Fibromyalgia, Depression, and God

  • New member. I am a 42 year old with 2 toddlers (hence the 2tiggers name).

    I am struggling with Fibromyalgia, depression, arthritis, and weigh over 300 pounds. I can't seem to stop eating, and I am quickly reaching the point of disability - I can hardly walk 100 feet without wanting a wheelchair.

    I also attend CR and the women's food addiction small group there. Not gettign much out of the group, but the worship is awesome. I've attended an eating disorder clinic and try to abide by the 'no sugar, no flour' food plan. I've also begun working "The Lord's Table" workshop online.

    I am just writing to introduce myself and hopefully find someone out there who is similar and could use some support. I know I could.
  • Hi Ztiggers and welcome!
    I weigh slightly over 200 pounds, believe in Jesus, and I am on the no sugar, no flour, Atkins diet is what I am on and I been loosing 1/2 pound per day some days no weight loss but that is alright. I was always hungry too but not now in fact today I have even cut down on my eating but not on purpose ,just not hungry.

    You should be sooooooooooooo.... proud of yourself, on the accomplishments you have taken, you may not be walking that far, but you are putting out the effort! Go Girl! You have joined a group and you are working on controlling your eating disorder. I have one friend that started walking around her couch 3 times a day and she taught me so much by just taking baby steps toward my goal, she lost a lot of weight. Having two toddlers should keep you busy also!
    I find the atkins diet easier than any for I stay full. I eat any meat I want as long as it has no flour on it, I can have 20 carbs so I eat any vegetable above the ground and any fruit, just so I don't go over 20 carbs. I can have peanuts but just got to learn to count carbs instead of calories. At first I did not loose, because I was eating some things that I thought was ok but was not, like in my spices , sugar. now learning to look and be more careful, I am starting to loose again. It is great! I hope you stay around we all could use support, we need each other.
  • Welcome, 2tiggers! There are lots of us here to give and receive support. We don't all follow the same plan, but we do know the struggles to get rid of the excesses-the weight, the ills, the fatigue, etc. You might enjoy visiting with us in the Christian Encouragers thread Glad to have you here and God bless you!
  • 2tiggers welcome to this forum, you have found the right place for friendly support from others who know where you are coming from.
    I too suffer from depression, and eat way to much, and can't seem to stop. I have tried every diet know to womenhood and nothing seems to work.
    The insanity has to stop,I'm killing myself and not being a very good testimony to God.
    stick around 3 chicks and please post often.
  • 2TIGGERS ~ please do come on over to our regular Christian chat thread called CHRISTIAN ENCOURAGERS ~ January ... we'd love you to join us there for the mutual support and encouragement of fellow Christians who are all on the same journey back to good health.

    I suppose there are dozens of reasons why we all have ended up where we are, but I suspect these stories would be so similar. For me, it's time to learn to eat healthy for the long-term; not starving myself, but eating and exercising moderately, so that my body can get healthier, which is my main goal. This is a way to take better care of ourselves, and that includes taking time out for ourselves for rest and care too.

    You are working on a bunch of things there; so you have the desire and you are on your way. Take it one step at a time and one day at at time, and soon you will see some results, and you will start to feel much better too ...
  • Thank you for the encouragement
    Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement. I hadn't thought about walking that 100 feet as making progress, but I guess it is. I plan to go over to the Christian Encouragers thread.

    This is a really hard struggle. Thank you for praying for me.
  • In addition to what others have said here...I noticed you've already lost 10 pounds. That's a wonderful start!!!!
  • I am with you.
    Quote: New member. I am a 42 year old with 2 toddlers (hence the 2tiggers name).

    I am struggling with Fibromyalgia, depression, arthritis, and weigh over 300 pounds. I can't seem to stop eating, and I am quickly reaching the point of disability - I can hardly walk 100 feet without wanting a wheelchair.

    I also attend CR and the women's food addiction small group there. Not gettign much out of the group, but the worship is awesome. I've attended an eating disorder clinic and try to abide by the 'no sugar, no flour' food plan. I've also begun working "The Lord's Table" workshop online.

    I am just writing to introduce myself and hopefully find someone out there who is similar and could use some support. I know I could.

    Hey you, I am also in the same/similar boat as you are. I live in pain daily, but mine is back. Long story short, I herniated AND ruptured a disc in child birth, two years later the disc under that one went out. Due to that, I have nerve damage and sometimes I know and sometimes I don't know that my back is going out on me and I walk kinda' funny and with a cane. But, ya know, I keep going.
    I noticed that you've already lost some weight according to your weight chart. So, stop beating yourself up.
    Keep thinking of yourself and keep thinking of those kids.
    Give yourself that goal to lose the weight for not only yourself and your health, but for your kids.
    And, pray.......a lot.

    I have a mentor with Dr. Don Colbert that has written several books. His latest is called "I Can Do This Diet" and it's awesome. He's a medical doctor and a christian. He puts so much research and medical statistics in his books that it is incredibly informative.
    Be careful not to deprive yourself of foods, or then you'll go on a binge. But, just eat portionally well.

    God bless and I'm praying for you (and me) to be strong and take life one step at a time. We ARE going to be around for our kids.


    P.S. If you need a diet buddy, send me a private message.