40 Somethings January Week 4 Chat

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  • Good morning, everyone! DD woke me up at 4 looking for longer socks 'cause her feet are cold and now I can't get back to sleep. Checked my email and found that we're supposed to have blizzard conditions for a couple of hours this afternoon--right when she needs to be picked up. Sigh. I'm over winter already. I've had two great days of eating. Now I'll try to make it to the gym for a big sweaty workout. I just started watching "The Biggest Loser" this season and it makes me feel that my 30 minutes of elliptical are nothing...I'm aiming for 500 calories gone per workout (instead of 300 plus some work on the machines).

    One stupid thing that's been weighing on my mind--my mom moved into an independent living place recently and I need to get her house emptied out, spruced up and on the market to sell. I want to have it ready to list by the beginning of April, so I'll get moving on it this week. I think that there's a mouse in residence...soooooo not my favorite thing to deal with. Oh well...enough whining for one early morning.

    Newleaf - Yaaaaaaay for the good news!!! I've been looking at the home PreCor stuff (that's what I use at the gym)...glad to know you like yours. Do you also have low blood pressure with your low heart rate? I always had that when I was thinnish and I'd faint easily. (So yes, the upside to being fat was getting my blood pressure up to normal--pretty weird.)

    Marie - Thanks for the elliptical advice--that website looks great. And yes, a friend had a home treadmill which I found pretty bad (and which she never used). I think that hiding the scale post-surgery is a terrifici idea.

    Susie - I really like your blog! And your mini goals are awesome.

    Lambchop - So is it hard going from treadmill to outside running? I had friends who would complain about that. Glad you listened to your body about the 7 mile and yes, a doctor seems like a good idea. Don't forget that many of us are nicely jealous of your 4 miles!

    Kathi - Sorry that it's been such a hard month!!!!! Sounds like you're doing your best to take care of yourself in spite of it.

    Petra - Hey, I've made various goat curries before...just not recently. I do love goat, though. And lots of people we know raise them...there might be goats in our future. (And chickens.) Goat is yummy! And goat cheese is surprisingly hard to make--not that I've tried. I am definitely pro-goat! Sound cautiously great about the old boyfriend...

    Annie - 3 minutes! Woo-hoo!

    fatBgone - Hello and what a cute dog!

    Have a good one, everybody...

  • AnnieDrews – in addition to the dressing, I think the calories come from whatever they do to make the chicken on top taste good. Which is too bad; I can take organic chicken, do literally nothing to it, throw it in the oven or on the grill, and it tastes wonderful. Towel over the display is a great idea! Me, I’m too busy reading my book that I don’t really notice. And yes, kosher dills are the way to go! Crunchy, cool, and yummy! I’m trying to find foods that can quelch the need to keep on eating once I’m not hungry anymore. I have been eating wasabi peas in this way (they are so hot, you can’t eat more than a few!), and the pickles serve the same purpose. So, what’s the news on your ice storm; has it hit?

    Marie – I hope you are pleasantly working through (as opposed to stressfully working through) which surgeries you want to have… Do you have a doctor at home lined up for follow-up care? I think that hiding the scale is an excellent move. When I thought I was going to need a hysterectomy I was already beginning to wonder if the weight gain from holding fluids would cancel out the weight loss from losing organs. Not a healthy way to be thinking… Have fun in CA and Cancun before the surgeries! It’s nice that you’ll have a little time to play. I went back and found that maintainer’s thread; it is funny that so many people have the low heart rate. I guess it’s not so uncommon. The internet makes it seem like a big deal, but I know for me, it really has no impact. I am cold all the time, which a lot of those people mentioned, too.

    LambChop – I read other people’s writing and it is so mellifluous and encouraging, my writing is never like that. So, I’m glad to know our thoughts are in synch! Good luck at the doctor’s today; let us know what you find out!

    WeightLossWanted – I’m glad you were able to get some things organized; things look and feel better when we feel like we have some order and control. Good luck with everything; I hope you can get behind the wheel of your car soon! So did you watch the Oprah? Did she have anything interesting to say? I just watched Food, Inc. last weekend or so.

    Petra – Flattering, but I’m in no way a well-conditioned athlete… I wish!

    RedHookMom – so let me guess; after your DD found some socks with your help, she was able to go back to a nice, peaceful sleep, right??! Don’t you love that? Good luck with your blizzard conditions this afternoon. Do they not call of school in your area or send the kids home early? When I was at Hamilton, they never did, but I figured it was because everybody lived very near campus and could walk or cross-country ski to school, work, or home. Good luck this afternoon! It sounds like your exercise is going great; keep it up! We have a PreCor treadmill in addition to the elliptical, and love it, too. The displays aren’t as fancy, but the machines are solid and well built. We’ve had the treadmill for 2 years and the elliptical for 6 years and have never had a single problem with either of them. Good luck with your mother’s home; I hear you re: mice! And, I love goat cheese, too – especially slightly warmed and oozy – yum!

