
  • after a stuck scale for 2 weeks and a grand total of 1.5 lb loss for the month to date, I was FINALLY down 2 more lbs this morning!

    The one thing that kept me focused was the points challenge here - I told myself that whatever the scale said, as long as I was meeting my calorie, water and activity goals, I was making progress. And at last, the scale agreed with me!

    I think trying to eat closer to the upper end of my calorie range helped. I don't eat back my activity calories but I have been burning enough to put me below 1200 net calories if I did count them, and I think my body wasn't happy about that, so going to the high part of my range at least some of the time seemed to help with that.
  • major congrats!!!
  • Congratulations! You are doing great!
  • Gotta love a woosh! Keep up the good work
  • That's so awesome! Enjoy this victory. You've earned it!!!!
  • Awesome! Keep up the good work.
  • I'm glad that the scale finally decided to cooperate with all of your hard work!
  • Congratulations! I know it's hard to hang in there when the scale isn't moving, but it always pays off.
  • thanks everyone! The support around here, and knowing I wasn't the only one going through it really helped. (and I know my plateau wasn't even all that long but it was still tough, maybe in part because I'm somewhat at the beginning of getting started)
  • I think it's tough at any stage of the game. What a great attitude though and something for everyone to learn from. You stuck with it and had something besides the scale to judge your progress on. And it worked. Good job!
  • Oh, I'm so happy you pushed through it. It IS hard, but it's an amazing feeling when you push past it-- none better!
  • Yay! Happy woosh to you!
  • You managed very well through that. I hope I can do as well when it happens to me.
  • Congratulations! I know how hard it is to keep on plan during slow loss. You are doing great!
  • thanks again everyone!