate it for make up but it helps keep the wrinkles at bay!) but I use anti-aging products to try and keep my skin that way! I'm currently using the Olay Pro-X products and love them. I bought the starter kit and instead of buying the full size stuff next, I just got another starter kit - I love the smaller products and they all travel, and being an accountant, I figured out that ounce for ounce, it's about 2 cents per ounce cheaper if you buy the full size stuff. Not worth it! The other thing I have started using at the suggestion of a friend's dermatologist is vitamin C serum. This stuff is not cheap - I got a tiny bottle and it was $55! - but it lasts extremely well and makes my skin feel amazing. Anyway - just my suggestions. Oh, and on the binge eating? I ate a whole bag of salt and vinegar Lays chips on Saturday. And not a small bag - the honkin' big one. Yeah, my body made me pay for taking in that much fat in one go, lemme tell ya!
  • jdonato ~thanks girl! That is just what I needed to read...cause I am still freaking out over all my future appointments at the dentist. I did however go & get my teeth cleaned the other day and the tooth pulled today...ughhhh~hated it all but its more steps closer to that new smile!
    As far as binging goes...I did that my whole first to 2nd month of dieting.
    Here is what helped me to solve it......First of all I upped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1400 which worked better for me...Then I switched around nearly everything I ate~Even ate stuff I always said I didn't like~but found out I actually like~such as yogurt~love it~& tomatoes~love em! Then When I am still having a bit of trouble here In there I Drink lots of water and believe it or not that helps to keep u full too & to help u feel fuller...I think your depriving yourself of some daily calorie intake your body needs & it's letting u know this when Ya binge...maybe up your calories a little bit everyday & see if this helps.Sometimes that is all it takes cause I could munch down what u wrote & 3 homemade pizzas in a day when I ate to low of calories~LOL!~HUGS GIRL!!!!

    farn~hope that ankle is ok!

    zoochick~Hope you get well soon!


    My mouth is painful from getting my tooth pulled so I am off to bed.Goodnight everyone...........Hoping for a good weigh in 2morrow!
  • Quick check in ...

    Ended the day at 1445 cals. Did Leslie Sansone Walk the Walk 2 miles with lots of upper body included.

    Farn: Sure hope your ankle is not broken! Let us know what the doctor said.
  • Thank you for all of your kind words and thoughts! I went to the doctor yesterday and had to do an x ray because there was so much swelling he couldn't tell right away what was wrong. It turns out that I have a 3rd degree ankle sprain, so its not broken!! which is great news! But, at the same time it is the worst kind of sprain you can have. I apparently ruptured numerous ligaments around my ankle, so until they heal, my ankle joint and what not will be quite unstable. Which is kinda I have the whole rest of the week and the weekend to rest it up until school next tuesday so hopefully it will be significantly better by then. I have to do some rehabilitation just to get it to not be stiff and function properly once the swelling goes down. So i'm on crutches until then. which by the way is a workout by itself!!! haha. So it's not great news but it's not all bad either!! i'm really cracking down on my food and water intake and making sure that is perfect and trying to find all the ways i can keep my body moving!! Never going to give up!!!!!

    zoochick: yeah i'm sick too, it sucks, but keep drinking that water and maybe take some vitamins? I hear they help and the water will flush out the virus!!

    katy05: congrats on staying pretty much OP when your bf was there! that would be sooo hard!! and nice job on that pound!! whoo!!! thanks for the motivation too it really helps!! i'm finding othe ways I can exercise, focusing more on strength and stretches now while I can't really walk around.

    jdonato: don't get too down on yourself chica, it happens to all of us! That used to be my weekly routine, swear to God. I would go out with my friends for Thirsty Thursday, and then friday, saturday, and sometimes sunday. It would always end with me drinking way too much and then of course you have the drunken munchies and have to eat!! I don't even want to know how many calories I consumed during those drunken nights....all you have to know tho is you can have those nights, just get back out there the next morning and start fresh!! we have to treat ourselves every once in a while or life is gets boring!!

    lori: how'd the dentist go? ugh, I hate that place!!! I always leave in more pain then when i first get there. haha

    shylah: thank you for the ideas!! I need all I can get right now to replace my one hour cardio every day that i will be missing. I'm actually going to go get resistance bands, thats a great idea!!

    fruitylady: don't sweat it!! you still have a lot of time before the challenge is over you will be able to lose that pound or 4 pounds! I doubt you gained four pounds though!!

    Nightangel: haha yes they can sneak up on you and my temptation is too great, so i can't even have them in the house!!! Otherwise I hear them calling my name! haha yes cleaning is a workout, especially when your house can get as messy as mine can! haha

    susiearb: nice workout! I'm jealous! keep up the good work! nope not broken thank god, just severe sprain, so I guess i'll take it! haha

    jigglefree: you are such a motivation to all of us I really hope you know that!! You seem always so pumped and ready to take on the day!! It's great!!

    KDM: yes that used to be a huge problem of mine, depriving myself and then one day all heck breaks loose and I eat enough calories for like 5 days....hahaha all i know is it was never pretty!

    julesp: omg I love pad thai! I haven't had it for the looooongest time though! I think I am going to treat myself to that some time in the future. nice job with having what you wanted, and cutting out the extra stuff that will just lead to excess calories. I need to learn how to do that. Haha I don't think I have the strength to say no to a spring roll though......

    well I am off. to the couch...haha. pop in a few movies and do some sit ups and push ups as well. have a good day everybody!!
  • Good morning!

    I completed W4D1 of C25K yesterday at the gym and I actually got through it! I felt like giving up several times during it and felt like death afterwards but that's besides the point. Haha. D2 is tomorrow. I'm going to do the stairclimber and elliptical today with some core training, which needs a lot of work!

    jules Pad thai is beyond yummy! My boyfriend and I went out for Thai food over the weekend and while he ate his pad thai, I was eating veggie stir fry with chicken. I didn't touch my rice or spring roll but I did eat a bite of his pad thai. It was delicious and worth the bite. I'm glad you enjoyed your pad thai and stayed OP with your calories. You definitely practiced self control when not touching the tasty little spring roll!