    Here, it’s a good thing I checked my email when the boys were doing their final preparations to get out the door to school. Who knew – we have a 2-hour delay?! The roads look fine to me; we got about an inch of snow overnight The boys were certainly doing the happy dance this morning! Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and words re: the genetic testing. What a relief to have that behind me. My sister and I fit the profile to a T and the 2 different research institutes that we went to (her in MA, me in PA) are both quite certain that my mother has the gene, so we were both very fortunate to get our excellent results.
  • DH is home sick - poor guy is having a rough winter :\ he was up all night sick. I hate seeing him this way...he's so worn out.

    Dr's appt a little after 3 today, but honestly - maybe they can check the area - maybe send me for an x-ray, but it doesn't change much. Guessing a cortisone shot or "treat it tenderly" are about all that I'll hear. We'll see...or "get a donut pillow" - all ready have a tailbone pillow...

    - hope you were able to straighten stuff out with your son's stuff, and glad you were able to get your meds

    Marie- that's coming up fast..before you know it, you'll be telling us about the experience. As for adult decisions...LOL, ha --for me, few and far between sometimes.

    Petra- glad you're working out a compromise, and hope he sticks to the dinner plans. Glad he talked to his ex

    Annie- hope the ice isn't bad. I have a friend in Kentucky who got hit HARD last year...glad you're stocked up. Get on the elliptical to burn out any stress you feel.

    Liz- I ran on vacation in November outside - and it does feel differently, but just different - and with breathing in check, legs moving - it all works out...when it warms up, I'll mix it up between the road and TM. Sorry you couldn't get back to sleep - and yikes on the blizzard conditions. We'll see about 2 inches today (NJ)

    Heidi- fun for yoru boys and the 2 hour delay - as long as it doesn't throw your schedule for a loop! Very happy on your excellent results! What a RELIEF
  • RedHookMom, and yes, I do have the low blood pressure to go along with the low heart rate -- and like Marie, low iron, too. Weird.
  • Hello all. My windshield was icing up as I left the house this morning. Hope we close the office early, I just want to get home safely. THEN I'll worry about the electricity! If I disappear for a few days, that will be the reason.

    LambChop-Glad you plan to see the doc about your tailbone. Not much they can do about it except to let it heal and keep you comfortable. I've x-rayed a lot of coccyxes over the years, but that won't tell you anything you don't already know! Fractured or not, it hurts!! Hope it heals up soon. I can see how running might be uncomfortable.

    I'll take the advice on working out my stress over the storm on the elliptical. I was actually disappointed I wasn't able to get on it last night!
  • Once again, I'm behind and a bit overwhelmed but I just quickly skimmed and wanted to say I'm so glad the test results were negative, Heidi!!

    I should be able to catch up a bit more later tonight - a busy week compounded by really, really bad PMS but things look a lot brighter this morning.

    hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Gettin' Close to Weekend!!!!
    Petra, sounds like your going to try with the ex-BF and with your eyes wide open. Good job on stating what you need. And I think you should serve your type of food. Let them know who you are but perhaps on the first dinner it wouldn’t be a good idea…

    Liz, I was up at 3:30 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep either. So you’re not alone. Yuck on the mouse. I’d hire an exterminator if you can’t find some nice guy to set out traps and then go in and check them. Also do you have a friend with a cat that likes to hunt???

    Newleaf, I am so cold all the time I sleep with my feather blanket year round, have a heated mattress pad, the DH keeps the fireplace on so the house is 77 degrees and at work I have a big space heater 6” from my left thigh and I have a heated footrest. That’s not including the ridiculous amount of layers I put on. My basal body temp is 96 degrees and I swear that’s why I have a nearly non-existent metabolism. When I was on a thyroid med for the bipolar, it was the only time in my life I wasn’t shivering all the time. But every thyroid test they run comes back normal. Of course, the cool part of being freezing all the time is I can say I’m a cold blooded b!tch when I’m in a grumpy mood. One must always find the bright spot.

    Lamb, LOL on the tailbone pillow. My co-workers daughter fractured her tailbone a couple years ago and there’s not a cast or anything they could do – just time. X-ray sounds wise.

    Hi to everyone else. So I just wire transferred the surgery fees. My happy bank account looks back to normal now. I really thought that balance was quite neat to see. I’m still unsure of the thigh lift. I’m thinking right now we’re having a language barrier on what I’m seeking. And I’m not sure I want it. I changed my work’s macbook screensaver from my picture folder to Apple’s beach photos . I’m getting geared up by seeing the awesome photos of the tropical world when I’m shivering in the chilly mountains.

    BTW, way off topic. I “love” Apple’s name for their new product. IPAD???? It comes in two sizes: Maxipad and Minipad. What in the world were they thinking???? My Apple stock is down nearly 8 points today – considering how cool the toy is – it has to be the idiotic name. But the $$$ loss is slightly made up for all the jokes I’ve made about it in the 24 hours.
  • Office closed at 1200, home safely. Keeping my fingers crossed that the power doesn't go out. I am being tempted to eat unhealthily, so hope I can overcome that.
  • Marie: lol on the cold blooded b-word and the name for the ipad. I work for verizon wireless, so needless to say we are having a good bit of fun with it as well : )

    Newleaf: I agree on whatever they add to the chicken. it is sooo easy to season or marinate chicken breast w/out adding much in the way of fat and calories!

    Annie: glad you made it home safely. I hope your power stays on...get on the elliptical instead of snacking!

    LC: waiting to hear what the dr has to say. hope dh feels better soon!

    Red: I don't envy you the blizzard conditions! it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day here but we're getting cold rainy winter weather over the weekend...might even see a "wintry mix". yuck, especially since I have to walk 1/2 mile each way for the bus!

    DS18 is on his way to pick up his refund checks, so I'll have some money in my hot little hands. first step is to get some food in the house. and since he's made plans to hang out w/ the skanky gf instead of helping me, I won't be worrying about what he likes to eat! Time for me to buckle down on my eating and exercise. I did find a farm here in sc that raises and sells chicken, beef and pork. There's one that does nothing but goat as well, I think I might just give it a try : ) Waiting to find out about shipping charges and will look into a chest freezer before I place an order.

    I hope everyone is having a great week, y'all are headed into the weekend and my work week is about to begin!
  • Annie-hope you are safe and warm in OK. Saw pictures on the news tonight. It looks awful.

    WLW-looks like we have inspired you to look for new sources of food. Good for you. I think you will be happy with cleaner sources of meat.

    Heidi- "mellifluous?" I thought I had a large vocabulary but that is a new word for even me.

    Red-glad to know I'm not the only goat eater. ICU eats goat too. That was actually my first experience with goat but I liked it enough that I will be buying more.

    Marie-I hope you are joking about the minipad and maxipad. You are right, they could have done better with the name.

    LC-hope all went well at the doctor. Your right, there's not much they can do even if it's broken except maybe give you some advice about how much activity you should do or not.

    My first day of call has been awful so far. I really dislike it but its a necessary part of the job. I'm on call every 3 weeks right now because of my friend being out on maternity leave. We are getting 2 docs who are coming to take weekend call. One will be starting this month and the other next month so at least I should have more free weekends. That will help.
  • Thanks so much for the good wishes everyone. Still have power, but there is ice on the lines and the wind is howling pretty good. Snow to come overnight and tomorrow.

    Did 3 minutes on elliptical, hope to move up to more ASAP! Did some reps on the ab slider. Baby steps, but steps anyway!!
  • Petra: I've tried to stick to organic meats as much as possible including bison instead of beef, until I totalled my car. Now I don't have really have access to the local stores that carry organic products. Getting to any food store is difficult. I never thought of looking for other sources until you mentioned your experiences. Shopping online and having it delivered to the house would be a solution, especially if I can find healthier options.

    One of the things my endocrinologist and I discussed last week was changing how I take my melatonin so I don't have such an extreme reaction when my blood sugar drops. Instead of taking it once a day I'm splitting it. Seems to be working as I checked my sugar on a whim just before leaving the house earlier and it was down lower than I've ever seen it (but still w/in safe limits) and I felt fine.
  • Way to go Annie!!!
  • Annie, I hope your weather is not what is forecasted. Be safe! And yeah on getting on the elliptical. Keep doing those 3 minutes and they add up quickly.

    WLW, I love my apple products and that’s why I invested in the company. But holey-moley – iPad? What an idiotic marketing blunder. The name has diffused how cool the toy is. I hope the influx of $$$ helps your car/med situation. Being broke is nasty. DH and I were active military for quite a while and were in the poverty category. It’s stressful beyond belief to live paycheck to paycheck. You definitely have my empathy.

    Petra, I had to look up mellifluous as well. Heidi you had us with that one. And no, Apple isn’t calling them the maxipad and minipad; all the internet joke sites are. It is funny in a sad way that a bunch of men (apple execs are all men) didn’t get it. On call every three weeks??? That’s only 14 days of recovery in between. No wonder it seems like you’ve been on call all the time.
  • Good morning! Sorry I have not posted this week. I've been pretty busy. I have been stopping by to read what you have been posting. I feel guilty for not having the time to do proper personals so instead I haven't posted at all.

    Not the best week for me. Got way off track with my birthday. The big 49 for me. Yesterday I definitely had what felt like a food hangover. UGH! Glad I actually recognize what it is and have the mindset to get back on track. A friend gave me a gift that included jelly bellys. Why would anyone give that to someone they know is trying to lose? Gave them to my DD, but still?!!

    I'm committed to get myself back on my game and want to start posting more regularly. I know that I need the support here. You guys are the best!

    Have a great Friday!